Pastor Who Lost Daughter in Church Shooting Running to Bring More Humanity, Not Gun Control, to America

Pastor Frank Pomeroy is the pastor of First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, where a gunman killed 26 people in 2017. It was the deadliest church shooting in American history.

Now, Pomerov is running for office. But he doesn’t want to increase gun control–he wants more humanity in our politics and lives.

Republican candidate Pomeroy will challenge Democratic incumbent Judith Zaffirini in a deep-blue state Senate district. Pomerov, told Fox News he felt like he needed to run after the deadly mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio.

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Church Shooting ‘Immediately Politicized’

“It was immediately politicized and talking points were brought up that I think should’ve been put to the side for a week or two and concentrate on the people rather than being re-elected or elected as some of those with that voice was trying to do,” Pomeroy said on “Fox & Friends” Thursday.

Pomerov did not like how quickly fellow Texan Beto O’Rourke and other 2020 Democratic candidates rushed to push gun control after 22 people were killed in a Walmart in El Paso by a gunman targeting Hispanics.

“Rather than going in and speaking mercy and grace and loving these people, it immediately went to the talking point of the inanimate object, ‘Oh, we have to have gun control,’ and they went to speaking about the guns in America rather than healing the local people of that area,” Pomerov said.

We Shouldn’t Have to Live In Fear

“We need to make government be for the people again and people need to realize that they’re important to us, not just for votes, but that we care about you, we want you to grow up in a society where you don’t have to be living in fear,” he continued.

“There’s more to life than just existing,” Pomerov said. “We should be able to live with joy and have fun.”

Pomerov spoke with NBC News about the shooting and the loss of his daughter shortly after the shooting in 2017.

Pomerov believes focusing on mental health instead of gun control could be far more helpful in preventing future tragedies.

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Annabelle ‘Just Loved Everyone’

Of his late daughter Annabelle, Pomerov said she “just loved everyone.”

It’s hard to imagine such a loss. Yet, even in the wake of such tragedy, he still doesn’t think more gun control is the solution.

Frank Pomerov’s race is an uphill battle in his staunchly blue district, but hopefully his message of humanity shines through regardless of the outcome.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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