Trump Calls Meeting With Liberal Media- Destroys Them With Just 4 Words!

Trump media

Earlier this week, President-elect Donald Trump called an off-the-record meeting with some prominent members of the American media.

Anchors and executives from the five biggest television networks convened at Trump Tower – including names such as Wolf Blitzer, Lester Holt, Martha Raddatz, George Stephanopoulos, Chuck Todd, and Charlie Rose.

The media, which has spent decades controlling the news narrative in our nation, suffered a crippling blow when Trump was elected, and this meeting showed just how far things have fallen.

While the meeting was off-the-record, reports have begun leaking out and as you might suspect, things didn’t go so well for those in attendance. Trump apparently called the group together so he could kick their collective ass for being dishonest.

One source from the meeting said that Trump dishing out a heavy dose of reality was “like a f–ing firing squad.”

Via the New York Post:

Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.

“It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.

“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.

A second source confirmed the fireworks.

No surprise that a significant portion of ire was directed at CNN, a network most conservatives referred to as the Clinton News Network during the campaign.

Another source that spoke to the Post said, “Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong. He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars.'”

How difficult it must be for these media elites who have been considered allies to the Democrat Party for so many years, be called out as the lying, left-wing propagandists they actually are.


Comment: What do you think of Trump’s meeting with the media? Funny, serious, smart, or ill-advised? Share your thoughts below.

67 thoughts on “Trump Calls Meeting With Liberal Media- Destroys Them With Just 4 Words!”

  1. Is anyone really surprised that the main stream media only fixates on sensationalism, in the end it’s all about money. when have you ever seen a media, criticizer one of their sponsors, Ex, Post Cereals came out with a save the bees add not long ago, all the while, the very grains that they process to make their products is the very cause of the decline off the bee population, but you wont hear about it on any media who carries their adds. why would the world of politics, be any different.

  2. The MSM media needed be called down on their blatant bias. The MSM has been biased for years. This election the media were pro-Clinton all the way. Prior to her announcing her run, she met with select media. It was a you will report favorably or else. — Trump did what needed to be done. Now, he better be smart on who he picks for the cabinet.

  3. I hope Trump is still gunning for Clinton, another person investigating the Clinton Foundations link to abuse of children has decided to die, rather convenient, how many people have to die before US LAWMAKERS GET OFF THEIR ARs%%S

    1. The lawmakers are no different than the media, it’s a question of money. they lie and take kickbacks and bribes, like most of those in public office, it’s one of the perks to be able to sell your influence, and sell they do !

  4. Trump is having the last laugh and the media has no other option but to stand there,hand their heads and take it,over the last 45 yrs the democrat party and libs in particular have slowly sucked the spirit out of the major news organizations to the point that they are now viewed by most Americans as nothing more than lapdogs of the loony left.We recently have been introduced to a new phrase called fake news thanks to Facebook but in reality we have been getting fake news since Nixon was in office.

  5. Everyone kNOWS that the media is liberal, and will always be liberal, because the people who work there are massively liberal dominated (76%). But this article is much like the MSM, in that it gets a click on the basis of something it doesn’t come through with. WHAT FOUR WORDS? No where in the article is Trump quoted in a four word statement that destroys the MSM. Ridiculous!

  6. Wonder when Trump will get out the word that what he has to say will be on News Media which is the news that tells the truth like Political Insider, Breitbart, etc…..suppose that could be done via Twitter.
    Don’t know of anyone who’s watching Mock Media anymore; all they do is lie, and the worst they do is omit the news and it’s disgusting to have to go into world news to find out what’s happening.
    Right now Judy Woodruff is stuck on that gerbil wheel going nowhere with asking over and over and over again to Kellyanne Is Trump going to stick to his agenda or make changes after Kellyanne has assured her that he reiterated just yesterday that the agenda is set but Joooooooody has an agenda of her own…..grisly despicable.
    The whole schmear of Mock Media should be banned from traveling with the president and not allowed anywhere near the white house, they are a dangerous bunch.
    The News Media can handle covering the prez.

