Court Filings Show Trump Knew About Abuse Allegations Against Eric Schneiderman

trump tweet Schneiderman

We were warned. In fact, we were warned by our current president.

Back in 2013, President Trump, still a private citizen and real-estate mogul, tweeted the following dirty laundry about New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman:

It took nearly five years, but Trump’s premonition came to pass. Earlier this week, journalist Ronan Farrow scored another scalp in his #metoo reporter by bringing down Eric Schneiderman.

Farrow reported:

As his prominence as a voice against sexual misconduct has risen, so, too, has the distress of four women with whom he has had romantic relationships or encounters. They accuse Schneiderman of having subjected them to nonconsensual physical violence.

This sexual abuse included physical assault such as choking. Not three hours after the Farrow report dropped did Schneiderman resign from his position in disgrace.

As with anything that involves New York City politics, internet sleuths decided to look and see if Trump had mentioned something about it in the past. Trump is notorious for having no filter on the social media platform. So it came as no surprise to see Trump had hinted that Schneiderman had some bad dealings.

Now we’re just learning why.

The Daily Mail reports:

President Donald Trump was told years ago about abuse allegations against former New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman, according to a lawyer who has written the judge overseeing the Michael Cohen case.

New York lawyer Peter Gleason revealed his contacts with Trump about Schneiderman in a letter to Judge Kimba Wood seeking that files concerning him remain sealed.

FBI agents raided Cohen’s home and office last month as part of a criminal investigation, swooping up boxes of the legal files of Trump’s longtime personal attorney.

According to Gleason, this included contacts between him and Cohen about ‘two women that were sexually victimized by Mr. Scheinderman.’

This is highly disturbing. If Trump knew about these allegations, that means plenty of other people did. And Schneiderman still got to pretend to be a #metoo hero, slamming sexual abusers while sitting on a throne of nasty abuse himself.

And, like always, nobody said a word until a reporter was brave enough to out him.

Now, this begs the question: What else does Trump know about powerful people in politics?

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Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim... More about Jim E

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