NYT Reporter Claims Trump Is Telling Allies That He Expects To Be ‘Reinstated’ By August

NYT Reporter Claims Trump Is Telling Allies That He Expects To Be ‘Reinstated’ By August

On Tuesday, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman claimed that former President Donald Trump “has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August.”

Haberman shared a video on social media from CNN that showed apparently QAnon-influenced Trump supporters expressing support for a coup similar to Myanmar to reinstall the former Republican president.

Haberman offered no sources, and elaborated only to argue that Trump’s belief that the 2020 election was stolen has something to do with it: 

Michael Flynn Denies Ever Advocating For A Coup

According to The Hill, Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn made a curious remark after a question during a conference hosted by supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory.

The Hill reported, “Someone from the audience asked, ‘I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?’

The report continued, “After the crowd responded with cheers, Flynn responded, ‘No reason. I mean it, it should happen here.”

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Flynn denies ever advocating for such a coup.

Flynn reportedly said that there is “NO reason whatsoever for any coup in America, and I do not and have not at any time called for any action of that sort.”

Haberman followed up with a tweet that read, “It isn’t happening in a vacuum. It is happening as he faced the possibility of an indictment from the Manhattan DA.”

Jenna Ellis, Trump’s former senior legal adviser, tweeted on Sunday that Trump “is not going to be reinstated” and advocated for election integrity laws to secure future elections.

“Even if Biden/Harris were impeached and convicted, there is a constitutionally prescribed presidential succession,” Ellis tweeted.

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82 thoughts on “NYT Reporter Claims Trump Is Telling Allies That He Expects To Be ‘Reinstated’ By August”

  1. The left is doing exactly what the left does best. Accuse, lie and lie some more. Time after time they have reported false accusations as they were true. Later when it is proven false, the damage is done and it has tarnished the republican for which it was intended. The left just lets the story die without admitting any wrong doing. If they do, it is just an error in reporting. No one is ever fired. No one is ever held responsible. Welcome to the lies of the left.

  2. QANON needs to Shut Up. They were wrong every step of the way, they led people down the primrose path with false hope, and no one should listen to them any more.

  3. Matt Gaetz, the Gift That Keeps On Giving – Prosecutorial Evidence
    Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is being probed by federal prosecutors for possible obstruction of justice. The congressman, whose former “wingman” Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty to charges including sex-trafficking a 17-year-old girl last month, was patched into a phone call between a witness in the case and an ex-girlfriend. That phone call is now in prosecutors’ crosshairs although the contents of the call are not known. Gaetz says he has done nothing wrong, and his spokesman told reporters: “After two months, there is still not a single on-record accusation of misconduct, and now the ‘story’ is changing yet again.” . . . and I have a bridge to sell you.

  4. Maggie Haberman has done nothing but make up lies concerning President Trump, since the day he was elected. No one should believe a word she writes.

  5. Like a fly attracted to a rancid pile of dog droppings, the dumbed-down, Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V, indoctrinated, Trump-obsessed, GOP-obsessed, liberal cud-chewer appears. Anytime a Trump article is posted here, the liberal cud-chewer shows up. He's completely, totally, maniacally, fully obsessed with Trump 24/7. Hilarious.
    The challenge then is to make our obsessions function positively, controlling them so they don't control us, extracting the benefit of obsession without succumbing to its detriments. To do this, the following strategies may be helpful:
    1. Distract yourself at varying intervals
    2. Accomplish a task that helps put your obsession behind you
    3. Focus on your greater mission
    4. Adopt a practice that grounds you
    5. Listen to what others tell you

  6. The propaganda media is given a new lie and they dutifully mouth it every chance they get, but it still does not make it true! Only they have mouthed this Lie, not Trump!

  7. TRUMP MUST be reinstated ASAP, everyone knows the dems committed election fraud along with the SOS every one of them broke every single state election law, some Republican Governors members of the uniparty helped joKe, joKe didn't win the primaries on the dem side B.Sanders did, the ho didn't even get 2% of dem supporters vote, and they claim they got 80 million TRUMP even WON California.
    joKe is a squatter at the WH.

  8. Most importantly, the attempt by the left to impeach Trump failed, so it is incorrect to say he was 'impeached.' Trump will serve four more years because God said so and that's final. Somehow God will make it happen – in His time – not ours.

  9. Once again MSM has picked up on this reporters' tweet and reported it as true. NO sources were named and NO confirmation given.
    Did any reporter attempt to get a hold of President Trump and ask if it was true or not ?
    Just another attempt to try to get rid of President Trump before 2024

  10. thejuneauraven

    I'd love to think this is so, but I fear this is just more fake news, to stir up anti-Republican sentiment. If out military wasn't so busy fighting "wokeness" and internal divisions and stupidity, they would take the action required (once proof is revealed) to correct the hijacking of our Democracy. Yeah, military. How about that oath your swore? Veterans would back you up. There's nearly 19 million of us, and we're all on call.

