North Carolina Lt. Gov. Robinson Blasts CRT Push: ‘America Still The Place Of Dreams For Everybody’

mark robinson crt

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson (R) is backing a nationwide initiative to push back on what is being labeled as “racial indoctrination in our schools.”

Robinson is backing a group called 1776 Action, which is behind the effort to not only rid the nation’s public schools of the teaching of critical race theory, but they are also backing candidates who are willing to sign an anti-CRT pledge.

In a candid video released on Wednesday, Robinson explained why banning the teaching of CRT is something he says is a passion of his.

He used the story of his own upbringing to illustrate why fighting against CRT is such an important issue for him.

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There Were Many Family Struggles

In the video, Robinson spoke of his family’s struggles growing up. The ninth of ten children, he said the family was poor. His father was an alcoholic who passed away when Robinson was just 12 years old.

His mother had a fifth grade education, but as Robinson said, “my mother took over the job of raising us and she did it very well.” 

Robinson continued saying, “The reason for this is that she had a great faith in God and knew that she lived in the greatest nation on earth—and that all opportunities were open to her and her children, and she told us so. Because of that, because she brought those things to us, now I am living my dream.”

He added, “America is still the place of dreams for everyone. It is still the greatest nation on earth. We want to teach this to our children. We want to make sure that our children understand the greatness of this nation, they are its founders.” Understand the greatness of the documents, and those who founded the nation.”

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A Rising Star In The Republican Party?

Conservatives can expect to hear a lot more from and about Mark Robinson. He is an Army veteran, former small business owner, and former Greensboro city council member.

He became North Carolina’s first black Lieutenant Governor in 2020.

He recently brought down the house at a local July 4 celebration with a fiery speech urging conservatives and Republicans that, “now is not the time for weak people,” and to bring the fight to the Left, because they are not backing down.

In March, Robinson introduced the “Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom for Teachers and Students” initiative. The purpose of the FACTS Task Force is to hold North Carolina education professionals accountable for what goes on in public schools.

The task force is urging people to submit examples what they believe to be discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, ethnicity, world view, or political beliefs.

Also, any unequal or inconsistent enforcement of rules and discipline, students being subjected to political indoctrination or ideology through classwork, teacher comments, or a hostile classroom environment.

In his Independence Day speech, Robinson said bluntly,“This is not a fight between Republicans and Democrats, but a fight between people who love this country and people who despise it, it is a fight between capitalism and socialism.”

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What Is 1776 Action?

1776 Action was inspired by former President Donald Trump’s 1776 Commission. The Commission was designed to promote ‘truth and patriotic education’ in the nation’s public schools, and to counteract the New York Times 1619 Project, which contends that America was founded on slavery and discrimination.

1776 Action has been especially active in places like Loudon County Virginia, that has been the scene of heated school board meetings with parents fighting back against the teaching of CRT.

President Joe Biden cancelled the 1776 Commission on his first day in office, and the report from the Commission was scrubbed from the White House website.


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