President Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Nears 50 Percent

President Donald J. Trump has been in office for less than two weeks and the liberal media is predictably doing everything in its power to diminish his presidency. On a regular basis, the left attacks every action President Trump does, from his Executive Order limiting travel from terror-prone nations to keeping his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Despite the left’s efforts, the American public have seen through their bias and are giving President Trump strong marks for his first two weeks in office. According to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll, approximately 49% of voters approve of Trump’s job performance!

The same poll shows that the president’s overall favorable rating is on the rise, with 49% having a favorable opinion.

But what about President Trump’s policies, which the left continues to rail against? Surely the onslaught of negative media coverage has hurt the president’s policies? Well, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Tuesday, 49% of American adults “strongly” or “somewhat” support President Trump’s immigration Executive Order. 41% “strongly” or “somewhat” disagreed with the president’s actions.

Obviously, many of those opposed are Democrats. From The Washington Examiner:

The majority of Democrats, 53 percent, said they “strongly disagree” with Trump, while 51 percent of Republicans said they “strongly agree” with the policy to block people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Thirty-one percent of all respondents said they feel “more safe” with the ban in effect, but 26 percent feel “less safe” as a result of the executive order.

What about President Trump’s Executive Order authorizing the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline? Polling shows the American public is with the president. According to Rasmussen Reports, 51% of voters favor building the pipeline, with 43% opposed to its construction.

Despite the constant, wall-to-wall negative coverage President Trump has received since defeating Hillary Clinton in November, his policies are popular with a majority of Americans.

If he continues to follow through with his campaign promises, it is likely that the president’s popularity will continue to rise even higher.

Are you supportive of President Trump’s first two weeks in office? Are you glad he is fulfilling his campaign promises? Share your thoughts below! 

21 thoughts on “President Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Nears 50 Percent”

  1. For the first time in eight years I can say that I am proud of my President!!!! Donald Trump is just what this country needed. He loves America and has proven that with what he has already done in only two weeks. His approval rate will soar as time goes by. People all over this country can see what the Dems. and other Liberals are trying to do to destroy President Trump. They won’t succeed. Everyone is getting sick of the crap the left pulls every day. The Dems will do anything to make it difficult for Trump, but he will get the job done in spite of those asses on the left. Obama ruined this country for eight years, and if he has his way, he will keep trying to ruin it, because he has no shame or class. He is a Muslim, USA hater!! President Trump has done more for this country in those last two weeks than Obama did in the entire eight years that he was our so called President. He wasn’t my president. I was ashamed to call him my president. He will go down in history as the worst president the U.S. ever had. Thank God, he is out and Donald Trump has taken over the mess Obama left us in. With prayers, hard work, and President Trump, we will have a great country once more!!! I am now proud to be an American under our new President, Donald J Trump!!! Oh yes, if the Dems are upset with this last election, just wait and see how upset they will be when the mid term elections come around in 2018, and they loose those 10+ seats they now hold. Those seats are in states that Trump won by large majorities. The people will remember how the Democrats are treating the Trump administration, and vote the Dems out and more Republicans in. They have already lost, and are too stupid to realize it. They will never change, and I hope they don’t because the fewer we have of them, the better off we are!!!

  2. Like Reagan, Trump knows he is a man that is why our Communist Liberals show so much inconclusiveness. …NOT….. They hate any man that knows he is a man and acts like a man.

    For years the left has pushed their Political Correctness BS. Political correctness is cowardice. Political correctness is itself victimization. Political correctness is childish, and its censorship and it happens to be one of the primary tools of the left to silence and stifle anything they disagree with and don’t want to hear.

    Political Correctness has proven to be a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rapidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

    1. You must be young president Reagan Kept 8 of his 10 campaign promises while Liberals screamed. Many of the elite around the country and in Hollywood made the same claims. They said if Reagan was elected they would leave the country and being the lairs they are NO ONE LEFT!

  3. I’m very pleased with what he has done so far. He is keeping his campaign promises, which is very refreshing, considering what we had to deal with the last 8 years. The fact that the liberal media and the insane left are trying to crucify him, hasn’t stopped him from doing what he has said he would do. Instead of screaming and whining, the left and the media she pay attention and actually learn something.

  4. ABSOLUTELY glad, I hope he begins draining the SWAMP within CONGRESS first, and works his way outward to the ISLAMIC entities who claim they are a legitimate organization. CAIR, ISNA, MB ALL of them need to GO, yes I will say it, because their ideology doesn’t fit in with our Constitution, they should ALL be DEPORTED back to their parent countries, and forbidden ever to return to America. PERIOD! Unless they accept America way of life. The word SHARIA should be placed among the most VILE curse words file, and on pain of 50,000 dollar fine for even speaking it out loud in any public forum, or on the sidewalk where it can be heard even by a child.

  5. We the people are very pleased with our President Trump .. He is a Promise Keeper.. He is fighting to protect us all even the ones who disagree with him.. Pray that these deluded souls begin to understand What a Great President we have now !

  6. I too am thrilled… I pray for his health and safety in the duty of the office he has taken. He is like a breath of fresh air in a long dark tunnel that I see the American people have been in. I now look forward to hearing and seeing all the positive work he is doing.

  7. I am THRILLED AND HAPPY with President Trump’s activity since becoming President. He is doing exactly what he said he would do and that’s the reason that we elected him. He is a TRUE AMERICAN and a PATRIOT. Those that are against him are wrong and they are fighting against their own country.

  8. YOU LIE!!!!! LOL Daily Caller. According to today’s Gallup rolling three day tracking poll, Trump’s DISAPPROVAL rating is 52% and climbing! WALTER WHITE IS A DRUG DEALER AND A LIAR!!!

  9. Remember why we don’t have the Keystone XL pipeline already: Warren Buffett told Obama not to build it. Why did he do that? He bought Burlington-Northern Santa Fe outright and took it private. It’s the only haul for Canadian crude to Louisiana. He charges ten times what a pipeline would cost, and it’s far more dangerous to the environment. A pipe won’t fall off the tracks, but several trainloads of crude oil already have.

  10. We loved him for the promises he made to us during the campaign. We love him twice as much now that he’s keeping those promises … and even more because he’s driving the liberals and much of the insane, with daily tantrums that further reduce their credibility. So proud that Donald Trump is my president.

    1. The democrats would be screaming for their Barabbas if given a choice. (Barabbas was murder incorporated in his day.) Its always been with us. They screamed to free Barabbas when Jesus was their other choice. It has not changed.

  11. There are many Democrats who are intelligent and have simply been sold a false bill of goods. Eventually these people will see the progress that America is making and will rate President Trump as favorable. Most people can see the condition of the countries in the world with “progressive” or “Socialist” agendas and realize how great Democracy really is. In every great society SOMEONE has to actually work at a real job.

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