Vice President Mike Pence Announces Turkey Has Agreed to a Ceasefire in Syria

By PoliZette Staff | October 17, 2019

Vice President Mike Pence announced on Thursday during a press conference that the United States has convinced the nation of Turkey to agree to a ceasefire in Syria.

Speaking in Ankara, Turkey, after more than five hours of talks with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Pence told reporters the two countries “have both mutually committed to a peaceful resolution and future for the safe zone, working on an international basis to ensure that peace and security defines this border region of Syria.”

Pence also said that Turkey and the United States had committed to “defeat ISIS activities in north Syria.”

That includes an agreement to “coordinate efforts on detention facilities and internally displaced persons in formerly ISIS-controlled areas.”

Turkey, as part of this agreement, will pause all military operations for 120 hours to allow the withdrawal of YPG forces; the latter is made up mostly of ethnic Kurds, according to multiple news outlets.

Pence added on Thursday the ceasefire means the United States would not place further economic sanctions on Turkey — and that it would remove the sanctions that already exist once the ceasefire is implemented.

Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had traveled to Turkey for talks with Erdogan on just this topic.

President Donald Trump praised the agreement in comments to reporters in Fort Worth, Texas, calling it “an incredible agreement.”

“This is an incredible outcome … something they [the previous administration] were trying to get for 10 years … I guess I’m an unconventional person … In the end, they were there,” said Trump. “This is about the nation, not Republicans or Democrat … During the five-day ceasefire … they’ll be moving around the safe zone.”

“And we’ve gotten everything we’ve ever dreamed of,” he added.

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Trump also said he “wanted to thank everyone,” including Turkey’s president, and the Kurds.

“If we didn’t go this unconventional, tough-love approach,” added the president, the agreement might not have happened.

“It’s a great day for civilization,” he also said.

The president heads to Dallas tonight to address supporters in a major campaign rally.

Ahead of the news conference, Trump also called the development “great news.”

He said “millions of lives” would be saved from this action.

Here are two of his most recent tweets:

Check out more details and perspectives here.

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This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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28 thoughts on “Vice President Mike Pence Announces Turkey Has Agreed to a Ceasefire in Syria”

  1. Making deals with terrorist such as Turkey, who are the Ottoman Empire that killed 50 million Christians. Is about as good as making deals with Pelosi and her al left radicals. Nether one believe in telling the truth.

  2. To bring back home American soldiers from the mid East was a campaign promise of the president. Unlike convention career politicians he is trying to keep them even working against the corrupt House and Senate. He is not perfect and WILL make mistakes. I think he did the right thing by removing our troops from an ongoing situation with no end in sight. If we go to war it should be to decide it quickly, not to stay forever risking our soldiers lives.

  3. Firstly I was sceptical about the U.S. withdrawal from Syria, because I thought the 50 or so troops worked as a psychological leash on Erdogan against invading and risking hurting/killing passive Americans. And it would have very likely worked this way. But now I think that manipulating Syria + Russia + Kurds into fighting the Turks is not a bad idea at all. Let them stew in this endless centennials-long quagmire without American casualties and put economical pressure on Erdogan or even better – kick Turkey out of NATO and withdraw all the assets from Incirlik Air Base (a hard objective to achieve).

  4. Now if Erdogan is a good fellow “if” being the operative word then Trump’s tough love approach was a good move. Dang Trump has good instincts.

    Now where is the European countries like France and Germany?

  5. It took a brave and wise man to keep US troops out of harm’s way. It wouldnt have matter what decision he had made. If one of our troops had been killed the entire news media and DNC would have went crazy if it’s even possible for them to get any crazier. This was the best decision Trump could have made with the notice he had from Turkey. I pray the cease fire holds true for everyone in the world.

  6. To think what we could accomplish as a Nation if the Dems would quit the daily bombardment of threats and lies. Time to work together Dems. We do actually have a POTUS that is working for US citizens and not for making himself wealthy.

  7. Oops! He did it again! Trump really is the 3-d chess master, outflanking his tireless, squawking opposition every time. Love him or hate him, he is proving to be one of the most consequential presidents the nation has had since Lincoln. These repeated triumphs make his enemies look like the worst kind of pinch-faced sour grapes whiners. No doubt this outcome will send them into hyper-tantrum mode, lying on the floor, kicking and screaming and flailing impotently. How delightful!

  8. If anybody does not think that tough live trump does not believe in god needs to examine their faith. He is preventing our soldiers from further horrors of war and potential loss of life while decreasing the threat of violence by turkey without firing a shot. Peace through strength.

  9. Yes it will save many lives on all sides. Why should the USA get involved in other countries wars? Why have another Vietnam, Koran war? Why don’t other countries get involved?

  10. We do not have enouh information to decide one way or the other if President Trump should or should not withdraw troops from Syria. If anything the recent spree of criminal accusations and unconstitutional procedures under taken by the DNC has added to the problem and perhaps is a reason the Turks thought they would not be opposed. Surprise! Only yesterday NBC, ABC, CNN, NYT WP and the other corrupt propaganda outlets of the DNC claimed Trump (Not President Trump, they don;t respect the office.) had withdrawn our troops from Syria and wrote their stories with such banners. God have mercy on their worthless souls even f they don;t believe they have one.

  11. Amazing how well it works when we take our nose our of someone else’s fight. They realize they may have to do some dying and fix things up. Now we need to not kissing anyone else’s butt, or bowing to any other Foreign Leaders.

  12. To all those who are constantly fighting and trying to undermine the president, give it a break! Ever thought about working with a duly elected president to create some unity and get something done for the country? You know – maybe immigration reform, infrastructure, doing the USMCA, health care, etc., etc., etc. I am amazed at this man’s accomplishments while being undermined on every basis – both domestically and internationally. The dems/left act like whimpering crybabies because they can’t get their way on everything – so divisive and bad for everybody. Grow-up and get something positive done.

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