Psaki Dodges Reporter’s Question About Joe And Jill Biden Breaking D.C.’s Mask Rule

Doocy Asks Psaki Why Joe And Jill Biden Seemed To Violate DC’s Mask Rule

On Monday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki dodged questions about President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden breaking D.C.’s mask mandates when both were recently spotted in a restaurant walking around with no masks..

Washington, D.C. has had an indoor mask mandate since July.

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Psaki Dodges

Fox News’ Senior White House Correspondent Peter Doocy asked Psaki about the incident, in which a patron recorded the Bidens walking around in the restaurant without masks on.

“There is a mask requirement inside D.C. restaurants yet President Biden and the first lady were not wearing masks while walking around a D.C. restaurant on Saturday,” Doocy said.

“Why?” he asked

Psaki replied, “I think what you’re referring to is a photo of them walking out of a restaurant after they had eaten, masks in hand, where they had not yet put them back on yet.”

She continued to deflect – obviously aware that the photo existed and prepared to spin the event.

“Of course, there are moments when all don’t put masks back on as quickly as we should – but I don’t think we should lose the forest through the trees here, in that our objective here is to get more people vaccinated, make sure that schools and companies around the country can put in place requirements to save more lives and keep people safer and not overly focus on moments in time that don’t reflect overarching policy,” Psaki said.

Unsatisfied with Psaki’s answer, Doocy asked specifically about the video that has circulated of the Bidens are walking through the Fiola Mare restaurant with no masks as they are followed by masked secret service agents.

Psaki deflected even harder.

“I think I just addressed it, Peter,” Psaki said dismissively.

She then refused any other questions on that topic.

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Restaurant Requires Masks

Not only does D.C. have an indoor mask mandate, but the restaurant’s website states, “Per CDC guidance and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser’s executive order, all individuals over age 2 are required to wear a mask indoors, regardless of vaccination status.”

“Masks must be always worn while in our restaurants, except while eating and drinking,” it reads. 

Or maybe, also, “except” if your name is Biden?

Critics have long pointed out the many instances in which the most aggressively pro-mask politicians have broken their own rules or advice on masks, while demanding that regular people follow the rules.


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