Michael Moore Goes On Unhinged Rant – ‘F*** Hope,’ Trump Will Be President For Life

Michael Moore Trump documentary

Michael Moore went on an unhinged rant during an interview with the Huffington Post, telling his followers that they need to take action to prevent Donald Trump from being “the last President of the United States.”

This begs the question, how does one tell when Moore’s rants cross the line from hinged to unhinged? It’s not easy, but our analysis suggests this definitely constitutes one of his more hysterical efforts.

Moore has been engaged in interviews to promote his new film Fahrenheit 11/9, his latest effort to cut and paste events and comments to portray the President as, what he describes as an “evil genius.”

In fact, Trump is so ‘evil’ he claimed in his HuffPo interview, that he plans on becoming a dictator for life … or something.

“Donald Trump is an evil genius,” he explained. “He has no intention of leaving the White House. Whenever he hears that another country has a president for life, he perks up and thinks, ‘I like the sound of that!'”

Worse, Moore seems to be encouraging radical behavior from his side of the aisle, suggesting that legal or legislative means, nor exposing scandals, will get him out of office. So they must act.

No more hoping things work out for the best, Moore wants to find another means to “bring down Trump.”

In fact, the filmmaker really despises the concept of ‘hope.’

The Huffington Post reports:

Fuck hope. Seriously, fuck hope. Fuck despair, too. But fuck hope.

Hope is passive. Hope gives you permission to let someone else do the work. Hope leads people to believe that tax returns, or a pee tape, or the FBI or an adult film star will save the country. Hope, and the passivity that comes with it, is what helped get us here to begin with. It’s the lazy way out.

We don’t need hope. We need action.

Oddly enough, it was one year ago that Moore was touting his new Broadway show as being about ‘hope’ and a means for “self-hating liberals” to heal and feel energized in the fight against President Trump.

We’ve come a long way from promoting hope to “f*** hope.”

Moore went on to suggest that a revolution is brewing to help bring Trump down.

“The revolution is happening in the most unlikely of places,” he alleged. “The resistance ― the true resistance ― is not coming from the Democratic Party or from the liberal establishment. I can’t reveal too much right now, but there is a real insurgency taking place.”

The closest Moore has come to being part of an insurgency is when he infiltrates the buffet line, but I digress.

Several weeks ago, Moore was also encouraging his people to fight the resistance by getting their lazy butts off the couch.

“Get off the couch,” “rise up,” and “put our bodies on the line,” he implored the resistance, unaware that he’s done none of those things in recent memory.

It’s highly likely that Moore’s outrage won’t translate into anything significant to harm the President. His previous attempt to spark outrage amongst the anti-Trumpers was his Broadway show, “The Terms of My Surrender,” which was billed as a one-man attempt to bring down the president.

Instead, it was widely panned as a failure in reviews even by normally friendly media outlets.

Trump certainly won’t be a President for life, but Moore’s own words reveal that they won’t stop him in 2020 either – he will be reelected.

“I should say re-appointed because we will have an even larger population that will vote against him in 2020,” Moore told Fast Company. “But he will win those electoral states as it stands now.”

That sounds like a man with no hope alright, which gives you and I all the hope in the world that President Trump will be making and keeping America great for another term to come.

68 thoughts on “Michael Moore Goes On Unhinged Rant – ‘F*** Hope,’ Trump Will Be President For Life”

  1. The only ones dividing this country are the leftist imbeciles like Moore! These people in Hollywood are on some weird drugs to come up with all these different “conspiracies”. They are beyond ridiculous!

  2. het disgustingly obese life form.
    Who cares?
    My suggestion, go out into the desert, lie down, ingest rat poison, as your nasty body rots it will drain down into the sandy soil and enrichen it, then, finally, a liberal dem bloodsucker will have done something of value.

  3. any one notice that the ferak hog better known as micheal moore looks amazingly like joba the hut, same fat rolls same slimey skin and greasy complexion, they could be twins, or perhaps micheal moore bred with grosie old donuthole and joba the hut is their love child, never know whaT will pop out when 2 feral hogs get together and court.

  4. SWEET FACE MOORE should stick to haunting houses and making Babies cry!
    Shut your Pie-Hole, Chicken Lips!
    Who the hell wants to hear you or worst SEE you!!!
    President Trump has toilet tissue in the White House with your imiage!!!


  5. moore is soooo ugly; he’s eaten way too many M&Ms & the sugar has affected his brain, such as it is. Surprising he hasn’t had a heart attack by now; he is the evil genius of whom he speaks.

