Romney Believes He Can Bring Down Trump With Impeachment?

Sen. Mitt Romney ‘believes he can bring Trump down’ through impeachment. Can he? In a word, no.

What’s crazy about Romney these days is that he’s more active now than he was when CNN Candy Crowley took him down during the second 2012 presidential debate against Barack Obama. What I am saying is that if Mittens had this much fight in him when he was campaigning against Obama, he might have won the presidency.

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First off, there actually has to be some kind of evidence of a crime, which still hasn’t been produced by Rep. Adam Schiff nor any other crony in nearly three years of investigation. I would venture to guess Democrats have investigated President Trump, for no reason, more than any other president in the history of this country.

Secondly, Romney couldn’t convince 18-19 Republicans Senators to wear magic pajamas, let alone vote for impeachment.

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The Republican’s advisers reportedly told Vanity Fair he “believes he has more potential power as a senator who will decide Trump’s fate in an impeachment trial” instead of competing against the incumbent president in a contentious election that began with more than two dozen Democratic hopefuls.

He could have tremendous influence in the impeachment process as the lone voice of conscience in the Republican caucus,” one of Mr Romney’s advisers told the publication.

They said he would likely be able to convince other moderate Republicans to join Democrats in supporting Mr Trump’s removal from office — a process that would ultimately require support from two-thirds of the Republican-controlled Senate.

“Romney is the one guy who could bring along Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, Ben Sasse,” the adviser said. “Romney is the pressure point in the impeachment process. That’s why the things he’s saying are freaking Republicans out.”

The comments came amid an increasingly hostile impeachment battle, in which Democrats have accused the president of abusing his power by urging Ukraine – and later China – to launch an investigation into one of his 2020 political rivals, Joe Biden. [The Independent]

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Romney is one of the RINOs and has never accepted Trump even though he begged for Trump’s support to get him elected as a Senator for Utah. Utah must feel so proud with the way Romney is acting.

Romney needs to switch to a Democrat. I’m sure his attacks have nothing to do with one of his reps being caught up with Biden’s son on possible scandals in Ukraine. Nothing right, Romney?

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83 thoughts on “Romney Believes He Can Bring Down Trump With Impeachment?”

  1. Just think if he were president. That would be a scary mess. He flip flops then changes his stories and now because he did not get a position in the Adminstration he is going to go with the Dems and deep state. He should just go away

  2. Yes, just like that Judge Andrew Napolitano who wanted Trump to appoint him to the Supreme Court. Of Course, he is not Supreme Court material and has proven that by his vindictive sore loser tactics at Fox News.

  3. Hello All,

    Ask Mitt boy what his top admin was doing on a board in Urkaine Hummmm
    He is part of the deep state and that is why he along with Pelsi, Schumer, Schiff and Clinton all want to silence our president cause our President is cleaning the swamp!
    Needless to say Obama boy is very quite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hummmm wonder why!

  4. Mr Romney when we really needed you, you were no where in sight. We finally have President Trump who is strong and fighting hard for the American people against backstabbing, despicable hating democrats who could care less about “We the People”!!

  5. Yeah, I voted against Obama, really. The Republicans need to remember not to put anyone up against a Democrat who shares Democrat policies. The Democrat will win hands down.

  6. Totally agree. This clown could not take down President Obama and Candy Crowley with their big lie and Obama’s failed economic and healthcare policies. How is he going to take down the most successful Presidential administration since Reagan? He had his chance, now it is time for him to get out of the way.

  7. I only regret that senators serve six years before facing re-election! That’s too long for Utah and the country to put up with Romney’s backstabbing ways!

  8. Romney is the epitome of arrogance. That’s what doomed his political aspirations…and he thinks we should care about his opinions now? Not a chance, Mitt!

  9. Obamacare was Romneycare and he was proud of it; this guy is the traitor to the people and the country. He works for the globalists and not the people. I hope Utah wakes up and see the light and get rid of this RINO.

  10. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints does not endorse any political candidate. The church leadership doesn’t even indicate a preference. Members are encouraged to vote their conscience. And a large percentage of Utah residents are not even members or advocates of the religion. It is unclear why so many people voted for him. But it should be clear to them by now that they made a mistake. We can only hope they do not make the same mistake again.

  11. The people of Utah made a big mistake when they elected Mitt Romney to represent them. He does not represent their political values or best interests. He may have been the hero who saved the Olympic games Utah hosted but as a Senator he is a disgrace. If he were honest he would renounce the republican party and acknowledge that he is a democrat. The bottom line is that he should never again be elected to public office.

  12. Lets really annoy the left. Clint Eastwood 2024! ggg ok just sayin’ you you think they’re malevolent now.. wait until the Deep State kicks in during the last quarter of 2023. We need a slate of 100% patriots who don’t back down for nothin, ready to go.

