WATCH: Megyn Kelly Destroys These Coddled Ivy League Law Students

Columbia Law School allowed students who “experience trauma” due to the grand jury decisions in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner to delay their finals. The Ivy League school has come under fire because of this decision for not preparing their students to deal with the stress they will encounter in the legal profession.



Megyn Kelly of Fox News discussed this topic on her show. Pete Hegseth from Concerned Veterans for America served three combat tours and attended both Harvard and Princeton. He has grave concerns about these students being “coddled.” Hegseth also mentioned that soldiers in combat don’t get days off for getting their feelings hurt.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Bober, felt that Columbia made the correct decision to allow student who felt overwhelmed to postpone taking finals. Megyn Kelly had some strong words for Dr. Bober and Columbia Law School.

 “In America we have grit and we have responsibilities…I think they should get a little asterisk on their diploma and they should be required to tell anyone who wants to hire them that in cases of trauma, I might not be able to go into court and represent you as you are paying me to do.”


Would you hire a lawyer who had to postpone finals in law school because of trauma from the Michael Brown grand jury decision?

18 thoughts on “WATCH: Megyn Kelly Destroys These Coddled Ivy League Law Students”

  1. Dr Daniel Bober is spitting out gibberish that weak people want to hear. I call all that BS, pscho-babble. He had no defense for the examples of calling off combat because your buddy was blown to bits yesterday. Said he didn’t know if he could equate the two. He may have also been looking for new clients to feed his babble to.

  2. You can thank the liberal/socialist mid set of ” the government will take care of all our needs ” that we has students who think they can delay their finals . Dr Daniel Bober with his physical babble is you typical liberal BS artist .

  3. It would be great if General Patton was a law professor – He would slap the crap out of the panty waist students and their professor, and maybe set them straight about life in general – Traumatized my butt!

  4. I certainly would not hire them for any position that I had open. You can take all the school that you want…class after class after class…BUT…if you can NOT perform when you hit the courtroom, then what good are you in this field??? This just tells me that these particular students have issues that they should deal with before continuing into this field of work!

    1. I left school and joined the Army. The night they loaded us up from the processing center and took us to our Basic Training Company, I knew I had screwed the goose. It was probably 2am and I was standing outside of our quarters with my foot locker over my head, I knew I should be back in my dorm studying!!!

  5. I would lay you odds that these students were admitted to these schools under some preferential minority program to begin with and now they want even more special treatment? This country has become so wimpy and politically correct it is sickening. The lame arguments excusing them from the responsibilities everyone else is expected to live up to further demonstrates the pathetic state of the entire educational system in America. It is exactly why minorities perform so dismally to
    begin with. I have seen this time and time again especially when it comes to athletes that are coddled and professors are pressured to pass them despite the fact that they are failing miserably. And people wonder why there are still the hard feelings between the races. The affirmative action pendulum has swung in the total opposite direction now and it is doubtful anything will ever be enough.

  6. This is so ridiculous what is going to happen when real life hit them in the face! They just prove that work ethic is the least priority on their mind. No need to hire people like that no thanks

  7. Megan, you and Pete were great!!! I graduated highschool in 1968, Viet Nam was in full swing. Throughout my senior year, we got news of the deaths of several classmates who graduated in 65,66,67 and we knew we would lose some 68 grads. as well. Which we did. Well guess what, the bell kept ringing, we still had homework and teachers kept giving test. These students just want a free ride for awhile. That’s not showing concern, that’s using negitive events for your own agenda. Ivy League, my ass!!!!

    1. My father was killed in a car accident on a Sat. in 1958. I was traumatized to say the least, I just turned 15 three days before my father was killed. Where was I on Monday, in school, in pain, and hurting, but I was there and three days later I took an exam. Mommy and Daddy’s little babies cannot take a test because they are coddled, and we wonder why this country is in trouble.

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