Michelle Obama Scores Almost $750K For One-Hour Speech Amidst 2024 Rumors

Michelle Obama
Source: Screenshot YouTube

The former First Lady Michelle Obama was paid almost $750,000 after giving a speech on diversity and inclusion that lasted just one hour in Germany on Monday.

Obama’s Speaking Engagement 

Obama, 59, spoke for one hour at the annual Bits and Pretzels forum in Munich, talking to attendees about how to “push past self-doubt while discussing the importance of inclusivity and diversity.”

Two sources close to the event’s organizers told Daily Mail that Obama was paid 700,000 euros, which is roughly equivalent to $741,000. Organizers said afterwards that Obama “topped the list” of people that participants wanted to see speak “year after year.”

“They really pulled out all the stops to get her,” one source close to the event organizers said. “It’s one of the highest fees that they have ever paid.”

It should be noted that this is nearly double the $400,000 that Joe Biden is paid annually as president. Axios reported that Obama is typically booked for speaking arrangements for $200,000, while her husband, the former President Barack Obama, is paid $400,000 for each speaking engagement.

Related: Michelle Obama Will Be 2024 Democrat Nominee After Biden Is Removed, Roger Stone Predicts

Obama’s 2024 Rumors 

This comes amidst rumors that Democrats will have Obama run in Biden’s place in the 2024 presidential election due to fears about the current president’s lack of popularity.

“Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps most likely, and most dangerous,” Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned last week, according to The Hill. “In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”

Cruz went on to say that choosing a black woman like Obama would not disrupt the party and also would not “infuriate African American women, which is a critical part of the constituency.” He added that Obama would get more support than other viable replacements for Biden, like  Vice President Kamala Harris, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg or Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

“Michelle Obama, because she was first lady, has the ability to kind of parachute in above all four and say, ‘Hey we’re not picking among any of you. You guys can all fight it out next time,’” Cruz said. “I think in terms of a solution that unifies Democrats. There ain’t nothing like that.”

“I also think Michelle is not all that eager to run for president,” he continued.

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Obama Claims She Won’t Run

Obama has repeatedly said that she will never run for president, however.

“I’ve never expressed any interest in politics. Ever,” she said back in April, according to Rolling Stone. “I mean, I agreed to support my husband. He wanted to do it, and he was great at it. But at no point have I ever said, ‘I think I want to run.’ Ever. So, I’m just wondering: Does what I want have anything to do with anything? Does who I choose to be have anything to do with it?”

“Politics is hard,” she added. “And the people who get into it — it’s just like marriage, it’s just like kids — you’ve got to want it. It’s got to be in your soul, because it is so important. It is not in my soul. Service is in my soul. Helping people is in my soul. Working with kids? I will spend my lifetime trying to make kids feel seen and find their light. That I will do. I don’t have to hold office to do that.”

“In fact, I think I’m actually more effective outside of politics, because sadly, politics has become so divided,” Obama concluded. “The minute you declare a party, you’ve alienated the other half of the country. Now, maybe some people who don’t agree with me politically can still gain some tools that can help them. Maybe I can help a kid who’s a Republican, because maybe they’ll listen to me.”

Only time will tell if Obama will stick to her guns when it comes to not running for president. Given how much she’s making per speaking engagement, however, she might want to stay in her lane and leave the politics to others. Goodness knows that America will be better off if she does just that!

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