Gee, who ever could have predicted this (besides every conservative and otherwise sane-thinking person in the world)? Cops arrested a transgender woman for taking pictures of a girl trying on bathing suits in a Target dressing room.
Yes, Target, the store that put out the welcome mat for predators when they infamously announced in April that they would allow strange men into the women’s bathrooms.
At the time, millions were outraged, a boycott of the store was launched, and Target’s stock fell. Now, even more bad news for the brand as their critics have been proven right about their dangerous policy.
From the Idaho Statesman:
A transgender Idaho Falls resident who was arrested Monday on a charge of felony voyeurism told a Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office detective that she secretly filmed a young woman undressing and that she had committed similar acts in the past, court documents show.
Shauna Smith, 43, was booked into the Bonneville County Jail under the name Sean Smith, and was arraigned Wednesday.
Sheriff’s deputies responded Monday to the Target in Ammon after an 18-year-old woman reported that someone was taking pictures of her while she was inside a dressing room trying on swimsuits. …
Smith admitted to filming the woman undressing, court documents show, and also admitted to committing similar acts in the past, saying she makes the videos for the “same reason men go online to look at pornography.”
I take no pleasure in saying, “See, I told you so!” to the liberals who put this 18-year-old girl in harm’s way, but it needs to be hammered home so we can promote commonsense policies to ensure nothing like this ever happens again in a Target dressing room or bathroom.
Save this article for the next time a lefty tries to claim that transgenders never have and never will pose a danger in girls’ bathrooms and dressing rooms.
P.S. How’s this for asinine: While a girl’s privacy was violated as a result of liberal transgender bathroom policies, a Duke vs. Albany basketball game has been cancelled because North Carolina’s bathroom law protects girls’ privacy. I’m sure NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo feels proud of himself for such a “courageous” stand.
What do you think? Should Target reverse its policy? Let us know!