  6. No words to say, why waste our breath on this fat ass bottom feeder… His words mean NOTHING to any educated, hard working, self supporting American!!! Which, obviously leaves out more than half of those liberals…. As, he did say, “GET OFF THE COUCH”, correct??? BAWAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!

  7. Nope you fat slob you got the wrong it was the American Fake President from Kenya, Obummer who was trying to be the American Dictator. And he is still a fake, just like you and all your ilk.

  8. God, really?! Another Moore cataclysmic plea about the bad right-wing and conservatives in general, and Trump in particular. Broken record a-hole with the same propaganda as the last 20 years. This time he has to use the word evil to stress the point. Evil in politics is Hillary Clinton. Evil in politics will be the socialist democrats when they usurp the party from the less crazy. As the socialists get up their steam, beware how they will manipulate the masses. Their timing is good in that the “normal” democrats have nothing to offer. They are again running on “never Trump.” Losers again, midterm and 2020. TRUMP 2020!

  9. Buffet creeper Moore is so out of it. The F word is so sickening . Seems like that is the only word he can comprehend. He is acting like such a creative person but can’t find any new decent words.

  10. A lot of conservatives claimed Obama would be President for life so this is just another variation of that done by Moore to scare his followers and crazy Democrats into doing something stupid.

  11. I knew Moore was “unhinged” but had no idea he is stark raving mad! How he has concluded that Donald Trump seeks a life-long presidency is ludicrous, at best! That Moore was just as famous and capable of tantrums while Obama was ignoring protocol, when by-passing Congress on national issues like the United Nations Small Arms Treaty and the Nuclear Deal with Iran, is testament to his insane hatred of President Trump and total bias against the GOP and it’s supporters. If Mr. Moore were sincere about one man becoming the “last president”, he would have called Obama to the floor for his arrogance, distain for the presidential protocol and Congress. Obama ignored the constitutional provisions that the President must consult Congress and obtain a two-thirds majority to initiate any treaty, yet Mr. Moore showed no interest and issued no rants against such action.

    1. Deplorable Voice of Reason

      Agreed…….I’ve wondered a lot of the last couple of years if he will even want to stand for reelection…….I know I wouldn’t want to deal with this BS anymore.

      Dude basically cr@ps on solid gold toilets and boinks supermodels his whole life UNTIL………..but he needs grief from fat lying slobs like Moore……

      I’d take all my loot, move to the Maldives and tell America to stick it up their hind quarters.

  12. There’s no way that someone as intelligent and funny and creative as Michael Moore can bring down a racist sexist scumbag like Donald Trump! Keep dreaming!

  13. ” . . . it is difficult to argue with ‘the stupid’, since they tend to have so much more experience at being ‘the stupid’.” (jimmie on other site)

    Rudy said it’s gonna explode . . . but it’ll be more of an ‘IMPLOSION’ . . . as the exposure accelerates . . . !

    Semper Fi . . . !

    Semper Fi . . . !

  14. How dare he suggest that we put our bodies on the line for his ridiculous ideas! He can go first! He can put his “body” on the line….then we can go from there once his ass is gone with the wind!

  15. Moore is certainly a “few-cards-short-of-a-full-deck” “not-the-brightest-bulb-in-the-box” hell he’s the Humpty Dumpty that fell off the wall and cracked where he can’t be put back together again…..has” a few screws loose that can’t be tightened”…….did I miss any analogies other than this??

  16. Let the little turd start his revolution. There’s a counter-revolution of Americans waiting who are armed, combat trained and experienced who will will bring Moore and its snowflakes down quite effectively.

  17. Moore has always been dishonest and a self promoter. Trump will be history in 2020 or 2024 and the country will move to another leader. The left will collapse from emotional exhaustion and be crying in the streets. Hopefully Moore and others will just go away for a time.

    Our big diverse nation will continue down the path of history and Trump will have redefined how the Presidency is conducted. Professional politicians will look over their shoulders for a time and government will return to be run by crooks and knaves. Elections will flush out the worst and our children will begin to assume the reins of power. Ans so it goes.

  18. If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place. CLAPPER’S OWN CONFESSION

    1. Sorry but it is NOT only elected officials doing dirty deeds. The permeant bureaucracy is part of the problems well as th solution. Elected officials come ad go but the unelected implementers of policies are there forever.

      They can provide a brake on nutty elected officials but also stop innovation and progress at times. I believe they are the ones now exposing Obama’s excesses and political utilization of gov’t for his own purposes.

      The corruption in the DOJ, FBI and CIA will be leaked and exposed because the actual employees were sickened by the appointed and career officials who crossed the line into criminality. Many decent Americans work everyday within the structure of our government. They are a counterbalance to ambition and criminality that is part of the human condition.

