Newly Leaked Democrat Emails Reveal Details of Their War on Cops

dnc emails

Not that you needed any more proof that Democrats are anti-police, but newly leaked documents show that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) attacked at least one candidate who they believed was too “pro-police” and not enough pro-Black Lives Matter.

The documents were published online by the hacker Guccifer 2.0.

One research document labeled “campaign overview” listed candidate for Florida’s 10th congressional district Val Demings as too “Anti-black lives matter/pro-police” and “Too conservative among other progressive Democrats.”

You can view this portion of the assessment below …

dnc emails

What’s even more shocking is that Demings is a black woman.

Via the Washington Examiner:

New internal documents from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that were leaked Monday reveal that the organization is highly critical of some Democratic candidates for Congress, including one that’s too “pro-police” for national party officials.

The documents include notes about electoral demographics, fundraising and similar campaign information, but most notably include criticism of at least two of the party’s own candidates going into Florida’s Aug. 30 primary election.

In the state’s 10th district, for example, where four Democrats are vying to replace Republican Rep. Daniel Webster, the DCCC papers single out one candidate: (Val Demings), who the documents note could be viewed as “anti-black lives matter/pro-police” and as “too conservative among other progressive Democrats.”

Democrats viewing the fact that a candidate is “pro-police” as a negative shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. After all, this is the same party that invited Lezley McSpadden, mother of Ferguson’s Michael Brown, as a special guest at the Democrat convention last month.

Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign refused to also invite any widows of recently fallen police officers to share equal time on the stage, prompting a Philadelphia police union to issue a scathing letter saying Hillary “should be ashamed of (herself).”

The hacker Guccifer 2.0 has been busy. Here’s what he did just a few days ago:

Comment: Does it surprise you that the Democrat Party views being “pro-police” as a negative in their campaigns? Share your thoughts below.

3 thoughts on “Newly Leaked Democrat Emails Reveal Details of Their War on Cops”

  1. When we hear a window breaking during the night. When we have thugs trying to steal from us or rape our loved ones, We call the police. HEROS! I think before Police Officers respond to a calp for help they should ask them if they’reLiberal or Conservative! Only respond to the conservatives for help!

  2. when i looked at the figure of 14876 dollars .Than I have no other choice but to accept , what i saw .They have been doing this for a year aand get rid of their debts.. Yesterday they purchased new Aston Martin ……,,

    For More Info……………>> W­W­W.S­l­i­d­e­T­r­a­d­e.C­O­M

  3. Goodness…..LOL….that is not evidence of a war on police. But thanks for demonstrating the desperate need to whine about anything and it is hilarious how you dont see your own racism by highlighting the Chief’s race. You are implying one’s position on the debate surrounding police brutality is valued by skin color.

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