Ahead of the Super Bowl, New England Patriots Refuse to Disavow Trump – and Liberals Are Freaking Out!

We already knew liberal delusions were infecting sports when the media fawned over Colin Kaepernick’s infamous disrespect of our National Anthem. Now the leftist bullies are out to shame Super Bowl contenders the New England Patriots.

The three most important men on the team – owner Robert Kraft, head coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady – who I like to call the Trump Trifecta, all are friends with and supported Donald Trump. To liberals, any prominent figure in popular culture voicing anything less than full-throated resistance to President Trump is heresy – they must be punished and forced to explain, then apologize for and condemn their own actions.

These are just a few of the media headlines trying to push their own hatred of Trump into sports, which is supposed to provide an escape from politics and unite people of all political persuasions behind one team:

New York Times Magazine: “The Uncomfortable Love Affair Between Donald Trump and the New England Patriots” – Uncomfortable for who? Only liberals blinded by their hatred of Trump.

SB Nation: “The Patriots Have a Trump Problem” – No, the media has a Trump derangement problem.

USA Today: “Tom Brady has some explaining to do on Donald Trump” – He has the right to his own opinions and owes you nothing!

Medium: “Tom Brady’s Politics Are More Un-American Than Colin Kaepernick’s Have Ever Been” – Just calling all Trump voters un-American, more partisan Trump Derangement Syndrome.

As for the President himself, he says Brady is “a really good friend of mine,” Belichick is “a great, great friend,” and calls Kraft “one of my best friends.” And as the men explain their own relationships with Trump, it becomes clear that he is a great friend who encourages and cares for those who are close to him. Here’s a closer look at each one’s relationship with Trump.

Bob Kraft

One of the ironic things about all the liberal hate on Patriots owner Bob Kraft for being friends with Donald Trump is that Kraft has always been a Democrat. This article explains why the personal trumps the political for Kraft.

[In 2005,] Kraft was seated one table away from Bill and Hillary Clinton at Donald Trump’s wedding at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Kraft is a lifelong Democrat and was later one of the largest donors to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, but Trump is his friend.

But it’s what Trump did when Kraft’s wife died that solidified their friendship and revealed a side of Trump that the media won’t show.

“When Myra died, Melania and Donald came up to the funeral in our synagogue, then they came for memorial week to visit with me,” Kraft said. “Then he called me once a week for the whole year, the most depressing year of my life when I was down and out. He called me every week to see how I was doing, invited me to things, tried to lift my spirits. He was one of five or six people that were like that. I remember that.”

That’s why Kraft was at a pre-inauguration dinner with Trump. Seated nearby was Jets owner Woody Johnson, expected to be the ambassador to the United Kingdom. “To be honest, I think we have a real challenge, especially in the inner cities,” Kraft said. “Working class people and lower income people, we have to help more. They’ve gotten hurt over the last decade a lot. We have to create jobs and a vibrant economy that helps those communities throughout America. I really believe and hope that the new administration is going to do that.”

The fact that Trump is a man who supports friends during the worst of times is a powerful testament to his character.

Tom Brady

The media was scandalized when Patriots quarterback Brady had a Make America Great Again hat in his locker in September of 2015, but it wasn’t TOO big of a deal back then because Trump was considered a joke candidate who the Democrats wanted to face in the general. Now they’re making Brady pay for it with a vengeance.

Before the election, Brady talked about his long friendship with Trump and Trump’s support of both him and the team.

“I met him probably 15, 16 years ago,” Brady said. “We’ve played golf together many, many times and I’ve always had a good time with him. He’s been a friend of mine. He’s supported our team. He’s supported the Patriots. He’s been on the Patriots sideline a lot. He’s always called me after games to encourage me over the course of 15 years. That’s kind of the way it is.”

Brady was pretty mum on Trump after the election, but did again confirm their friendship and their phone calls.

“I have called him, yes, in the past. Sometimes he calls me. Sometimes I call,” Brady said. “But, again, that’s been someone I’ve known. I always try to keep it in context because for 16 years you know someone before maybe he was in the position that he was in. He’s been very supportive of me for a long time. It’s just a friendship. I have a lot of friends. I call a lot of people.” …

“Why does everybody make such a big deal? I don’t understand it,” he added.

“I don’t want to get into it, but if you know someone it doesn’t mean you agree with everything they say or they do. You have a lot of friends in your life,” Brady noted. “I think there are things that are based in your own dealings with someone that is a personal dealing, not a public dealing. Because you have personal experiences.”

Brady was reminded that at least part of the controversy was due to his friendship with a very public figure that has taken stances which many might believe the QB wouldn’t want to be associated with.

“I don’t believe in a lot of things,” Brady said. “Not to denounce anything. There are different things … I’ve known Gerry [Callahan] for a long time and I would consider, I don’t know friends, but would be very cordial if I saw you and I think we would have a lot of things to talk about. I don’t agree with everything. That’s fine, right?

Not in today’s world where liberals are dividing every American into two categories: Good (people who have gone on record denouncing Trump) and Evil (everyone else). Liberals are creating their own little bubbles where they purge anyone out of their lives who doesn’t agree one hundred percent with their agenda. So, no, Brady, to the left, it is a “big deal,” and it’s not “fine” that you are friends with someone you “don’t agree with everything” on.

Bill Belichick

Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick has been a friend of Trump’s for years and even had dinner with him in the middle of his primary campaign. On the eve of the election, Trump was at a rally in New Hampshire where he boasted about his support from the Patriots. He said Brady had called with some encouragement and read a letter he had received from Coach Belichick that said:

Congratulations on a tremendous campaign. You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media, and have come out beautifully – beautifully. You’ve proved to be the ultimate competitor and fighter. Your leadership is amazing. I have always had tremendous respect for you, but the toughness and perseverance you have displayed over the past year is remarkable. Hopefully tomorrow’s election results will give the opportunity to make America great again. Best wishes for great results tomorrow.

Immediately the media scoffed and didn’t believe that Belichick had written the letter, but it was true.

In explaining, Belichick emphasized the importance of friendship and loyalty, a common theme between him, Kraft, Brady, and Trump.

“Our friendship goes back many years and I think anybody that’s spent more than five minutes with me knows I’m not a political person. The comments are not politically motivated, I have a friendship and loyalty to Donald.

“[A] couple of weeks ago, we had Secretary of State [John] Kerry in our locker room. That’s another friend of mine. I can’t imagine two people with more different political views than those two, but to me friendship and loyalty is just about that. It’s not about political or religious views.

“I write hundreds of letters and notes every month. [It] doesn’t mean I agree with every single thing that every person thinks about politics, religion or other subjects. I have multiple friendships that are important to me. That’s what that was about.

Friendships across the aisle with people you don’t agree with, imagine that! It’s becoming harder and harder these days and that’s intentional by the media and the left. They need to stop trying to divide us – we need to come together as a country now more than ever and they’re making everything a million times worse!

NFL ratings were down because of Kaepernick and ESPN is hemorrhaging subscribers because their “sports” talk shows have all turned into mini Rachel Maddow shows. Here’s a crazy idea: Stick to sports and stop trying to insert politics into everything!

Leave the owners, coaches, players – and fans! – alone and free to have their personal lives and personal opinions checked at the door while we all just enjoy the greatest sports spectacle of the year, the Super Bowl.

Also: Go Pats!

What do you think? Does the media’s crusade against the Patriots make you more likely to root for them in the Super Bowl? Tell us in the comments below!

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