Is Donald Trump a Fascist?

Speak to any self-proclaimed intellectual, uber-elite leftist and they will tell you that President Trump is a fascist. You’ve got to give it to them, these liberals have a way with words, and their mindless minions buy into whatever terms they use to refer to our President – whether it be fascist, racist, bigot, xenophobe, or whatever other delightful term they decide employ.

Their favorite term, though, is definitely “fascist,” and they cannot get enough of it. They want you to believe that Trump is somehow a dictator, yet in reality he has done more to help the American people and set this country on the path to prosperity since the late great Ronald Reagan.

So the next time you hear Trump and “fascist” in the same sentence, realize that many of these pompous, psuedo-intellectual bobble heads have no clue what they are talking about.

What is fascism?

First and foremost, we have to address the term fascism. What exactly is a fascist?

Merriam Webster defines “fascism” as,

A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Now that we actually know what a fascist really is, rather than what the fake news media tells us, one might come to the realization that Trump is not a fascist at all.

Some may say that Trump’s “nationalist” views make him a fascist, but those who make this claim clearly fail to understand the central tenet of fascism – the idea that everyone is subservient to government. This is hardly the case when it comes to our President. As he made abundantly clear in his inaugural address, power would be transferred from Washington DC back to the American people.

We the people would once again determine our own destiny – how does that align with the ideals of fascism, when Trump is proposing the exact opposite of a centralized autocratic government?

Fascism features a severely regimented economy

Fascism requires severe economic and social regimentation. A regimented economy… Now who could possible support something like that? Surely that isn’t President Trump. He has literally dismantled many of the Obama-era policies. While the left salivates at the possibility of implementing more regulations, what we are seeing now is the exact opposite of economic regimentation.

We’ve seen President Trump take the shackles off of the economy by reducing regulations and slashing taxes. As a result, we are at a point of economic prosperity in this country never before seen in my lifetime.

Fascism features severe social regimentation

Many on the left have been on a social crusade to redefine societal norms – and enforce their views through law, ostracization, public shaming, and more. Yet the right is fed up with government getting involved with determining what should constitute societal norms, and then isolating those who may disagree with what Big Brother determines to be “normal.” Ironically enough, this turned out to be a major point of contention among many in the 2016 election. And we all know how that worked out!

We see a blatant effort by the mainstream media, academia, Hollywood, and other social power centers to undermine the President, delegitimize our democracy, and brainwash the masses. With the advent of the 24/7 news cycle, people are bombarded with fake news, all designed to persuade the masses into believing our President is a “racist,” “bigot,” “misogynst,” “xenophobe,” and yes, you guessed it, a “FASCIST”. Couple the never ending news cycle with social media and you have the perfect recipe for the ultimate mind control scenario.

Forcible suppression of the opposition

Now I ask you, who would attempt to suppress the opposition? Do we see riots break out at Tea Party rallies with rally goers attacking innocent bystanders? Do we see cars burning when patriots get together to hold a prayer rally? Do we see protests and violence at CPAC, one of the biggest gatherings of conservatives in the country? No.

It’s the left that aligns itself with forcible suppression. Time and time again, we see them taking to the streets violently, clashing with dissenters. We see cars burning during Trump’s inauguration, we watched as throngs of Antifa protesters have shut down traffic in cities throughout the country, and we have seen countless altercations that have ended violently.

If you don’t believe me when it comes to the countless attacks on conservatives, here are just a few of the many incidents that have unfolded since Donald Trump announced his bid for the presidency:

  • October 29, 2018: Actor James Cromwell: There will Be ‘Blood in the Streets’ Unless Trump Stopped
  • October 29, 2018: Twitter allows 179 death threats against Trump
  • October 29, 2018: FL: Shots Fired into South Daytona Republican Party Office
  • October 28, 2018: Left-wing mobs disrupt Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) rally
  • October 25, 2018: New York Times runs story fantasizing about Trump’s assassination
  • October 25, 2018: GOP headquarters vandalized in Iowa City, IA
  • October 23, 2018: Boulder thrown through Rep. McCarthy’s (R-CA) office window
  • July 27, 2016: OH: Black Trump Supporter Shot at Cleveland Bar During Heated Political Debate
  • June 18, 2016: Man attempts to assassinate Trump in Nevada
  • June 14, 2017: Bernie Sanders supporter opens fire on a group of Republican congressman. Rep. Steve Scalise is shot and nearly dies.
  • March 8, 2016: 3 arrested for pulling gun on Trump supporter
  • February 24, 2016: NYT columnist Ross Douthat “jokes” about assassination attempt on Trump

Some, like Representative Keith Ellison, have openly supported the terrorist movement known as Antifa:

Representative Maxine Waters eloquently motivated her followers to literally confront Trump supporters in public:

Senator Cory Booker even told leftists to get up in the faces of congress people:

So I ask this one simple question, who is attempting to forcibly suppress their opposition?

The next time you hear the so-called news outlets and Democrat politicians attempt to paint our President as a “fascist,” ask yourself, what exactly has Trump done that equates with fascism? Is motivating the people to have pride in their country fascism? Is lessening the role government plays in our lives fascism? Is removing government influence from the economy fascism?

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