The Center for Medical Progress has been doing investigative work on Planned Parenthood for the past three years. And they have found out something that is bound to upset a vast majority of Americans.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola was caught on video discussing how the organization sells body parts of aborted children. She discussed how she avoids crushing certain body parts as they bring a higher dollar amount.
“I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. The kind of rate-limiting step of the procedure is calvarium. Calvarium—the head—is basically the biggest part.”
Nucatola explains, “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
Nucatola also reveals that Planned Parenthood’s national office is concerned about their liability for the sale of fetal parts: “At the national office, we have a Litigation and Law Department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now,” she says. “But I will tell you that behind closed doors these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”
In addition to being completely reprehensible to sell these children’s body parts, it is federal felony that can result in 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000. But, to Planned Parenthood, the risk is well worth the reward.
These children have no dignity even in death. The video shows how easy it is to order these children’s body tissues and organs.
Planned Parenthood receives taxpayer funding. This blatant and disgusting crime should be cause for the nation’s largest abortion provider to be stripped of tax dollars.
While most people couldn’t even think about eating or drinking while speaking of making money off the body parts of children, Planned Parenthood’s top doctor enjoys her glass of wine as if this is just everyday conversation.
What do you think Democrats, like Hillary Clinton, who fight for funding for Planned Parenthood will say about them selling baby parts? Please comment below.