Trump Hammers ‘Incompetent’ Pelosi For Trying to Politicize Coronavirus

President Trump hammered an “incompetent” Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats for trying to use fears over the coronavirus as a political tool.

The President was asked during a press conference Wednesday night to respond to critics of the administration’s response to the outbreak.

“What is your response to Speaker Pelosi, who said earlier today you don’t know what you’re talking about [with] the coronavirus?” one reporter asked. “I’m also wondering if you’d want to address critics who say you can’t be trusted about what your administration is saying?”

Trump, as is typical, didn’t hold anything back.

“I think Speaker Pelosi is incompetent,” he said before predicting the House Speaker was about to lose control of Congress and has uplifted his poll numbers due to said incompetence.

“I think she’s incompetent and I think she’s not thinking about the country,” Trump continued. “Instead of making a statement like that, she should be saying we have to work together because we have a big problem potentially … ”

RELATED: Pelosi Slams Trump For Saying Coronavirus Response Has Been ‘Great’

Hammers ‘Cryin’ Chuck’ Too

Trump pivoted to Chuck Schumer who has, for the entirety of the President’s time in the White House, consistently complained whenever he requests funds to help protect the well-being of Americans.

“He goes out and says the president only asks for $2.5 billion. He should have $8.5 billion. This is the first time I’ve ever been told we should take more. Usually, it’s we have to take less,” Trump complained.

“We should be working together. He shouldn’t be making statements like that because it’s so bad for the country.”

The President then suggested Pelosi and the Democrats were “trying to create a panic” by using coronavirus fears as a means to “get a political advantage.”

Is he wrong? Is there anybody reading this right now that honestly believes the Democrats won’t be almost giddy if an American happens to be stricken and die from the outbreak? You know – like they do with every shooting that makes the news?

RELATED: Mitt Romney Accused Trump Of Being Unprepared For Possible Coronavirus Outbreak

Why Is Trump Ticked?

If you’re the least bit curious as to why President Trump is so furious with Democrats’ response to the coronavirus outbreak, take a look at these divisive comments used to score cheap political points.

We’ll start with Crazy Nancy and Cryin’ Chuck. you can decide if these statements are meant for the good of the country or the good of their political careers.

How do those gripes make the situation any better? How does that move us forward in the fight against fears of a pandemic?

All of the top presidential candidates have made similar politically motivated comments:

Then there are our pals in the media who are blaming Trump for a virus that generated in China.

In reality, President Trump issued travel restrictions from China and formed a Coronavirus Task Force which the media tried to label as another example of the administration’s racism.

Trump then declared a public health emergency and requested billions of dollars to help fight and restrict the spread of coronavirus.

“The Democrats’ response to Coronavirus underscores how they would rather stoke fear and play politics than work with President Trump,” Steve Guest, RNC Rapid Response Director said in a statement.

‘Never let a crisis go to waste’ has – and always will be – their mantra.

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