Romney Drops BOMBSHELL About GOP Convention – Must Watch!


You would think former presidential candidate Mitt Romney would stay out of this election season and support the GOP candidate that reaches out to the American people, but it seems he is in on the “fix.”

On Sunday morning, Mitt Romney joined Meet the Press with Chuck Todd to discuss Saturday night’s elections and a possible brokered GOP convention.

From The Washington Times:

“Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, refused Sunday to rule out becoming the nominee again this year at a brokered convention, though he insisted he couldn’t imagine that happening.

“I don’t think anyone in our party should say, ‘Oh no, even if the people of the party wanted me to be president, I would say no to it.’ No one is going to say that,” Mr. Romney said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

I was a Romney supporter in 2012, but he ended up being a cowardly waste of time. He couldn’t spare the energy to FIGHT the worst President ever. He couldn’t even fight Candy Crowley during that second debate, which was a pivotal moment and turned around the entire 2012 election.

Now he thinks he can waltz in and take over, and we’re going to welcome him with open arms? Someone needs to clean this guy’s clock.

Watch the full interview below:

The GOP is just hellbent on losing, aren’t they? Which of course translates to We The People losing. As we all know, the gravy train will continue for the Uniparty puppeteers no matter which puppet thy select. If the GOP pulls this stunt, I strongly hope Trump runs as a third party candidate.

H/T: The Washington Times

What do you think Trump should do if they pull shenanigans at the GOP convention? Share your comments below and let us know what you think. Add this story to your Twitter/Facebook timeline.

10 thoughts on “Romney Drops BOMBSHELL About GOP Convention – Must Watch!”

  1. Romney you are an embarrassment…..a traitor to the American people. As you pave the road for Obama’s third term you seem so pleased with yourself…..but to us you are a disgrace.

  2. If Donald Trump goes into the Republican Convention with more delegates than anyone else, then the Convention should make him the party’s nominee for President. If they ignore the American voters and nominate someone else instead, then Trump definitely should run as a third party candidate.and beat their asses.

  3. Romney is one of the top corrupt puppets, will do anything to protect DC politicians and keep the insider and special interest $$$. If Hillary gets a win, they still win by being able to keep their game rolling and blame everything on her. So sick of them! Trump would clean house and they fear him more than anyone!

  4. We can be sure there will be dirty tricks at the Republican Convention, and all the stops will be pulled out to stop Trump. Frankly, I like Trump because he ISN”T a politician! The others turned me off long ago. It is time for the Republicans to LISTEN to the people they make gradiose promises to each election year, then walk all over the same people when they get back into office! This election, if the politicians haven’t noticed, is a PEOPLE’S CHOICE election, NOT a politician’s election! And, if these hotshot politicians want to save their sorry low class careers, then they had best listen to the PEOPLE, and NOT make any backroom endorsements, nominations, or anything else! WE THE PEOPLE ARE ANGRY, AND THE POLITICIANS ARE GOING TO PAY WITH THEIR CAREERS!

  5. I LOVE Donald Trump, he is totally authentic and is the ONLY one that speaks for working class/middle class, and veterans!! A successful person doesn’t give up, and the ones that never try are never successful. Romney is pathetic!! VOTE TRUMP!!!

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