Listen to the Exact Moment Dem HQ Heard of Kennedy’s Retirement

Far be it for us to relish somebody else’s pain, but this is just too funny.

Audio from within a Democrat National Committee meeting on Wednesday captures the exact moment members heard the news that Justice Anthony Kennedy was retiring from the Supreme Court.

His departure is a monumental development, giving President Donald Trump a second Supreme Court nomination and a potential 6 to 3 advantage for right-leaning justices. It may shape the court as conservative for decades to come, and has liberals foaming at the mouth over the possibility of their more reprehensible rulings being overturned – like Roe v. Wade.

The gravity of the situation was certainly not lost on those attending the DNC meeting as they heard the news, and the anguish is palpable.

“Justice Anthony Kennedy has just announced that he’s retiring,” a member of the meeting announced.

Take a listen to what happens next …

“Ohhhh!” one person wails.

Another laments, “Oh my God!”

“Not that he’s done us any good on these recent decisions, but he was the one who was usually persuadable,” the DNC meeting participant pondered.

Needless to say, people weren’t all that sympathetic to the DNC’s plight, mocking them relentlessly across social media.

Just two Justices? Many wonder that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg may not be on the Court very much longer.

Remember, Hillary Clinton warned voters prior to her presumed coronation that a Republican president could nominate as many as four Supreme Court Justices, a fact she called ‘terrifying.’

Imagine the behind-the-scenes meetings that will be taking place at the DNC if there are any more retirements over the next two to six years.

“Ohhhh!!!” indeed.

You’ll have to forgive the folks over at the DNC for being a little emotional these days. They’re watching the Supreme Court shift before their eyes. They’re watching their blue wave quickly dissipate into a puddle. They’re watching mainstream candidates get booted out of office by socialist millennials. And they’re watching the enthusiasm bottom out, as the RNC demolishes them in fundraising numbers of late.

As a matter of fact, the RNC’s fundraising haul for the year sits at an impressive $199.1 million thus far, compared to $96.2 million at DNC headquarters – well below half of what the Republican Party is pulling in. Seems their donors aren’t exactly buying into the ‘blue wave.’

This comes on the heels of a record-setting 2017 for the RNC, in which they brought in a whopping $132.5 million.

As it sits right now, the RNC has $47.4 million cash on hand and no debt, while the DNC has $8.8 million on hand with roughly $6 million in debt.

Trying to finance “the resistance” on such paltry numbers would bring a case of the sads to just about anyone.

Or maybe it’s simply the changing landscape that’s got the Democrats in a tailspin. Watching America and, more specifically, the Supreme Court, move back to the right, has to be a harrowing thought for them.

That shift is a result of one man’s efforts. America owes Mitch McConnell a huge debt of gratitude.

Think about it, had he not invoked the Biden rule in stalling Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland, and isn’t about to push through Trump’s next nominee, we could be staring at a 5 to 4 liberal advantage on the court, or even 6 to 3 if Hillary had won.

Instead, we stand at the cusp of a 6 to 3 right-leaning Supreme Court. We could be hearing audio like this out of the DNC for half-a-century at this rate.

Thank you Mitch! Thank you President Trump!

And thank you DNC, for all the laughs.

27 thoughts on “Listen to the Exact Moment Dem HQ Heard of Kennedy’s Retirement”

  1. “Who’s sorry now?
    “Who’s sorry now?
    “Who’s hearts are aching for doing that now?
    “Who’s sad and blue?
    “Who’s CRYIN TOO?
    “We tried to warn you, but now!
    “You had your way!
    “Now you must pay!


  3. Don’t forget that Harry Reid pulled the trigger on the nuclear option and all we need is 50 votes + Vice President Pence to get the next Supreme Court Justice approved. I would also love to be a fly on the wall in the dnc when Ruth Ginsberg throes in her towel. I’m sure that Ruthie now knows that there really is no reason for not giving up her place on the court. It’s going to be like the stock market crash of 1929, except it is going to be democrats throwing themselves out of, I hope, high floor windows.
    If Roe vs Wade becomes an issue, abortion will go back to being a states issue, like it is supposed to be in the first place.
    Fasten your seat belt. This is going to be an exciting, fun ride!

  4. I grew up with the idea that those on the SC were there to go by the law of the land and not by party. Today it seems that who ever gets elected to it is party controlled . Which is not right. That goes for all judge’s.

    1. That’s true. The SC is there to follow the Constitution and to make sure it is interpreted correctly. But we have seen that liberal judges do not follow the Constitution but make changes to laws which is the responsibility of Congress. The conservative judges, so far, try to go by the Constitution, and when liberal judges were the majority, so many unjust rulings followed, some even creating laws that did not exist.

    2. The SC Justices that have been appointed by Republicans have mostly been Constitutionalist with the possible exception of Justice Roberts. The other 3 Justice’s are liberals.
      Get used to it. The courts will be guided by the Constitution and not their touchy feely emotions.

  5. You know if the Donald could get some reliably Conservative 25 year old’s confirmed by the Senate the GOP could well control the SCOTUS for the next 60 years and not just 40 like Trump claims.

    1. How about Ben Shapiro? Boy, would that freak out the left!
      I never thought I would live to see the day when all this socialist/communist B.S. get thrown out. I was convinced that America was destined to fail because the left took over starting about 100 years ago!!!
      WOW!!!!! It keeps getting better every day!!

  6. Shrillary loses and becomes a huge embarrassment, communism is for lame’os and now this!…..AuuuuuuuuuuuuuugH!…Another pro life nominee for a open SCOTUS position…AuuuuuuuuuuugH!…..I don’t believe in a Christian God so what will become of me and my communist ways and I already work for money bags Soros…..SOB!…..I just want to go bust up the other guys house…..

    1. The left is more openly anti American than ever, the socialism for millennials is not all it’s cracked up to be and the move to open the borders resistance is growing even stronger…the big gov union is now subject to the right to work and choice…we know what happened in Wis….and the money supply is what keeps the politic of the left in the biz of buying votes….TP aka a Roll of Snot Paper is now standard issue for the left….

  7. Justice Kennedy voted about 80% with the conservatives on constitutional questions. Justice Roberts often was considered up in the air. I suspect adding another constitutional conservative to the court will likely have zero effect on anything, with only perhaps the retirement/passing of Ginsberg during this administration causing any concerns there.
    So, the left really needs to quit throwing a fit here.

    1. Ginsburg looks like she could croak at any minute. She can’t stay awake for more than about ten minutes at a stretch, and she has other health issues as well. Sotomayor is also suffering from diabetes-related problems, and Kagan never appeared to be the picture of health.

      Maybe, God willing…

  8. Someone can not count. The supreme court was 4-1-4. with Kennedy being the one in the middle, If we get a another conservative from Trump then it will be 5-4. It will only get to 6-3 if Ginsburg dies !! I kind of wonder if Roberts will not now go to the center to still make it 4-1-4. He has been know not to be a real hard constitutionest.

    1. Yeah, Roberts has not lived up to expectations. In a perfect world it would be impossible to tell a Justice’s politics from his decisions; “Constitutionality” should not be ideology-based. On the other hand, though, the idea of a “living [and, therefore, constantly-changing] Constitution” was brought to America by Marxists and taught in all of our schools — including law schools — leading to many of the most egregious decisions over the past hundred years. It seems that rigid, “original intent” interpretation of The Constitution is, unfortunately, a characteristic of “conservative” judges. You know — those judges who wish to “conserve” the United States of America.

      It’s ironic that those who most actively the “conservation” of natural resources tend to be anything but “conservative” politically.

  9. Over the next few decades Mental Health Counseling and Builders of Rubber Rooms will be growth industry’s as they attempt to salvage the lives of many of these Snowflakes-in-Training as well as the Hard-Core-Left :)

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