Whoopi Goldberg Launches Vile Attack On Evangelicals – ‘God May Not Be On Their Side’

The radically liberal television personality Whoopi Goldberg hit a new low on Monday’s episode of “The View” when she launched an attack on Christian evangelicals that can only be described as vile.

Goldberg Attacks Evangelicals

During a segment in which the women of “The View” were discussing the former President Donald Trump’s appearance at the Faith & Freedom Coalition convention over the weekend, Goldberg expressed her hopes that evangelicals would “wake up and realize that God may not be on their side the way they think he is.”

“What was shocking to me was the hypocrisy of the evangelical community, booing at the truth. I mean, we can all have differences of opinions, but the facts remain the same,” co-host Sunny Hostin said. “And, he did these things, so it’s almost like they were going, ‘la la la la la la la la’ like little kids, because they’re still going to vote for him.”

That’s when Goldberg went on the offensive and let her bigotry towards evangelicals be known.

“The evangelicals are not the evangelicals of my youth,” she began. “I’ve always known evangelicals. And while we have different roads to God, they’re, you know, basically the same roads. But I don’t know who these folks are.”

“You know, the thing about evangelicals that we all have to remember is that they’re human beings,” Goldberg continued. “They’re people and they’re flawed, like all of us, so, you know, when they wake up and realize that God may not be on their side the way they think he is, because someone who says, ‘I’m doing this for you,’ sounds an awful lot like, you know –”

Goldberg’s co-host Sara Haines interjected to refer to Jesus Christ as “The great J.C..”

“Yeah, yeah,” Goldberg replied, with Hostin concluding by saying, “Many of them are such good people and being taken by this charlatan, which is distressing.”

Check out the full segment for yourself in the video below.

Related: Whoopi Goldberg Takes Shot At Judge Jeanine Pirro Years After Their Epic Fight

Goldberg Claims God Supports Abortion

This isn’t the first time that Goldberg has managed to offend Christians everywhere with her ignorance. In August of last year, Goldberg outrageously claimed that God would support abortion rights.

“As you know, God doesn’t make mistakes,” Goldberg said, according to New York Daily News. “God made us smart enough to know when it wasn’t going to work for us. That’s the beauty of giving us freedom of choice.”

“I also know that God made me smart enough to know that if there are alternatives out there that can work for me, I will investigate them,” she later added. “I also know God said, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ I will not make that decision for anybody.”

In this same segment, Goldberg admitted that her own relationship with God was “always choppy.”

Yeah, ya think, Whoopi?!

Related: Whoopi Goldberg Comes Unglued – Accuses Republicans Of ‘Killing Our Children’

Goldberg Uses Bible To Argue For Trans Surgeries For Kids

Earlier this year, Goldberg bizarrely used the Bible to argue for transgender surgeries for minors.

“My God, this is a party that says we believe in parents’ rights,” Goldberg said back in April, according to Christian Post. “You’re telling me that as a parent, I’m not smart enough to decide if my child and I need to have gender-affirming — or doctors are not involved.”

“So what is — I can’t decide what my kid reads, I can’t decide for my child, what my child says is going on,” Goldberg continued. “You’re telling me your beliefs — you’re — and they keep saying it, and I keep saying, ‘What Bible are you reading? Because God was really clear!'”

These kinds of attacks on Christians and God have unfortunately become all too common in the mainstream media, so Goldberg will undoubtedly get away with her latest attack completely unscathed. It’s sad that we’re living in an America that has strayed so far from the Christian principles that it was founded upon.

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25 thoughts on “Whoopi Goldberg Launches Vile Attack On Evangelicals – ‘God May Not Be On Their Side’”

  1. You are watching Satan at work. Using all these mouthpieces in power to spread his word. The Communist Dems are having a feeding frenzy with Satan’s power to get Trump. Letting their spawn like Hunter and others (rapist, murders, criminals off sorts)to go free and unharmed. Biden letting in more criminals like the cartels with criminals from all other countries in the world. China is allowed to let their people in with no checks. China is in Cuba. China is off Taiwan. WAITING! This is a fight for good and evil we are in. Pray people anywhere you are, ask for God the Lord and Jesus Christ to save us. If these people are let to continue, we all die at the hand of God. We did nothing to save us, but let evil reign.