  11. Yes we want future voting secured but at the same time we are not going to turn a blind eye on the last vote. There needs to be arrests, trials, and executions…..period.

  12. Trump should rightfully take his place in the Oval Office … election not a doubt stolen . The corruption is in everything… DC , courts , media …
    we’ve lost our country … without a bullet shot … Fauxci , Gates , China used germ warfare … nation destroyed because we couldn’t have a President accomplish so much with so much resistance from the uni/commie party & MSM lies .. Schumer : “6 ways to Sunday to get even” .
    God forbid we MAke America 1st .
    Love my country .. hate our Govt .

  13. You are absolutely right. I am & have always been a Trump supporter, but he failed. Trump failed to anticipate the extend of the fraud & the daring do of the election steal. I don't know why. The opposition were quite explicit about what they intended to do. It was public knowledge. Even Biden, the demented duce publically announced the greatest machine of election fraud in history. The supreme court & state legislatures couldn't have been more remiss. So what was Trump thinking?

    Then there was Sessions, Barr, Durham and Wray. On & on, Trump seemed to miss every call. States declared sanctuary, a state of civil insurrecion & he did nothing. He built a wall & expended all his energy; it was necessary, but not sufficient. He danced through hoops for McConnell & built a judicary of establishment lackeys insead of appointing loyal, ideological followers. How did that work out for the republic?

    In truth, Trump failed to understand the nature of the struggle & the extent of the forces arrayed against America. Trump was out manuevered & out smarted by a rigged system & perhaps insurmounable odds. What's the point of this should have, would have, could have game. I'd like to think he's learned a thing, or two about power, but who knows? If you don't fly around in a helicopter, you just don't get to speak to these guys. The chopper has a cieling of 2,000 ft & then the ego jets up to 30,000 ft. You can't buy a first class ticket. It's a private jet.

  14. Biden/Harris were not elected; they were installed. Second, of course all establishment hacks accept it. That's how they got the "Steal" to take. The courts claim there is no procedure to uphold law, or fair elections. The failed Supreme Court condoned the rest of a failed judicary to make for another failed institution.

    NOW HEAR THIS: no government ever exists for very long without the consent of the governed. So ask yourself, where the are you? Why is everyone just sitting around puzzled, acting like hey were Donald Trump, wondering how this could have happened?

  15. But, I thought a large number of us already have suggested TREASON calls for hanging.
    Aiding and abetting is a form of TREASON.
    INFILTRATING our federal government and promoting socialism/communism and all the other isms that do not mean American Patriotism – calls for hanging.
    HANG EM HIGH is one of my favorite musicals.
    Yeeehawwwwww !

  16. Trump Abandons His Whiny Little ‘From the Desk’ Blog After One Month
    There’s bad news for the extremely tiny number of people who have been enjoying Trump’s rambling and bitter blog in recent weeks. The former president’s “From the Desk” blog, which he used as an alternative to Twitter but without the mercy of a strict character limit, has been shut down for good. The site has only existed since the start of May and had reportedly been recording very poor traffic. Trump’s senior aide Jason Miller told reporters that the little-read blog “will not be returning… It was just auxiliary to the broader efforts we have and are working on.” Miller added: “Hoping to have more information on the broader efforts soon, but I do not have a precise awareness of timing.” Trump was thrown off all major social media platforms in the wake of his incendiary posts that helped to incite the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
    Some cheese to go with your whine?

  17. Nobody can guess what will happen if it is proven that the Democrats stole the election, because the situation has never happened before. By rights, they would then be kicked out of power and President Trump would regain the office. The founders could never have anticipated such a situation and so couldn't have protected us from it. It's a sorry day in our republic that an election could be stolen openly and brazenly and there be no recourse. We just have to hope that the right will prevail.

  18. If we can prove biden/harris are in office due to fraud, then yes they should be removed and Trump sworn in as president. I don't understand Jenna Ellis giving up so easily. The constitution doesn't say people can remain in office even if elected due to fraud. We are watching the destruction of our country by people that are in office due to theft of the election. Once we can prove it, they need to be removed from office. The sooner the better. Biden is a disgrace to America.

  19. Can't happen so people should not follow this rabbit hole, only makes our side look stupid. The best that can happen is fraud is proven which will take down the MSM which is truly the driving force behind the communist takeover of the country.

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