Minority Voters Turn Out For Trump In Record Numbers


Minority voters have turned out for President Donald Trump in this election in record numbers, handing him the key states of Florida and Texas.

Trump Up In Every Demographic Except For White Men

The media narrative surrounding the President before the election suggested that due to accusations of racism and other such cases, minority voters would turn around and back Joe Biden and the Democrats.

However, there had been indications that this simply would not be the case before the election started. Multiple polls predicted that both Hispanic and black American voters approved of the way President Trump had been running the country for the past four years.

When the results started coming in, it was discovered that President Trump was up in every single demographic, apart from white men. Matthew Goodwin, a professor British commentator on populism, noted that this would be the highest minority vote for a Republican in 60 years.

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Hispanics Back The President

This strong performance for President Trump allowed him to carry states and counties that would have previously been unthinkable for him to do so. The crucial swing state of Florida was won early in the night for the President, with Trump being backed by Cuban Americans in droves.

In 2016, Clinton won the Hispanic demographic in Florida by 27 points, 40 points in Georgia, and 41 points in Ohio. Biden only managed to win the demographic in those states by 8 points, 25 points, and 24 points respectively, a massive drop.

Politico’s Marc Caputo said that a Miami Democrat told him that the Democrats got “obliterated by Hispanics,” and noted that their campaigns to defund the police and support BLM likely “killed” their chances to take the state.

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Texas was another state that pundits claimed had a chance of going blue in 2020. This would have absolutely crushed the chances for the president to win, as Texas is the biggest Republican state by Electoral College votes.

However, once again, minority voters came out for Trump. In Zapata County, right by the Mexican border, and the second most Hispanic county in the nation, the president won by 5 points. Clinton carried it by 33 in 2016, and Obama had it by 43 in 2012.

Dennis Lennox highlighted that President Trump “resurrected a demographically dead party and made it competitive in places it hadn’t won since Reagan or Nixon.”

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