Kirsten Powers has been on a mission to re-establish her credentials with liberals since she wrote the book criticizing intolerant liberals who were stifling free speech, see “The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech.”
Last night, Kirsten Powers and Bill O’Reilly got into a entertaining shouting match about racism in America. O’Reilly contended that America-haters are trying to demonize the U.S. as a fundamentally racist nation, but Powers had no idea what he was talking about. Powers said she believes that racism is a serious issue in this country.
“I don’t know why you are so unable to see that,” she said to O’Reilly.
He countered that every country on the planet has racist elements within it, and you can’t have a perfect world.
“We don’t have a system where racism is acceptable at all,” O’Reilly stated. “We don’t.”
“What’s being sold is that we as a society are racist, white supremacy, white privilege. That’s what’s being sold,” O’Reilly said. “If you don’t get it, then you must be living in a hut somewhere with no electricity.”
Racism occurs at the individual level. In the U.S., racism was elevated by the actions of Obama; Sharpton and Holder supported by their actions and accusations over the last 6 years. It is not socially accepted by the majority of Americans, just a select small percentage. We must also acknowledge that racism is also supported by many who wish it to never go away as they benefit from its existence…..meaning Sharpton and many other Blacks who benefit from it.
Check out the video
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H/T – Fox News Video