  7. I would say they had it coming to them. When I watch the debate on NBC,after it was over a man walked out and picked up a stack of papers from Hillary’s podium, then he walked up to Lester Holt and gave them to him.Another guy came out and get the black box from her earbud. What were they doing feeding her the answers? You guys talk about us as Republicans being racists and prejudice, well it is you and I don’t care to ever see any of you on T,V. again. Trump shouldn’t allow any of you in the WH., or at any press confences.

  8. For the last 8 years, I’ve wondered if the whole world slipped into a time warp & we were flung back in time to the days of the newspaper wars & William Randolph Hearst, complete with ‘Yellow dog ‘journalism’ ‘. One can actually see, that the only presentation of ‘transparency in gov’mint’ has been the proliferation of junk spin via the media’s controllers scrambling to ‘make everything go down easier’. It’s a reach, of course, but I do hope they ( the untruthers) have it in mind to get straight with the publik-but, as said; It’s a reach, at best.

  9. It’s waaay past time that someone with a pair of balls stood up to the ‘Lying, Liberal Media’ and set them straight ! ! I doubt if any amount of admonishment will keep the media from ‘lying’, however ! !
    The 1st Amendment that they hide behind does ‘NOT’ give them the right to ‘LIE’ ! IMHO.

  10. The media and the poll takers have no credibility. Many millennials get their opinions formed by idiots like Samantha Bee and Stephen Colbert. Very sophomoric and ill informed. You have to look things up for yourself and they count on the fact that most are too lazy to do so.

    The old joke where the question posed is “what do you think the biggest problem in the world today is ignorance or apathy?” and the guy answers “I don’t know and I don’t care.” We’re living it.

  11. It’s high time that the public be allowed to stop paying for these lying new networks in their TV service providers billing. Why would paying customers approve of a percentage of their bills to satellite and cable companies going to pay for and support dishonest news medias? It is not right and makes no sense. I don’t want to pay these dishonest people one cent to lie to me. CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS news are truly getting paid, rewarded, and subsidized by citizens to spew propaganda, spin, and censorship to the public?? That has to stop!!! We are paying for our own demise as a nation by these political tools disguised and “NEWS” networks.

    1. Also I sure didn’t mean to leave out one of the worst of all NRP who get paid by our very own government to do their dirty work on the radio. Government funding to NPR needs to end. Or stop until the bias and propaganda stops.

  12. There should be a law that when a news organization intentionally publishes false or misleading articles they could be held pecuniary and libelously responsible. We do have freedom of the press but that doesn’t mean one should be able to lie and deceive with immunity.

  13. Most of the world media is Left Wing Socialists and liars. Never let the truth get in the road of a good scam or lie. I can only hope that Donald Trump doesn’t give any of these creations advanced knowledge of what the President is doing from day to day. I hope he uses public Media, via the internet which backed him all the way into Office.

  14. It was done correctly and accurately. Trump does not owe the MSM one damned thing and they should find out at the beginning what they can expect if they continue to issue lopsided, biased news. I say hooray for Trump!!

  15. Those People Should Not Be Honored By Calling Them Journalists. They Are Flat Out Liars And Are Pushing An Agenda. Their Feeds Are Transmitted All Over The World And Are Pushing Their Agenda Onto The World! There Should Be A Grading System, Whereby They Are Graded By Their Truthfulness And Degraded By Their Non Factual And Or Erroneous Reporting. Australians only hear the left wing narrative and as a result are anti-Trump.

  16. It’s time to have someone who knows what they’re doing, read the 1st amendment rights and bring it to a proper meeting place where something can be done to enforce the rights of the American people to receive fair and accurate reporting. Our Fore-Father’s never envisioned Nat’l T.V. controlling and over-controlling the masses in our country or they would’ve inserted a clause to obviate such monstrous abuse to the privilege of free speech.

    1. Yep, now we have a defacto republican, and true capitalist, a real 1% er, to lead the US into prosperity, a fine example of an honest and ethical man of the people, who’s capability of revenge and rash decisions will make America great again !

