Donald Trump Jr. Makes Michael Moore Look Like A Fool Over Irma Tweet

michael moore donald trump jr. tweet

On Friday, when Florida was still bracing itself for the arrival of Hurricane Irma, documentary filmmaker and noted liberal loudmouth Michael Moore had the bright idea to get a head start on politicizing the disaster when he tweeted this:

Note how the tweet is so flippant that Moore didn’t even bother to use President Donald Trump’s name. Not only that, but Moore was so eager to bash Trump that he also apparently forgot that Mar-a-Largo is located in Palm Beach, which was directly in the projected path of Irma. That’s not exactly an ideal location for escaping the wrath of a category 4 hurricane. On Sunday, Donald Trump Jr. pointed out this very obvious fact to Moore:

Boom! How great is it that Trump Jr. shut down Moore so decisively?

But Twitter didn’t need Trump Jr.’s comeback to recognize the idiocy – and the agenda – of Moore’s tweet:

But perhaps the award for best response goes to Twitter user @graywolf:

I’d say Moore should stick to writing plays, but no one wants him to do that, either.

It’s sad to watch liberals like Moore struggle to attack President Trump when all he’s trying to do is help America get through these natural disasters. If whiny Democrats like Moore had any shame, they’d lay off Trump and let him do his job.

H/T: DailyWire

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14 thoughts on “Donald Trump Jr. Makes Michael Moore Look Like A Fool Over Irma Tweet”

  1. Poor Michael Moore. The world has moved so fast since Roger and Me that the fat tub of lard cannot possibly keep up. He’s a lumbering, obese dinosaur and his passing will be soon. The revolution will not be televised. The Lord promised never again the deluge. The fire next time.

  2. Michael Moore is such a big doofus anyway & no one cares what he has to say anyway. Trump should have done us all a favor & offered to put Moore up at Mar-a-lago during the storm! Lol.

  3. Trump wishes it would his properties on the coast are subsidized with government flood insurance (the welfare Queen). He bragged about walking away with $7 million when his property was hit in 2005.

  4. The only shelter Moore would look for, is one offering FOUR FAT BURGERS / SUPERSIZED

    Does he use a mirror to see his winkie, or just uses KING SIZED UNDIES TO GO-AT-WILL ?

    Moore has fans ? Followers? A hole in a pocket might be leaking candy bars…

  5. Michael Moore has always been anti-establishment. Trump is just a easy target for the liberals that have their head up their a–. I have always hated that man. I think he is a product of the sixties. I guess President Trump is in for at least 4 years of the liberals wrath. It is to bad they didn’t get the Killery they wanted they could have more evil going on that is what they like.

  6. Michael Moore has always been anti-establishment. Trump is just a easy target for the liberals that have their head up their a–. I have always hated that man. I think he is a product of the sixties. I guess President Trump is in for at least 4 years of the liberals wrath. It is to bad they didn’t get the Killery they wanted they could have more evil going on that is what they like.

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