Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Bill To Abolish The ATF

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene announced she will introduce legislation that would abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene announced she will introduce legislation that would abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

The Georgia Republican made the announcement on Twitter Thursday.

“I’m introducing legislation to Eliminate the ATF to protect ALL gun owners across this country from a tyrannical, power-hungry group of bureaucrats whose goal is to destroy our Second Amendment rights,” she writes.

Greene argues that the nomination of David Chipman as President Biden’s director for the bureau is “a clear indication that the ATF’s war on gun owners is about to crank up.”

And she wants to shut it down before they get a chance.

RELATED: Biden ATF Nominee Says He Supports AR-15 Ban In Train Wreck Senate Appearance

Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants To Abolish The ATF

The Daily Caller reports that the Marjorie Taylor Greene bill designed to abolish the ATF, if signed into law, would eliminate the bureau six months after the date of enactment, transferring alcohol, tobacco, and other regulatory functions to the FBI.

Joining Greene as co-sponsors of the legislation are Reps. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

Earlier in 2021, Greene introduced the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) which was designed to eliminate federal funding for gun control.

“Our God-given right to protect our country, ourselves, and our families shouldn’t be up for debate. I’m proud to introduce this legislation … that will defund the enforcement of tyrannical gun control laws,” she said at the time.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has a 92 percent rating with the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Gun Owners of America.

RELATED: Biden’s ATF Director Wants ‘Well Regulated’ Second Amendment

Biden’s ATF Nominee David Chipman

Chipman, Biden’s nominee for Director of the ATF, had a disastrous Senate appearance last month, struggling to define an ‘assault weapon’ and saying he supports a ban on AR-15s.

“With respect to the AR-15, I support a ban as has been presented in a senate bill and supported by the president,” Chipman told Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) at the time.

Chipman has, in the past, advocated for the necessity to limit “high-capacity” magazines saying anything approaching 100-round magazines is “not normal.”

Writing in an op-ed for The Roanoke Times, Chipman argued in favor of a “well-regulated” Second Amendment.

Speaking to the Daily Caller, Greene asserted that Chipman wants “to ban, confiscate and destroy the most popular self-defense and hunting rifle in America owned by millions of American patriots.”

Michael J. Sullivan, the former director of the ATF, said Chipman would compromise the bureau’s mission but did call it a “vital” agency.

“The hard-working patriots who staff this vital law enforcement and regulatory agency deserve, and the public served by ATF needs, a less politically biased and more mission-focused director than the nominee,” Sullivan writes.

According to the New York Times, Chipman is likely to be confirmed in the eyes of the White House as they believe he has just enough votes “to overcome near-unanimous opposition by Republicans.”


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65 thoughts on “Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Bill To Abolish The ATF”

  1. This bill is going to get shot down fast. Partially because she is the author of it and partially because her party ain't the majority party *LOL*

  2. NoGodsNoMaster

    The Portland Police Bureau’s entire Rapid Response Team has quit after a fellow officer on the unit was indicted on an assault charge for using his baton against a protester last year. The Portland Police Bureau announced news of the mass resignations on Wednesday, saying in a statement that the approximately 50 officers on the team had “left their voluntary positions.” Their role in the crowd control unit was separate from their daily duties as members of the police department, and they will remain on the force despite their exit from the Rapid Response Team. Members of the team reportedly made the decision to step down en masse in response to the indictment and administrative leave of Corey Budworth. Budworth was indicted on an assault charge Tuesday for “unlawfully, knowingly and recklessly causing physical injury” to a protester whom he struck in the head with a baton last summer.

    "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time" – Marjorie Taylor Greene


  4. NoGodsNoMaster

    At the conclusion of the June 3-14, 1992, United Nations Conference on Environment & Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, President George H.W. Bush and the leaders of 177 other nations signed a document known as Agenda 21. At the time, it was seen as a perfectly sensible planning paper, a nonbinding statement of intent aimed at dealing with sustainability on an increasingly crowded planet.
    But in the 22 years since that day, at the hands of groups like the John Birch Society, Agenda 21 has been transformed in much of the American public mind into a secret plot to impose a totalitarian world government, a nefarious effort to crush freedom in the name of environmentalism. And it isn’t only extremists pushing this conspiracy theory — in January 2012, the Republican National Committee bought into the propaganda, denouncing Agenda 21 in a resolution as a “destructive and insidious scheme” that is meant to impose a “socialist/communist redistribution of wealth.”
    The demonization of Agenda 21 began among extremist groups like the John Birch Society, the same outfit that was effectively ejected from the conservative movement after accusing President Dwight D. Eisenhower of being a communist agent. 