  17. It’s about time somebody told these boneheads a thing or two. They act like we don’t know that they are biased and skewed in their reporting. Heck, we all know it. I remember when Trump said at the beginning of the campaign that he didn’t mind what the media said about him, as long as it was true. He said he was man enough to own up to his failings and mistakes. But when they started lying about him, he became extremely irritated and angry. I don’t blame him a bit for raking them over the coals. These people need to learn what being a reporter REALLY is. It’s not about reporting YOUR opinions and making up slander about a candidate you don’t like. It’s not about coloring the story so your political party doesn’t look bad. It’s about responsible journalism, that exposes lies, and brings out the truth, even when the truth hurts your side. We’ll see if they learn anything from his lecture. If they’re smart, they’ll stick to the facts- then maybe he’ll let them in on what he’s really doing. As long as they lie, he’s going to keep them out. Man, I love this guy….

  18. Sorry but I think it is the other side of the same coin. Yes he blew them a new one for all the allies and deceitfulness which is a given but now I fear he will give out his own lies and deceit fullness and BS and will do everything to benefit himself and his family and his Close allies just like Hillary did. Sorry same coin different sides

  19. Doesn’t Trump realize that what he did was “politically incorrect”?? Oh yes, that was the point!!
    I hope Trump realizes when he speaks to “the world” he will be perceived as speaking as our president. Straight-forward, to the point speaking (as a nation) is O.K., but forget about speaking personally as Donald Trump.
    Your in our prayers

    B.T.W. Any chance I could get an e-mail directly to you? I have a feeling one of my experiences might be useful to you.
    Ken Simon

  20. It will take a while for the public to force the MSM and their ilk into realizing that is parade of lies and deceit, the bias is going to be rejection for not doing the job expected, being the gov watchdog and not some slobbering deranged mutt waiting for morsels…The miserable failing of the MSM is tragic,it is so damn disgusting, it feels like treason……Pres. elect Trump words at this time are the warning but the miserable bastards of the MSM will resist change with all their illogical might…

  21. They are still giving us misinformation and they should be sued. Give us the who, what, where, when, and why and cut out all of the personal BS. They stopped being journalists long ago and are only copy readers. GIVE US THE TRUTH—-there hasn’t been truth in news for over twenty years and they get paid for reading mindless garbage from their owners. And that’s all they are, copy readers. Mr. President Elect, I like what you are doing to the MSM. Let us have the news from your mouth because the will only distort whatever you say. Keep them at bay—Let someone in your circle be the spokesman/woman…Kelly is doing an excellent job.

  22. YES YES And that is why we worked so hard to help get Mr. Trump elected. I knew he would not let us down. He isn’t even sworn in yet and he is doing a fantastic job. We need truth in government and in the media who are such liars. Its about time..Thank you Donald Trump. God bless you.

    1. Way to go, Mr President -elect. Even after the election the media is still vengeful with Mr. TrumpPlaying down anything GOOD and playing UP blah-blah-blah untruths about his cabinet selection, playing up the rioting, burning, looting, the liberal “educators who are teaching our children in college & elementary to not only protest the fact that we will soon will have a new president. giving them time off for tests, classes, feeding the chocolates, crying rooms etc

  23. Hold an auction. The company with the highest bid get access for the next year. All the rest are barred from any reporters being within 1 mile of the President. The 1 reporter will have to pick up any and all expenses for the meal/meeting/trips/etc. The money collected will be donated to the homeless veterans. Now lets see how fast the media learns to tell the truth while reporting. Hold a new auction every year.

  24. First off, it’s obvious we dodged a bullet regarding the election. Having said that, President-Elect Trump gives new meaning to the word “chutzpah”, and as such, he may be a bit of a loose cannon. Hopefully, he will select wise counsel and listen to them before acting. For those of you with an inclination toward research, read “Trump Revealed” by Kranish and Fisher. It will give you some objective insight into his character. The above-mentioned ‘interview’ was not unexpected. Anticipate more of the same. Tactful diplomacy is definitely not in his makeup. The next four years will be fascinating to watch. Any bets on re-election?

  25. He should have had his media people put together a 40 minute or so montage of the mainstream media’s most offensive anti-right, pro-left stuff and then lock them in and make them answer to their own lack of objectivity.