      Trump for all his eccentricities and billionaire lifestyle seems to be truly interested in leaving things better then he found them. Might be wrong but time will tell.

  19. Moore, aka Jabba the Hutt, has a face that frightens German Shepards, stops cows from giving milk, and causes premature births among wildebeests ( not the Hildabeast type). He lost his marbles many years ago, but the problem is, in Hollywoose everyone is loony, not more than 40 watts of dim light, and wacko. So he is just one of the gang. Regression towards the mean? I think so.

  20. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha , President for life ha ha ha ha ha , Trump is gone as soon as he is finished destroying the New World Order and saving the USA for complete destruction.

    Trump has donated his salary to repairing all the damage liberals have caused due to their rioting . As a matter of fact last week he donated his entire 400,000 dollar salary to repairing a Military Cemetery that was severely damaged by liberals who smashed headstones .

    Trump is being universally praised as being the Greatest President of all time even Riobert F. Kennedy Jr said it . Trump has made every previous President look utterly incompetent by comparison thats how truly awe inspiring he has been. .

    Record setting economy , record setting job numbers , record setting stock market, unemployment for blacks , Hispanics and woman at 70 year lows , huge tax cuts , much higher retirement savings , much safer streets and neighborhoods , manufacturing expanding and moving back to the USA , better education and choices for America’s inner city poor and trillions of dollars of wealth added back into America’s economy .

    Stay tuned for the explosive revelations to come which will prove with 100% certainty that our CIA FBI DOJ and the entire main stream media were all colluding to destroy Trump.

  21. Michael,

    Please put your fat ass on the line! It will allow the rest of us in the USA to live off the “fat of the land”, so to speak. Fuel becomes much less expensive since your blubber will have supplied those on the left coast with all the oil and gas they need.

  22. Wow — I thought that nut job was still hiding under his rock after his last movie bombed ?? Is this really the best the snowflakes have to offer, to sing to their dwindling choir. Boy are they in big trouble. I love it !! Between Michael Moore, Peter Fonda, Jane Fonda, Rosie O’Donnell, Babs, Whoopie, Bernie, the list goes on and on of the whack job’s on the far left.

  23. “Leave it to Beaver” is alive…and morbidly obese.

    Who cares what this marshmallow thinks ? I WOULD pay to see Moore
    and Rosie ODonnel attempt to get it on…..mission impossible.

  24. Imagine Michael Moore as the biggest president of the United States. His large gut is not the target of the socialist anti-American mainstream media. It looks like Michael Moore got to vote all the votes in Ohio that simply laid around after the election (in electronic form) in order to get another vote to impeach the elected president of the USA.

  25. M&M says the revolution is happening in the most unlikely of places. Now the secret is out – it is happening in Tijuana, fueled by potent refried beans, with its symbol not being the Liberty Bell, but the Taco Bell. Mmm, can’t wait.

  26. This fat pig-man needs to shop around for a brain transplant, or return to the pig sty; pathetic excuse for a human being. We should thank him for another million or more pro-Trump Democratic votes, however!

  27. Wait….Michael Moore….what….who? Nobody cares, just another dumb a$$ libtard Democrack. Nothing to see here, move on.
    PS. I do agree with you Hammer, take out the garbage!!

  28. I actually agree with fat boy….ACTION IS NEEDED…. but not in the way or side he thinks and he is right again there is a revolution coming but its full of people with AR’s that mean business and taking out the garbage….

  29. Is there any rational explanation for why anyone (and I mean ANYONE) takes this hideous gargoyle seriously? Is he really the best champion the Left can find? He’s like a poisoned toad, so bloated on his own venom that all he can do is spew vitriol – like that hose he’s using in the trailer for his latest outburst of malcontentment.

  30. Michael Moore went on an unhinged rant …, telling his followers” After telling his three followers, Chubs treated them to a dozen Big Maxs each…then they oinked their way back to their mommies basements.

  31. I actually feel sorry for Michael Moore, in spite of his seven or eleven mansions or whatever.
    I mean, would anyone want to have to live in that body? With that face? I would feel so repulsive
    that I couldn’t have any mirrors in my house. I wonder what his childhood was like, but not really enough to read up on it. We just need less of Moore – actually, we need no more Moore. Please??

  32. I challenge Michael Moore to match my 86 year old body in tennis, golf, or just running. He probably has a brain that works harder than any other part of his body that he let get so out of shape! I am not far from his home ground in MI. But, I would rather match his brain in debate over human nature and economic-political theory and history as that would be harder for me to do. He isn’t dumb, just smart enough to eat well without really working.

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