New York Times Asks During Memorial Day Weekend ‘Why Does The U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy?’


At the beginning of Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, the New York Times published an editorial asking, “Why Does the U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy?”

So where, exactly, did the NYT’s get the wild idea what America’s military somehow celebrated racism?


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NYT: Military Bases Named After Confederate Officers = White Supremacy

In an editorial, which represents the entire Times’ board, the paper complains that some U.S. military bases are named after Confederate Army officers.

“This same toxic legacy clings to the 10 United States military installations across the South that were named for Confederate Army officers during the first half of the 20th century,” read the editorial.

“Apologists often describe the names as a necessary gesture of reconciliation in the wake of the Civil War,” it continued. “In truth, the namings reflect a federal embrace of white supremacy that found its most poisonous expression in military installations where black servicemen were deliberately placed under the command of white Southerners — who were said to better ‘understand’ Negroes — and confined to substandard housing, segregated transportation systems and even ‘colored only’ seating in movie houses.”

The U.S. Army’s Explanation Under the Obama Administration is Rejected by the Times

The editorial also claimed that “The federal government embraced pillars of the white supremacist movement when it named military bases in the South.”

The argument offered by the U.S. Army during the Obama administration that “there was no need to expunge Confederate base names because the names were merely ‘historic’ and ‘represent individuals, not causes or ideologies,” was rejected in the editorial.

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It also said that the names were adopted “as part of broader accommodation in which the military embraced stringent segregation so as not to offend Southerners.”

The New York Times Needs to Honor the Fallen on Memorial Day, not Stoke Division

Other than some U.S. military instillations being named after Confederate generals, the NYT did not share any other examples of how the American armed forces somehow celebrated white supremacy.

Perhaps the Times should spend more time on remembering our fallen heroes on Memorial Day instead of yet another round of political correctness-policing.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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