Rasmussen Poll Shows Biden Approval Down – Is The Honeymoon Over?

biden approval down
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According to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports, it appears that President Joe Biden’s job approval rating has begun to slip, with more likely voters disapproving of his job performance than approving.

Like most new presidents, there’s typically a “honeymoon” period, where the new leader enjoys strong approval ratings.

Could this slip coincide with the border crisis and an unpopular Democrat agenda?

RELATED: Biden Appears To Backtrack – Says He’ll ‘Reestablish What Existed Before’ At Border

Biden Approval Down

On Tuesday, Rasmussen Reports’ daily Presidential Tracking Poll showed Biden had a 48 percent approval rating and 50 percent disapproval rating.

Rasmussen reported, “The latest figures include 31% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10.”

Biden’s approval rating sat at 52 percent on Friday, meaning the president has dropped four points since.

Biden’s “strongly disapprove” has gone up one point, from 40 to 41 percent, since Friday, while his “strongly approve” rating went down two points, sinking from 33 percent to 31 percent.

Rasmussen Reports Presidential Approval Index

While the shift is by no means seismic, it is very early in Biden’s presidency.

Why has Biden’s approval gone down?

Border Crisis Taking A Toll?

Rasmussen found that 57 percent of non-GOP, non-Democrat respondents agreed with the statement: “President Biden himself… has caused the [border] crisis with both his rhetoric and his policies.” 

President Biden seems to be slowly beginning to understand how much he has fumbled this.

Last week, in an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, the host said directly to Biden, “Do you have to say quite clearly, ‘Don’t come’?” 

Biden replied, “Yes, I can say quite clearly: Don’t come over.”

“Don’t leave your town or city or community,” Biden added.

RELATED: Illegal Immigrant Admits That If Trump Was Still President He Would ‘Definitely Not’ Have Crossed The Border 

Back To Trump’s Border Policies? 

On Sunday, Biden was asked by a reporter about what can be done about the chaos at the southern border.

The president’s reply was interesting and perhaps telling. 

“A lot more,” Biden replied to the reporter, “We’re in the process of doing it now, including making sure that we reestablish what existed before, which was they can stay in place and make their case from their home country.”

Biden appears to be referencing Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which Biden reversed earlier this year.

Will Joe Biden’s apparent turnaround – at least in rhetoric – on border policy also turnaround his sinking numbers?


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