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By Phill Kline for RealClearPolitics Government officials increasingly act as though they’re somehow beyond criticism. But the truth is exactly

The Wisconsin Senate on Wednesday passed legislation that would make the Badger State a "Second Amendment sanctuary."

Chilling aerial footage shows disturbing scale of destruction in Kenosha, Wisconsin after weeks of riots as Trump prepares to visit.

Nancy Pelosi just questioned if Donald Trump needs to feel "responsibility" for the deadly Kenosha shootings.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) rioters just set a building in Kenosha, Wisconsin on fire as families were trapped inside.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court just struck down the state's stay at home orders in a huge defeat for Democrat Governor…

Cher just attacked millions of Republicans in this country by accusing them of turning their heads while President Donald Trump…

James Carville, the Democrat strategist, claimed that Democrats will "wipe out" Trump in 2020, but that Republicans "will kill people"…
Cher just launched yet another attack on Republicans, claiming that they are "willing to kill Americans" just so they can…