  13. In the words of Mrs Slocumbe.. “Weak as water!” The American voters gave Romney the boot the first time, and will do it AGAIN! Trump 2020, even if the left slimigs impeachment with no cause, no trial, no representation from the rinos… there’s nothing in the USC that says we can’t put Trump back in in 2020! Question is… what do we do in 2024?

  14. Romney was always a loser and comes across as still being a loser! There is something about his carisma (spelling?) that gives one a feeling of loser every time he is in the news!

  15. Mr. Romney……
    You haven’t lost a Son, in Combat……I HAVE… STOP pontificating…..
    U should be ashamed of yourself, trying to put others children, AT ARMS LENGTH, when U fly around POMPOUSLY….. STOP…& Congratulate Pres. Trump….otherwise U R AN UNGRATEFUL TRAITOR……Oh yes…forgot, U R A MORMON…..!

  16. You are a traitor, no one with a ounce of common sense, is listening to. You work for me and many many others, we are telling you to sit down and do the job we pay you for. Stabbing our President in the back is not part of the job description. Why not work on getting rid of Obama care FYI ,I lost my insurance because of that so did millions more. Why don’t you fix that. Stop working for the Dems

  17. There is nothing more dishonest or disgusting than a back stabbing RINO! We all know what a Democrat is or has become,but a Republican you would expect better of until the Eighties.

  18. Romney… back stabbing B#$T#&D… the democRAT swamp rats and Rino swamp rats need to be removed from office… they are appalling…. nothing but liars, and cheaters … nothing but corrupt…

  19. Mitt Romney is just another sour grapes loser. And he will continue to be a loser so long as he puts his jealousies above the interests of the USA. In other words, he’s just another John McCain, except Romney is still polluting the planet with the flatulence from his mouth!

  20. Any person that takes the family dog on a vacation and makes the dog ride in an open carrier on the top of the car and not inside with the family is a piece of poopy garbage and not fit to offer an opinion on anything at all.
    Not even talking about the lie about his Viet Nam bullcrap that was proved to be a LIE
    This guy is not fit to wipe Trumps butt.
    I’m guessing that Bloomberg & Soros are greasing Mitts palm.

  21. Romney is a poor loser. I am ashamed I voted for him and Ryan.. Both traitors. He moves to Utah because he was ‘toast in the N.E. Now he needs to retire. Behind his supposed gentlemanly facade is a real snake..

  22. Mutt Romney is one sore loser. He’s almost a male version of killary….can’t get over losing election. We will show mutt that we will re elect President Trump. I hope Trump offers him a position at the white house so he can turn him down again.

  23. So finally some Republicans are starting to “see the light.” Unfortunately, I’ve never been a big fan of Romney, but it’s a start.

    “I would venture to guess Democrats have investigated President Trump, for no reason, more than any other president in the history of this country.” – Political Insider

    I would also venture this is likely, except for the part “for no reason.” I mean, as the saying goes, “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.” It may very well look like a “witch hunt,” but if you act like a witch, talk like a witch, and walk like a witch, then you’re probably a witch. I’m not sure if Trump is just plain stupid or this is just some masterfully conning plan of his to keep controversy in the air to inflame both his fan base and his opponents, so he comes out looking like an underdog to his fan base, which then feels pity for him and believes everything that comes out of his mouth is God’s given truth. I mean if he hadn’t asked foreign countries pre and post election for help, maybe there wouldn’t be so much suspicion and investigations. Maybe he was joking, and maybe he wasn’t, but this isn’t the comedy club he’s working at, it’s the presidency of one of the greatest countries in the world. The way he conducts himself is not going to bring this country together, as I’m sure will be proven by all the nasty comments I will probably get here.

  24. Do not underestimate the connection of this Romney who is a proven criminal of the NWO and UN who want Control of USA and the world.
    . He demonstrated his hate for Biblical Christians and our Republic’s Constitution. 
    . He laundered Iran-Contra money from Mena AR airport Drug Drops (Gov. Clinton and CIA Director Bush) and “Bribed” legislative into silence by having them invest in Bain Capital (Panama) and they blamed Noriega as the money laundering drug runner with riots in Panama.
    . He set-up THE ORIGINAL Obama Care as Mass Governor.
    . Why would any American Patriot even want him anywhere

  25. New world order Romney is owned by the same traitors as the Clintons and Bushes! They’re all on the same team and the two parties are just a front to fool the people. Donald Trump is breaking up their little circle and they know it. They know if he is elected again it’s all over for them. As Hellary said if he gets in we’re all going down.

