Democrat Mayors Boycott Trump Meeting, He Immediately Makes Them Pay

sanctuary mayors trump

Liberal pro-sanctuary city mayors conducted a boycott of a scheduled meeting with President Trump, and were immediately called out for their stunt.

The U.S. Conference of Mayors saw over 100 mayors show up, while just a few – those who are so emotionally distraught over the Trump Administration’s effort to crackdown on illegal immigration – decided not to go.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was at the forefront of the boycott, a sad attempt at getting the far-left base to pay attention to their feeble efforts to stop the President.

“I will NOT be attending today’s meeting at the White House,” de Blasio proudly boasted, citing Trump’s supposed renewed “racist assault on our immigrant communities.”

Actually, comrade, cracking down on illegal immigration DOES make Americans safer and PROMOTES America’s core values of law and order.

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu joined in on the boycott saying, “I cannot in good conscience as President of the United States Conference of Mayors go to a meeting under false pretenses.”

“Unfortunately, the Trump administration’s decision to threaten mayors and demonize immigrants yet again – and use cities as political props in the process – has made this meeting untenable,” he added.

The Democrat mayors are up in arms over the fact that the Department of Justice announced that it will subpoena up to 23 ‘sanctuary’ jurisdictions if they don’t offer proof they are complying federal immigration law.

President Trump wasted no time in blasting those mayors who decided not to join the meeting, saying they, like their entire party, have chosen to side with illegal immigrants over law-abiding Americans.

“My administration is committed to protecting innocent Americans,” Trump told those in attendance, “and the mayors who choose to boycott this event put the needs of criminal illegal immigrants over law-abiding Americans.”

That’s not a joke, NBC.

President Trump proceeded to call out sanctuary cities, defining them as “the best friend of gangs and cartels like MS-13.”

Don’t forget Kate Steinle’s murderer. You know, the way liberals who back sanctuary cities and/or states have. They were a best friend to him as well.

Still, as the President pointed out, most mayors showed up to the event.

“Let me tell you the vast majority of people showed up … Because the vast majority believe in safety of your cities,” he said.

As do the vast majority of Americans.

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17 thoughts on “Democrat Mayors Boycott Trump Meeting, He Immediately Makes Them Pay”

  1. When officers of the INS violate the Constitution are they considered “law abiding Americans”?

    The Constitution requires search warrants and arrest warrants. Why can’t Sessions bother to follow the law?

  2. All New Yorkers should be ashamed of out 10foot of dummy DEBLOSIO. What a poor example of a MYor this guy is. He’s so amateurist that he is repulsive as a politician. How long will it take for the people of New York City to realize that this kind of man is worthless. New York city is a runaway train heading form derailment. His new proposal to charge drivers that traverse a certain portion of the city $11 dollars and change is morbid. That’s the only thing you and you minions could come up with. I repeat, he’s an Amateur.

    1. I agree, dynamo47. I, too, live in a democrat state (Connecticut) where spending and lawlessness are out of control. You can count on our elected officials to “group think” every decision that needs to be made. We need a republican governor desperately. I believe our government will not give us a fair shake until the democrats are voted out.

  3. Now we know which Democrat mayors of which cities are putting the feelings of illegal immigrant murderers and rapists before the safety and security of American citizens. If y’all don’t vote them out of office, there’s either something wrong with you or they’ve been in power for so long they’ve doctored the voting process to the point where illegal voting is keeping them in power.

  4. Democrats are doing exactly what they have been accusing Republicans of doing for a century: “Hiring outside help”; both in the form of Hispanic migrants, illegal and legal.

    The democratic party is a dying species in desperate need of bodies indebted to them for something. That something being their vote. Other than that, the democrat doesn’t give a rats ass about the immigrants, nor the citizens in the hell holes of our nation: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Houston, Oakland, Stockton, San Francisco,,,,,,,,this could take a while.

  5. American Law-abiding citizens are more important to protect than any illegal alien. They are not important to us. Send every single one of them scumbags bag to Mexico. I can’t stand Mexicans. Low life POS. Send each one of them bastards who boycotted trumps meeting to Mexico and make them live there. See how they handle living the life of the scumbags they protect. M.F. need to hang for this.

  6. All of the ‘suggestions’ below about what to do with mayors, Soros, and others amounts to gum beating at best. None of that’s going to happen and anyone even half-sane knows it. The best bet is an armed uprising against the left. Anything short of that gets ignored totally by leftists.

  7. The FBI should round up all these liberal mayors of sanctuary cities at once and charge them all with harboring illegal aliens. A little jail time might change their views.

  8. ICE MUST IMMEDIATELY Arrest illegals and confiscate wealth of the #1-illegal alien criminal usurper Barack Obama of Kenya, aka Barry Soetoro of Indonesia, the I.D. Fraudster Marxist Muslim infiltrator jihadist attacking USA; and, arrest George Soros, strip him of his US Citizenship and his il-gotten wealth, go to prison with Obama for twenty years, then deport them.

    Democrats: tactics typify a toxic blend of laziness and group-think that are all too common today – a hot mess of hashtags and intolerance that deepen the chasm dividing our country since the racist I.D. Fraudster Barack H. Obama of Kenya, aka Barry Soetoro of Indonesia, and members of the DNC conspired with MSM to fool Americans and they usurped the Office of POTUSA in 2008 and 2012 to force their anti-USA Islamic-socialist agenda on We The People.

  9. Dear All,

    8 U.S.C. 1324 specifies in unambiguous terms that a “Local Government commits a federal felony when it knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions. The penalty for felony harboring is a fine and imprisonment for up to 5 years; smuggling is a fine and up to 10 years in prison, 20 years in prison if there is serious bodily injury or a persons life is placed in jeopardy, or life in prison for the death of any person.

    Today, USAG Jeff Sessions (DOJ) sent subpoena’s to 23 jurisdictions who call themselves Sanctuary City’s……and several mayor’s refused to honor them……

    As you can probably figure out, these Sanctuary City mayors are finally realizing that they are potentially in very serious jeopardy of being arrested and prosecuted by USAG Sessions for their intentional defiance of our nations immigration laws and they can be fined and imprisoned for their stupidity.

    Ronald L. Kirkish.

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