  2. I’m relatively certain that God will be with the people that align with Him. As an outside observer I’d say those that promote individual responsibility, family, fidelity, sanctity of life, and those who do not accuse any disagreement as hatred, bigotry, and racism will be OK despite what Whoopi says.

  3. Let’s see Whoopi, God decries Murder as one of the Sins, you advocate for the murder of Thousands of Children each day, God Created Man, and Woman. You promote allowing Parents to change the Sex of their Children, allow Children to be taught about Sex, when the Child doesn’t even understand what a Penis or Vagina is, and you want them to know how to use them, our Cut it off and change into a Girl ! Guess what that boy or girl can no longer procreate, this effect the birthrate of the world. You and your cackling bunch of Crows , should be Taken off the air , every episode of anything you are in, be destroyed, and you all with them!

  4. There is only ONE road to God. Jesus is the WAY, THE TRUTH and the Life, NO ONE comes to the Father but thru Him. Shame on those who claim otherwise for they are liars. Whoopi just proved she is a liar. Christ told us to love one another, He did not tell us to tolerate or ignore SIN. He told the Woman at the well that her sins were forgiven BUT she must GO AND SIN NO MORE. We must not tolerate or condone sin as that is putting our own salvation at risk.

    1. In Jesus' Name

      Well, I don’t think you would be on the side of the sin that has openly taken over like a stronghold on our nation today, so hopefully if you stand for God, and are on His side, that includes living in obedience to His statutes and commands. The sin, lies and deception are right in our face, and God is against that. There is only one way to God and that is through His Son Jesus Christ. No one comes to the Father but by Him. The broad road leads straight to destruction and today, everybody is on that road. Enter by the narrow gate.
      Either you’re for Him, or against Him. You can’t serve two gods.

    2. So you believe in all your wisdom and faith that you can’t say if GOD is on their side or ours, Really? Are you the type that does not know what a woman is either? People with faith like yours is no faith. If you do not know the word of God then you are not a Christian. You see God wanting us to kill his children? OMG!

    1. College educated surban women, often described as the most racist, intolerant human beings of any identifiable group. What disgusting is both parties pander to them because they’re too cowardly to not do it. The democrats wrote off white, blue collar men and evangelicals by calling them ignorant with zero repercussions.

    1. It sells good TV to the CEOs who are Communist Dems. Hate sells more than love does. Sure, people say they enjoy the laugh watching her and others on the panel, but for the people that hate and children who are watching this garbage at their mother’s knees it is affecting them and their development.

  5. Goldberg has no idea what she talking about! Just a far left liberal homosexual! She so far lost SATAN LOVE HER! Best she shut up, because she doesn’t know the BIBLE OR GOD WORDS! Best she pick the Bible and start READING THE BOOK OF REVELATION! No God doesn’t support abortion, because GOD IS LOVE, AND BABY ARE HIS GIFT TO MOTHER! And FATHER! Just like he was the FIRST GIFT TO MANKIND! GOLDBERG “HATE” for other doesn’t set well with GOD WORDS!

  6. Whoopi, you are a disgusting pig. God is DEFINITELY not on YOUR side…Not with THAT face. You should dunk your self in a toilet, and STAY there…

  7. God to Enterprise ; assess and claim this being; star date 23.734, full proton torpedo’s -eliminate the subject —- captain— subject eliminated ……Earth is saved

  8. RJ O'Guillory

    …why would anyone’s opinion from the “Hosts” of The View matter to anyone with a soul? These old women are corrupt, empty vessels living off of their last remaining bits of oxygen, fluids and electricity that haven’t had an original thought in 50 years. They are an embarrassment to humanity. Why would anyone listen to them?

  9. Whoopie’s using God to justify castrations, mastectomies, and hormone blockers for children and death for the babies in the womb, greatly clarify just which god she worships.

  10. Really Whoopi, you want to throw stones? Ok well aReal Christian and follower of Christ, would never, and I’ll say it again, never advocate for the murder of Children +( Abortion up until the moment of birth/ 9 months, or even once a heartbeat is heard. A real Christian would never advocate for the Mutilation of Children, that do not even understand what is happening, advocate for the changing of the sex they are born as, per God, advocate for welcoming THE LGBTQ movement, again against God and his decree ( Do any of you remember the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah ? Remember what God did to those that promoted sexual depravity ? Each and everyone that refuses to obey the word of God, had best get used to the smell of Sulfur, Fire, and Brimstone, as you will not be headed to heaven, even if you repent on your death beds.

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