Pelosi Dares Trump To ‘Stand Up Like A Man’ And Accept Election Results, Says He’s Unpatriotic

Pelosi Dares Trump To ‘Stand Up Like A Man' And Accept Election Results

On Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said President Donald Trump needed to “stand up like a man” and accept the results of the November 3rd election.

Pelosi was responding to Trump, who said he wants to know the results of the election on election night and not have to wait for days if states are still counting votes.

Pelosi said during an interview on “MSNBC Live” she hoped Trump would “accept the results of an election of the American people.”

RELATED: McEnany Says ‘Squad’ Would Force President Biden To Pack Supreme Court: ‘You Heard’ AOC And Omar 

Pelosi: If Trump Wins, So Be It – But He Won’t Win

Pelosi predicted, “On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be inaugurated President of the United States.”

“The states will count the votes that they have in a timely fashion,” she said.

Pelosi did concede she would accept it if Trump won.

“And again, if the president wins in that format, then so be it, then he’s president.”

But then the Democratic leader quickly ruled that result out.

“We don’t anticipate that that will be the case, and neither does he,” Pelosi said.

“And that’s why he’s trying to, as I say, stir the pot so that people will think that he really won when he didn’t.”

Pelosi Accuses Trump Of Undermining The Constitution And The Country

Pelosi then accused Trump of denigrating the Constitution and running the country down.

She said, “Of all of the things that the president has done, and they have been horrible, undermining the Constitution, degrading our environment, denigrating who we are as a people, undervaluing who we are in terms of our priorities as a country, taking children out of the arms of their parents, again, dimming the bright light that we are of hope to the world, of all of the things, the very idea, and again, ignoring that nearly 250,000 people have died from a virus that many of whom could have been saved, the list goes on and on.”

RELATED: If He is Ahead on Election Night, President Trump Should Declare Victory

‘Stand Up Like A Man’

Then the Democratic House Speaker appeared to question the President’s manhood.

“The easiest thing for him to do is to stand up like a man and accept the results of an election of the American people,” Pelosi claimed.

“For him to make these kinds of statements shows his lack of patriotism, his undermining of our elections,” she added.

“Let’s forget about him,” Pelosi said. “Let’s get on with the future. Let’s have the results counted properly, that everybody’s vote is counted as cast.”

“Let’s unify the country as we go forward. Joe Biden is a great unifier,” Pelosi finished.

Pelosi’s Rough Election Year

Like many Americans, Pelosi has had a challenging year in 2020 – and it seems to be more acute the closer we get to the election. 

In just the last week, the House Speaker has made a number of questionable and strange claims. 

Last week, she flirted with the idea of not only packing the Supreme Court, but expanding the district courts as well.

Also last week, speaking of the negotiations she has failed to secure for COVID relief, she gave us this gem: 

“And I certainly want it because I don’t want to have to be sweeping after this dumpings of this elephant as we go into a new presidency in a few short months.” 


But perhaps her most bizarre comments, indeed maybe the most bizarre comments of this entire election cycle, came during an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

Responding to a simple question about why a COVID deal hadn’t been completed yet, Pelosi had the audacity to accuse CNN – CNN! – of siding with Republicans

Yes, really.

And it only went downhill from there. WATCH:

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