Trump Threatens to Take Away Congress’ Health Care Deal After Obamacare Failure

President Trump threatened to wipe out government payments to insurers that subsidize Obamacare costs for congressional members and their aides.

“If ObamaCare is hurting people,” the President queried on social media, “why should Congress not be paying what public pays?”

It’s long been a question the American people have asked – If we have to suffer under Obamacare, why shouldn’t the lawmakers who forced it upon us suffer as well?

Via the Daily Mail:

President Trump hinted on Monday that he’s prepared to end federal government subsidy payments to medical insurers this week, hastening the implosion of the Obamacare system and forcing congressional action.

And he suggested that members of Congress and their staffs should no longer have a sweetheart deal that gives them taxpayer dollars to offset the cost of enrolling in insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

‘If ObamaCare is hurting people, & it is, why shouldn’t it hurt the insurance companies & why should Congress not be paying what public pays?’ the president tweeted.

Today’s message from Trump follows up on another he delivered over the weekend, a more direct threat that warned “bailouts for members of Congress will end very soon.”

Last week, Republicans John McCain, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski joined every Democrat in the Senate to defeat an Obamacare repeal bill that had been promised to the voting public for over seven years.

Now, Trump is fighting those Congress members who failed the American people, threatening to end the $7 billion/year subsidies. He has only guaranteed those payments through July.

Chief counselor to the White House, Kellyanne Conway, told Fox News on Sunday that Trump hadn’t committed entirely to ending the cost-sharing payments.

‘He’s going to make that decision this week, and that’s a decision that only he can make,’ Conway said.

What do you think President Trump should do? Should Congress pay what the public pays? Share your thoughts below!

5 thoughts on “Trump Threatens to Take Away Congress’ Health Care Deal After Obamacare Failure”

  1. A responsible President doesn’t cheer for failure, no matter whose plan it was. For that matter you might want to keep calling it Obamacare when you come out with something (someday), so it’s not Trumpcare when it implodes the second time!

  2. Do not think for one moment he is bluffing! Making Jim Comey tell the truth is one thing. Making Congress step up is another entirely. Trump bluffs to win. He does not bluff to lose.

    Oh, and he’ll cut off the cost-sharing subsidies to insurance industry buddies too. And he and Tom will look for every way to squeeze the Reinsurance, the Risk Corridors, the Community Ratings, the premiums, the out-of-pocket limits, the deductible limits, the annual maxima, and even the individual subsidies.

    Bye, Felicia! Bye.

  3. Three million more Americans voted for Clinton than voted for Trump.

    Three million more Americans voted to keep Obamacare than voted to remove it.

  4. Absolutely they should have the same health care coverage that the average American is FORCED Please quit subsidizing their payments. Why should we taxpayers subsidize their payments when we are hurting for money ourselves and the majority of us do not make the money they make, nor do we have the vacation days they have. It is time to crack down on these jerks in Washington D.C. I hope you will also limit their terms of service.

  5. Good idea, Donald.
    Taking away their subsidized payments for their 0care gold plan health insurance
    policies would be the perfect revenge on these capitol hill pukes.
    Let them suffer with this garbage like everyone else.

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