Seth Meyers Claims Trump Voters Are ‘Sociopathic’ For Wanting To Send Kids Back To School

“Late Night” host Seth Meyers spoke out on Monday night to shame millions of supporters of President Donald Trump, claiming that they are all “sociopathic” simply because they want to get children back to school as soon as possible.

Meyers, who is believed to be worth more than $10 million and has the luxury of being able to work from home during this pandemic, used his monologue last night to blame virtually everything that is going wrong right now on Trump and his supporters.

“You [Trump] rushed everyone back to work too soon against the advice of your own scientists just to please the Dow,” Meyers said. “Now we have 60,000 new cases every day and we’re banned from traveling to Europe. Do you know what that means? If Americans can’t go to Europe, who’s gonna wear shorts and Mickey ears to the Louvre?”

Not stopping there, Meyers went to far as to call Trump supporters “sociopathic.”

“When you’re talking about forcing children and teachers to go back to schools amid a deadly pandemic you failed to stop, without even putting a plan in place to protect them, that’s how you know you belong to a sociopathic political movement.,” he said. “We’re at the mercy of a sadistic oaf who’s being shielded by a political party that cares more about statues than people.”

Meyers conveniently made no mention of the Black Lives Matter protests that have been happening all over the U.S. in which rioters ignore social distancing guidelines to spread as much chaos as possible.

The late night host also only singled out the spike in COVID cases in Florida, which is run by a republican governor. Meyers ignored the fact that the Democrat-run California has just shut down its economy again because of surges in coronavirus cases in the state, particularly in the super-liberal Los Angeles.

President Trump spoke out on Monday to double down on his goal of sending American children back to school in the fall.

“The schools should be opened. Kids want to go to schools. You’ll lose a lot of lives keeping things closed,” the president said.

Liberals like Meyers are of course in no rush to see schools reopen again because they want to drag all of this out as long as possible in the hopes that it will cost Trump the election. It remains to be seen if this strategy will work out for them, or if it will blow up in their faces.

This piece was written by James Samson on July 14, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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