Report: Obama Terrified Of Trump’s ‘Political Strengths’, Will Do Everything He Can To Reelect Biden

Obama Trump

Barack Obama reportedly expressed concerns about Donald Trump’s political strengths during a private lunch with President Joe Biden recently, vowing to do everything in his power to help the President secure reelection.

Details of the conversation between the Democrat presidents were revealed in a report by the Washington Post, which cited two sources.

Obama is seemingly under the impression that Trump constitutes a much bigger challenge than his colleagues think in 2024.

According to the report, Obama “voiced concern about Donald Trump’s political strengths,” which include an intensely loyal following, support from conservative media, and a country polarized to the point where they don’t want either candidate.

His comments, according to the Post, underline a concern that “Trump could be a more formidable candidate than many Democrats realize.”

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Obama Worried About Trump Strengths, Will Help Biden Any Way He Can

Obama is so concerned about Trump’s political strengths that, unlike in 2020 when he hemmed and hawed over his support for Biden, he is offering full-throated backing for the President very early on.

“Obama promised to do all he could to help the president get reelected,” the Post writes.

They note that Obama is the top star in the Democrat party and his assistance in dragging Biden across the finish line to continue carrying on what is effectively a third Obama-Biden term is coveted.

CNN political analyst Van Jones said Obama is “certainly right” to be concerned about Trump’s political strengths.

Jones noted that Democrats scoffed at Trump’s chances of winning the 2016 presidential election, and as a result, downplayed the importance to their party’s voters. He also sees three things that could make Obama’s worries come to fruition.

“If there’s an economic slump next year, Biden is in trouble. If he has a major health slump next year, Biden is in trouble,” he said. “If Democrat turnout slumps Biden is in trouble. Three slumps, you get a Trump.”

Biden has been in a health slump for several years now, whether it’s his rivalry with stairs or mentally.

The economy has been slumped since he took office – inflation is still higher, with prices up 3% from a year ago, gas prices are once again on the rise, and real wages are down.

The third slump in Jones’ assessment? Well, “81 million voters” showed up for Biden last time around, so he shouldn’t be too concerned about that, right? Right?

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Promises He’s Not Worried About Biden ‘F***ing Up’ Again

The Washington Post report about the private lunch stresses that Obama isn’t concerned about Biden’s lack of political ability, so much as he’s concerned about Trump’s strengths.

“During their lunch, Obama made it clear his concerns were not about Biden’s political abilities, but rather a recognition of Trump’s iron grip on the Republican Party,” the publication wrote.

This is a far cry from comments Obama made about Biden in the past.

Obama reportedly once told a fellow Democrat his concerns about Biden’s abilities during his 2020 White House campaign.

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up,” he said according to a Politico report.

Biden’s clearly done a hell of a job with that in the past two-and-a-half years!

For the good of the nation, let’s hope that should Trump win the nomination, he can undo all the damage this country has endured.

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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