Obama Turns On Far-Left, Says Dems Lose With Slogans Like ‘Defund The Police’

Obama Squad

In an apparent chiding of the far-left of his party, former President Obama said trying to win elections by using “snappy” slogans like “defund the police” is a political loser.  

Obama appeared on the Snapchat political show “Good Luck America,” where he told host Peter Hamby that those who choose to use such slogans actually hurt police reform efforts.

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Obama: ‘You Lost A Big Audience The Minute You Say’ ‘Defund the Police’

“You lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you’re actually going to get the changes you want done,” Obama said, as reported by Axios.

Obama continued, “The key is deciding, do you want to actually get something done, or do you want to feel good among the people you already agree with?” 

Obama is not the only high profile Democrat who has made the same point.

Last month, House Majority Whip James Clyburn told NBC News’s “Meet the Press” last month that he believed the slogan hurt some Democratic congressional candidates. 

“Defund the police” became a rallying cry for Black Lives Matter protesters who filled the streets nationwide in the wake of the horrific death of George Floyd by the hands of Minneapolis police.

President Obama and Rep. Clyburn are, of course, black men. 


Obama Addresses Trump’s Huge Increase With Minority Voters

Obama’s interview was meant to promote the first volume of his memoir, “A Promised Land.” 

Obama also addressed President Trump improving his votes with young black men in 2020.

“I think men generally are more susceptible to public figures who act tough, try to project a stereotypical macho style,” Obama said.

“I don’t think Black men are immune to that any more than white or Hispanic men are,” he added.

But is that what really appealed to minority voters about Trump?

CNN’s Van Jones noted after the election that Trump’s minority outreach worked, despite his critics.

“I don’t care who you are, nobody predicted this outcome,” Jones said. “It turns out that the outreach from Republicans to African Americans, Latinos was effective.”


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CNN anchor Anderson Cooper pointed out to Jones that Trump “picked up more African American females, African American males.” 

“Yeah,” Jones responded. “People said, ‘Listen, because Donald Trump says racially inflammatory stuff, he’ll never make any inroads.”

“It turns out that wasn’t true,” Jones added.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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