President Trump Is The Only Thing Standing Between You And The Angry Woke Mob

Angry Woke Mob

There are some on the right who think that President Trump hasn’t done enough to stop the flow of illegal immigration.

There are some on the right who think that Trump hasn’t done enough to speed the withdrawal and return of American troops from abroad.

There are some on the right who believe Trump hasn’t done enough to reduce the size of government.

There are some on the right who believe Trump didn’t do enough to slow the spread of COVID-19. Conversely, there are some on the right who believe Trump did too much to try to slow the spread of the disease at the expense of American jobs.

Of course, there are some on the right who are paid professional NeverTrumpers – those grifters’ opinions we don’t need to give any credence to.

What The Right Needs To Know

I write today, however, as we head to the 4th of July weekend, to reach out to those on the right who believe that Trump hasn’t done enough on their pet policy of choice.

If you are wavering in your support for President Trump, if you are thinking about sitting out the election in November, or – God forbid – you are seriously giving any thought at all to wasting a vote for a 3rd party candidate or the Democrats’ Manchurian candidate.

I am here to tell you one thing and one thing only: President Trump is the only thing standing between you and the angry woke mob.

Over the last few weeks, we watched as Democratic Governors, Democratic Mayors and the corporate media have fanned the flames of hate and division. We watched as what was supposed to be peaceful protests about the death of George Floyd, morphed into violence and looting.

As a “national conversation” about police tactics became a partisan political hammer used to try to damage the President and his supporters. We watched as demands to remove statues of Confederate Generals escalated in demands to remove statues of Columbus that now – insanely – include demands to remove statues of Washington, Ulysses Grant, and even Abraham Lincoln.

The Angry Woke Mob

Instead of a serious look at what reforms police departments could take that would improve the health and safety of the communities they represent – we are instead treated to cancel culture on steroids. With everything and everyone from pancake syrup to classic movies to episodes of the Golden Girls wearing mud masks subject to the never-ending demands of the woke mob for “justice.”

I believe that President Trump’s first term is an unqualified success. He has far exceeded the lofty expectations I had for his presidency. However, I understand that there are some on the right who aren’t so enthusiastic.

Now is not the time to turn the White House over to the Democrats.

If you are a conservative, who cares even one iota about the future of this country and for our culture, you must recognize that President Trump is the only thing standing between the angry woke mob and you and your family.

What A Biden Win Would Mean

If Joe Biden wins in November, it is likely his coattails will bring Democrats control of the US Senate and an even larger majority in the House. We simply cannot let this happen.

Joe Biden’s presidency would look much like his campaign has looked like so far – a rambling mess with the real decisions made not by Biden but by the regressive left wing of the Democratic Party that holds sway over him.

A Biden win in November would give Democrats an almost unfettered ability to remake this country. We aren’t simply talking about healthcare and taxes – we are talking about a fundamental reordering of the American culture.

We are in the midst of a full-blown culture war. One that will decide what our America looks like for generations to come. It is time for conservatives to recognize the stakes and prevent Democrats from taking the last thing that stands in their way – the White House.

Christopher Barron

is President of Right Turn Strategies. He is a contributor to The Hill, and a regular on the Kennedy ... More about Christopher Barron
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