You Won’t Believe What Happened When Obama Started to Speak at a Campaign Rally in Maryland


A funny thing happened at a campaign rally Obama attended yesterday – audience members got up and left while he was speaking! And these weren’t just average Americans fed up with the president, these were hardcore Democrats at an event for Maryland Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown held just outside DC!

Reuters reports:

President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for governor in Maryland, but early departures of crowd members while he spoke underscored his continuing unpopularity. …

A steady stream of people walked out of the auditorium while he spoke, however, and a heckler interrupted his remarks.

Press live tweeting the rally reported it first:

The media covering the event were shocked:

Reporters tweeted photos of audience members leaving:

H/T: Twitchy

Democrats were trying to spin it saying that the people who left were from an overflow room where Obama had spoken earlier, except with the pictures and tweets that story doesn’t hold up:

H/T: Quinton Report

This does not bode well for Obama and Democrats on November 4th – but don’t forget to get out and vote!

39 thoughts on “You Won’t Believe What Happened When Obama Started to Speak at a Campaign Rally in Maryland”

  1. There is no respect for a lawless scumbag!! As for his democratic party they are no better then he is. His administration is full of lies and scandal. I am ashamed of all of them. Please feel free to explain how he respects the office of President of the United States of America or its people!!! He has proven his loyalty is for the muslims and the illegal aliens he plans on giving a free ride. I cannot wait to vote the scumbags who stand by and let him break our laws out November the 4th. I have no respect for obola liar in chief or his party . How can you respect a lying lawless coward?? Obola and his party are traitors to our military and our country!!! May they get what’s coming on November 4th! ! Start lookin for jobs your free rides are soon over!!!

    1. Belinda!!!! You make me sick the way u think u need help listen to all u white rasist people you all will pay through god its so sad how u people are the way u all talk is a sin fined piece thru Jesus our savor take care evil people

  2. its like this robert unless u serve in any service( and i can tell you havent ), then you can not respect someone who does not respect there own country. and if you got in your mind that so call president we have had in the past 8 years as gotten respect for this country then brother you need a wake up call. you have no idea what going on. and in my rights that i have serve and fault for i can say any thing i would like in any matter that i would like

  3. its like this robert unless u serve in any service( and i can tell you havent ), then you can not respect someone who does not respect there own country. and if you got in your mind that so call president we have had in the past 8 years as goitten respect for this country then brother you need a wake up call. you have no idea what going on. and my rights that i have fault for i can say any thing i would like in anty matter

  4. You really believe that you need to use that kind of language? Anyone with a quarter of a brain will write you off .
    I disagree with the President on eveverything.
    An intelligent rebuttal will get you a lot further that a sick rant.

  5. Obama’s White House is so corrupt it should be illegal, The lies the money spent to keep the press in line and I could go on and on. He is a Traitor and I think people are tired of his lawlessness and his attitude toward everything the people of the United States want. He is supposed to be for all the people of this country and he only cares for the Muslims, here and abroad! We need to get him out of the White House! He needs to be Impeached!

  6. Even though I haven’t been fond of the recent Democratic Presidents, I still respect the office of POTUS. I grew up having been taught to address the President as “Mr. President” or “President Last Name”. Nowadays I hear the last name of the President being thrown around flippantly without regard to their position as Commander In Chief over our military forces so that our great nation can sleep at night. As a Republican, I would not have been at the Maryland rally. As a Republican, I will not speculate as to how I might have reacted to President Obama’s talk. Here’s what I can say: I am a Jesus believing and following Christian. I pray the God of the Bible spares our nation from heavy rebuking so that we can repent from our arrogant ways and turn to Him; to be on our knees and humbly ask for forgiveness; and to seek wisdom on how to move forward as evil seeks to destroy the world. Our vote counts in this country. I haven’t missed an election since I was eighteen and I don’t ever plan on missing one. It’s my right and I’m exercising it!!


  7. True AMERICANS left Obama a long time ago. Now those seeing clearly his deceptions and manipulation bringing the United States down are all leaving too. LIES AND CORRUPTION rears its head in time. Some realize it and others catch up. Obama is the worst President ever elected and now AMERICA A WHOLE WANTS HIS RESIGNATION AND THOSE DEMOCRATS WITH HIM DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY. America walk out every time he shows up and this will let him know we do not want you at our White House representing our nation. NOVEMBER 4TH VOTE OUT THE DEMOCRATS and then America we stop Obama from all his devastation and deceiving us. Anti-America is his legacy and forever will be his history. Vote out democrat Harry Reid and all the others from our Senate. TIME FOR AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

  8. Are these the same people that voted for our current President? I bet that most of them are? If we are going by the pictures a good many that attended are black. How could so may walk out on a person that an overwhelming majority of these same people voted for? No loyalty, what a disgrace!

    1. Ah yes – there it is. Was wondering why it took so many comments before someone pulled the race card. Good ole stand-by. LOL. Had I been there – I would have left too! And I am not a racist – but I really don’t give a damn if you want to call me one. LOL.

      1. I am not racist either. However, it does not take a valedictorian to realize that BHO, Holder, Jarrett, and Rohm Emmanuel among other white House staff are the very definition of radical racism!

  9. Show some respect, regardless of your political affiliations. If you attend…expect to stay through to the end. Those who walked out had premeditated intent. How rude and classless of them!

    1. Normally I would agree with you. Could it be that these people felt that this was the only way their voices would be heard? I am all about proper manners. However, when people become desperate or disgusted, this might be, in their opinions, the only way possible to be listened to. Sad days for our country. I personally would not have been there in the first place.

    2. Well, I’d say it’s one of the easiest and safest ways to show ones discontent, publically. We wouldn’t want a Ferguson MO type response. And I guess that a number of them had voted for him. Though I would agree with your concern for respect. But he apparently has lost any respect these folks might have ever had for him! And I personally I think he has don’t very little to deserve respect. At some point, simply holding a otherwise dignified office, is not enough. For me this is a about as classy as one can get, to demonstrate such discontent!! It speaks volumes about their perspective of him. Now the Hecklers, … not so much!

    3. Jason , Obama the liar does not deserve respect. He has maneuvered and manipulated the American tax payers ever since he was elected. His fan club of blacks and progressive democrats have finally awaken to his deceitful ways,


    4. Thank u im so happy that some one makeing since…. That

      Poor guy is doing what he feel is best and doing it with great pride and reason itsbabout time that we dont have a puppet president that does what ever the hell all his buddy’s want and think it is good for them. …. oboma is a leader and is strong. So back off of Obama how dare u all disrespect him

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