THIS Person Admits… We May Have Been Visited By ALIENS!


She’s drunk!

If a conservative candidate had mentioned anything this insane, there would be wall-to-wall coverage on the front page of every newspaper. It would have been the lead story on CNN, MSNBC, NPR, CBS, ABC, and NBC. The late-night hosts would have had monologue material for weeks, as would Saturday Night Live.

Hillary Clinton says aliens have probably visited us, and the reaction has been a little blog spot that basically says, “well, perhaps there’s some truth to it all.”

From The Hill:

“I think we may have been [visited already]. We don’t know for sure,” the Democratic presidential front-runner told The Conway Daily Sun during a campaign stop in New Hampshire last week.

Her comment came after being asked about her husband Bill Clinton’s comments during an appearance on late-night show “Jimmy Kimmel Live” in 2014, when he suggested that extraterrestrial life could exist.

“I just hope it’s not like ‘Independence Day,'” said Clinton, referring to the film where aliens attack earth.

Hillary Clinton told a Sun reporter that she would “get to the bottom” of UFOs. The reporter said the two spoke before, in 2007, when Hillary Clinton said the top open-records request her husband receive at his library involved UFOs.

The hypocrisy and pandering”rope-a-dope” tactics the media uses to try and mislead by misrepresentation has cemented the fact the Democrat Party and liberal media are so in bed with each other, the DNC headquarters has a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the doorknob.


Thanks to Hillary and the Democrats, aliens have visited us! Illegal aliens, that is! I see them all the time.

H/T: The Hill

As for the other type of aliens – Hillary is the one spaced-out! What do you think about Clinton going off the map for this one? Share with us your thoughts on this one in the comment section below.

4 thoughts on “THIS Person Admits… We May Have Been Visited By ALIENS!”

  1. The fact of the matter is that we have been visited by people from the distant future and a secret government over our elected government has made deals with them to conduct their time war.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative” for clarity.

  2. LOL, More Americans believe in alien life than believe god mad humans in their current form less than 10,000 years ago.

    What really funny is that every single republican presidential candidates for 2016 believes the earth is less than 10,000 years old. The republican party voters has a majority of young earth creationist that don’t believe in the theory of evolution taking billions of years but have no problem with it happening in a weekend after a perfect God made screwed up humans and decided to wipe them out with a world wide flood a bit over 4000 years ago.

    I will vot for the alien believer long befor a young earth cretionist nut.

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