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January 10, 2017
If you remember back in July, there was a very strange murder in Washington DC. Seth Rich was a major figure at the Democratic National Committee who
December 15, 2016
An official who claims to be in-the-know within Wikileaks says the “Russia hack” was information they actually got from a disgruntled DNC worker
December 13, 2016
Judge Andrew Napolitano is a lion of liberty – a libertarian and former federal judge, he puts the law and […]
October 31, 2016
It’s time now for another episode of, The Clinton Campaign Lies and Gets Caught Red-Handed, starring Hillary campaign manager Robby […]
October 27, 2016
On Friday evening, Tanden wrote to Podesta, “Well, let’s see what the poll actually says.” Just after midnight, roughly five hours later, Tanden writes
October 27, 2016
The Obama Hillary email coverup was just blown wide open thanks to the efforts of WikiLeaks. We now know that Obama and other White House staff
October 21, 2016
Earlier this week, WikiLeaks released Obama Hillary emails clearly hinting that President Obama knew about the former Secretary of State’s private emails
October 17, 2016
Another leaked email showing collusion between the White House and the Clinton campaign in dealing with fallout from Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal.