Melania Trump’s Office Demands Firing of Deputy National Security Advisor Mira Ricardel

The Office of the First Lady is demanding the firing of Deputy National Security Advisor Mira Ricardel after disagreements with Melania Trump. This marks the second rumored firing in a day linked to First Lady Melania Trump.

Earlier today, we reported that Mrs. Trump is pressuring her husband to fire White House Chief of Staff John Kelly after rumored disagreements. (RELATED: Rumor: White House Chief of Staff John Kelly to be Fired After Clash with First Lady.)

The report comes via CNN:

First lady Melania Trump, in a remarkable move carried out by her spokeswoman, publicly pushed for the ouster of deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel.

“It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that (Ricardel) no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House,” the first lady’s communications director Stephanie Grisham said in a statement on Tuesday.

This is really strong language from an office that is normally subdued. If there’s one thing Melania Trump has been as First Lady, it’s been quiet and graceful. She rarely involves herself in policy fights, unlike Hillary Clinton pushing socialized health care. And her childcare initiatives are done without as much fanfare as Michelle Obama’s exercise programs and school lunch ruination.

The First Lady reportedly feels slighted by Ricardel, who didn’t do an adequate job staffing her team for her recent Africa trip. CNN reports: “A White House official accused Ricardel of being dishonest about the feud and subsequently leaking stories to try to cover her behavior.”

Given how close President Trump is to his wife, we can expect Trump to push Ricardel out very soon, possibly by the end of the week.

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One thing is for sure: It was more than a rumor when it was reported that Trump was planning big changes for after the midterms. Trump is cleaning house before the last two years of his administration. Without the House of Representatives in his party’s control, it looks like he’s planning to wage a one-man fight as chief executive to implement his agenda.

12 thoughts on “Melania Trump’s Office Demands Firing of Deputy National Security Advisor Mira Ricardel”

  1. Good for Melania. She has more class in her little finger than Moochelle Slash Obama. Recardel must have really pooped in her mess kit. Wonder how John Bolton is going to react.

  2. He might as well “prepare to wage a one-man fight . . . to implement his agenda,” because he’ll get PRECIOUS LITTLE HELP from the GUTLESS RINOS in Congress!

  3. I would be very disappointed in Melania if, in fact, has taken an official and public position on WH Staff Members. She is the First Lady of the United States by virtue of her marriage to the elected President of the United States. She hasn’t been elected to anything. Her opinion on any subject should be exchanged ONLY with her husband, and then only in confidence. The fact that her official office is making noise about any member of the WH Staff, which is employed ONLY at the wishes of the President, is wrong. If she doesn’t like General Kelly or anyone else in the WH it should be dealt with in confidence with her husband. No President should make decisions on employment based on what his/her spouse likes. The decisions he makes should only reflect his concern for the Nation. It is not the job of the President to keep his wife happy at the expense of what is good for the Nation. If President Trump were to fire General Kelly on the whim of Melania, it would be a grievous mistake. The President should understand both sides of the story, and see not only what problem Melania has with General Kelly, but he needs to understand what problem General Kelly has with Melania. Melania is not above being at fault for problems that exist in her life.

    1. Given all the hateful, snarky CRAP Melania has had to endure from Commucrats in general and the Leftist propaganda SHILLS in the MEDIA in PARTICULAR, I would not blame her if she’s had enough and starting to fight back. That said, it sounds to me as if SOMEBODY is trying to blame Melania for absolutely ANY staff change that might be in the offing by the President, in much the same way they used to accuse NANCY REAGAN of “running things” behind the scenes. Funny, nobody said crap like this about Eleanor Roosevelt when she became virtually the DE FACTO POTUS while FDR was incapacitated and they were hiding his illness from the world. Oh, that’s right–SHE was a Democrat, and therefore, can do no wrong.

    1. Melania IS relevant…I doubt she wants to be one the DemoRAT hollyweird elite…she is definitely smart (you know she speaks 6 languages) and beautiful to boot…unlike your tranny Michael Ovomit…yuck…

    2. Whereas MOOchelle is a SURLY WOOKIE who RARELY smiled as FLOTUS, and never met ANYBODY she liked, unless their name was Obama, or unless they are flaming Communist LOONS like “she” and “her” SOCIOPATHIC husband. Especially if they happen to be WHITE, on top of being not-Leftist-LOONS.

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