  26. From an appealing Presidential candidate ,to a weak campaigner , to a poor loser, to a petty personality, to a begging politician, to a betrayer of his benefactor, to a calamitous drop in the nation’s respect for him.Another man with big bucks but bankrupt character.

  27. Many years a go when I was a kid I remember reading about a young man during the Vietnam War. He was drafted. He got a bucket of poop, went to the draft officer who had drafted him and threw the contents of the bucket over him. He did not harm the officer, but the officer was very humiliated.
    I often dream of doing the same to Romney. Indeed wherever Romney goes someone should dowse him. It will, at least send a strong message, to the arrogant and condescending RINO.

  28. Romney and many other politicians,mostly Dims, resent POTUS coming in and running the country, and the economy much more efficiently than they ever could. Trump is about to make politicians an extinct species.

  29. Romney is a traitorous RINO! He still want to be President that’s why he wants to bring down Trump! He will Never be a Republican Presidential Candidate again for he is the Rotten Egg in the Republican Basket! Haw! Haw! Haw!

  30. Romney …. the Judas of the Republican Party …. the man (sorry for loose use for definition of a man) is so enamoured in his on self- righteousness narcissistic worth that he is willing to harm the USA for his deep-seated ideology. And just think, the people of Utah actually voted for this Narccissic Person.

  31. Hey Mitt;; Rumor has it that your opponent in your race for president has not to this day shown proof that he is even an American citizen, let alone a natural born citizen of the United States.. How did that race go for you anyway??

  32. I think Trump and his guys are starting to get a little to close to some of the things ole Mit might have been doing like the energy thing with the Bidens–Was Mit on the dame board as Biden?

  33. If Romney chooses to commit political suicide then so be it. Anyone who can betray the President of the United States, and basing that betrayal on capricious conclusions made by an undependable and treacherous party member, cannot expect the public trust to support that betrayal. Good riddance. Now the citizens of Utah should begin impeachment of Senator Mitt Romney.

  34. Envy and jealous are man’s worst traits, and Mitt is the poster boy for both. He has sold his soul to the devil.

    ISIS stops terrorist attracts on the United States. Say democrats are doing a better job at it!

  35. Maybe Utah should put up a true conservative to run against him when his term is up. This man should be ashamed of his actions against this administration and President Trump. It is to bad, as is said, “one can not see the nose on one’s face”, just because he did not win his bid for the Whitehouse. The same could have been said of the late, Senator McCain. To many Republicans would better serve the country and actually work with the President instead of constantly bucking him. They could benefit from the great shape the country is in.

  36. Romney is so full of himself he has no idea the wrath of God that will descend on him if he doesn’t back of his constant whining. He doesn’t have the smarts be president. He can’t carry President Trumps brief case.

  37. If Romney pulls this stunt off, then he better hang up his hat in politics. Romney had better look at the Trump supporters that attend his rallies. He won’t be able to hide because we will find you when you go back under the rock you crawled out from under. Romney is worse than McCain and I never thought that any so called Republican could be that bad.

  38. You need 2/3rd’s vote in the Senate to remove a President. That’s not going to happen. And even if Mittens votes for impeachment. I predict some Democrat Senators, like West Virginia’s Manchin as a couple of others won’t. Because they know they’ll lose in their next election. Hopefully the voters of Utah will pick a real conservative next time Romney wins.

    I’m ashamed I voted for Romney is 2012. He’s a fraud and a liar.

  39. One year I walked to every home in my voting district to talk to everyone I could. I plan to do that again to try to convince everyone in my voting district to not vote for Mitt. It was a mistake voting him in as a Utah senator last time and would be a larger mistake to allow him to go back a second term. He has never represented the citizens of Utah.

  40. Romney join the Queue of Looser Politicians in line for Trumps Throne, In the words of the great Freddie Mercury, “Another One Bites the Dust” Get a life.

  41. What a fool mitt Romney is he’s a joke to the human race, he’s no Republican whatsoever he’s a one term governor of the state of Massachusetts that does not make him a republican at all.

  42. The man lives in a elite bubble so removed from reality that he is unable to see that losing Trump would turn the country over to a bunch of Marxists, Islamists, Antifa, BLMers and other anti-America Bolsheviks all planning to destroy 240+ years of Americanism with a Socialist based economy and loss of Freedom and Liberty for all.

  43. I don’t know which is worse. A former politician who stabs you in the back and votes against you in the General election; or, a former politician that you supported and endorsed and wins a Senate seat, then, puts a meat cleaver in your back to match the knife that’s still there! A greedy, gutless, weasel to the core!

  44. The Mormons of Utah need to re-examine why they elected this political chameleon in the first place. I know, the consensus is Mitten’s bought the senate seat. Yes he is a hedge fund – Bane Capital – partner who made a billion dollars.

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