  26. Fox News is the only Media Channel who even attempts to be objective. I can not help but wonder if it is a conspiracy to turn us into a Marxist Hell Hole similar to the early 1900’s; Like what Stalin had in Russia.

  27. This comeuppance of these crapweasles was long overdue… We too are tired of the spins, half truths, edits, out of context, partisan, lies. The Fourth Estate is on life support and the prognosis is dire.

  28. Trump was way too nice, I would have made those lying, sleazy, pansies choke on their tongues. Wait………..was that too harsh?? They still continue their sleazy reporting on Trump even now. It will never end. They will report anything negative about him and nothing positive, and that is why I don’t watch CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC!!! The pansies continue to do the bidding of George Soros…….who is the devil, pure evil hiding behind all his causes, using his money to manipulate people and groups.

  29. Trump should find one honest news outlet (good luck) and use them ONLY,,let all the other MSM
    fight for air time..and ban the msm from the oval office..we don’t need FAKE NEWS that they produce….do we really need 15 news companies showing the same thing at once all the time?
    I really hope heads roll on this but it won’t . freedom of speech still applies but if he bans them from certain press conferences then it will hurt their ratings…thats punishment for being a-holes

  30. …sounds like President Trump let them off lightly…he should limit their access…especially the clinton commie network…he should ban amessnbc and the new york slime altogether…

  31. THANK YOU!!! It takes someone like our President Elect (Warrior) Donald Trump to stand up to these horrible bums that Americans have been traumatized by whenever we try and listen to the news. OUR FORE-FATHERS DID NOT ENVISION NAT’L T.V. OVERPOWERING THE 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE AS THESE REPORTERS AND NETWORKS HAVE DONE. THEY ARE CORROSIVE AND CORRUPT TO OUR AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE.

    Nice work Mr. Trump, it’s just the beginning of the change America needs and you might want to consider meeting with ONE of these people…. ONE AT A TIME…!! Or consider a Class-Action Suit against all of them for Slandering you as they have done unmercifully! We’re all sick of it !

  32. It’s about time that someone put these sleaze balls in their place!! But even this site does some of the same stuff! This headline, as many others on this site, make claims that cannot be found in the contents of the article!!! The main difference is that the content is basically truth not agenda driven bs!!! The liberal media had their hat handed to them with this election though. Does anyone think that they learned any lessons??? Any more lessons than the Democrat Party who are already drawing those proverbial red lines in the sand??

  33. Well said and these literary fascists deserved everything they got. Journalists generally need politicians just as the parasite mistletoe needs a host tree to survive but when the parasite becomes life threatening to the host, you cut it away and burn it. The MSM cannot survive without access to Trump and they know it and starved of ‘nourishment’ they will wither and die as some like the NYT are already doing. All Trump wants and all the electorate wants is fair and honest reporting, if they wont play ball then they’ll be history before long.

  34. Good for him!! He should tell them that if they’re going to lie he will not allow them any coverage. The press is supposed to be a non-political group that informs the public what is happening but when they are political and lying to the public they are dangerous, some people do not know any better and actually believe them.

  35. MSNBC has done all in their power to down Trump and to promote the socialist communist program Even the supposed Republican chuck Todd has been the typical walk the line liberal who supported the agenda of the bias elite GOP dictators and joined the rest of the MSNBS clowns who want to creat the news and not report it. Trump gave them a dose of their own medicine and called them for what they are.

  36. I got hooked with your headline grabber, “”…destroys them with just four words.”

    I read the entire piece and have not figured out what the “Four words” were. Is that a mistake or by design? If by design, the headline is disingenuous, don’t you think??

  37. Good they deserved it. They have lost all credibility with the world. Europe watched our elections and their news carried the Wikileaks showing these news agencies posting to Podesta to make sure he approved of their articles. Trump would do better using Twitter and also doing weekly sessions addressing the people from the Oval office.

    The nerve of these people to think that Trump will play with them after what they have done.

  38. It’s high time the uber-biased, lying Democrat liberal propaganda machine got their ears blown off by letting them know they’re as bad as PRAVDA, maybe worse. Journalism is all but dead in America and that’s entirely the fault of the left machine and George Soros. If these people don’t want to go extinct they’d better get back to neutral journalism.

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