    Nut jobs Unite!

  5. NoGodsNoMaster

    Anchors aweigh, my boys, anchors aweigh
    Farewell to foreign shores, we sail at break of day, of day
    Through our last night ashore, drink to the foam
    Until we meet again, here's wishing you a happy voyage hom

  6. John Lloyd Scharf

    I have no problem with having a bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. It should have a mission of consumer protection. My alcohol and tobacco should be uncontaminated. My firearms should be drop safe and my ammo should meet FBI testing standards for expansion and penetration. They should promote competition for lowing recoil. I would like to see a 44 magnum recoilless semi-auto pistol. It should be enabling law-abiding citizens in their pursuit of public safety and national security.

  7. I understand your point. We need to change the scope of FBI power. They should spend more time watching the government and less time watching us, don't you think?

  8. This makes complete sense, especially, given the rabid-left wants to have open-borders, defund the police, and abolish ICE. ATF will only serve to be as corrupt as the IRS when it comes to treating conservatives fairly, something they don't know how to do.

  9. John Lloyd Scharf

    They have the wrong goal. They should be policing robbers, rapists, murderers, and terrorists, not law-abiding citizens engaged in protecting public safety and promoting national security by being a deterrence to foreign invasion.

  10. NoGodsNoMaster

    can someone with a Twitter acc please forward this to MTG. Thx.
    Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who waved their guns at peaceful protestors during social justice protests last year, will have to part with their guns. The couple pleaded guilty to misdemeanor counts Thursday in connection with the episode, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. Mark is required to pay $750 for a fourth-degree assault charge, while Patricia is required to pay $2,000 for a second-degree harassment charge. The couple will face no jail time and will have all other charges dropped, but are required to give up the weapons they brandished. The special prosecutor in the case, former U.S. Attorney Richard Callahan, said in a statement the result “represents my best judgment of an appropriate and fair disposition for the parties involved as well as the public good.”
    Mark McCloskey, who announced a run for U.S. Senate last month, was less remorseful. “The prosecutor dropped every charge except for alleging that I purposely placed other people in imminent risk of physical injury, right, and I sure as heck did,” he said. “That’s what the guns were there for and I’d do it again any time the mob approaches me.”

  11. Greene may be the most important conservative in the country. Congressmen run for office because of their beliefs and then are compromised by the flood of funding and graft. She does not appear to be compromised and should be considered for a higher office.

  12. can someone with a Twitter acc please forward this to MTG. Thx.

    Dear Marjorie
    Thank you for all you do for us “we the people” and in such short time that you’ve been in office. I’m not in your district but feel included by way of the positions you take the legislation you put forward and in the fearless manor that you have, Its like your becoming the people’s representative. 
    There is a piece of legislation I would like to see put forward (I doubt very many reps would have the courage to do this) and that is a bill to change the name of the US capitol building to the “Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt Memorial Capital Building” in honor of our fallen patriot. Such a bill may have little to no chance of ever passing or being signed into law but it would most certainly bring heightened national awareness to the situation as well as lift and rally the harts of patriots everywhere.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    May God bless and keep you.

  13. It wouldn't be necessary if the staff at the ATF would show the same kind of backbone as Marjorie Taylor Greene and defy this clown "director-to-be", David Chipman, and tell him to go pound sand.. Where's Hunter?

  14. can someone with a Twitter acc please forward this to MTG. Thx.

    Dear Marjorie
    Thank you for all you do for us “we the people” and in such short time that you’ve been in office. I’m not in your district but feel included by way of the positions you take the legislation you put forward and in the fearless manor that you have, Its like your becoming the people’s representative. 
    There is a piece of legislation I would like to see put forward (I doubt very many reps would have the courage to do this) and that is a bill to change the name of the US capitol building to the “Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt Memorial Capital Building” in honor of our fallen patriot. Such a bill may have little to no chance of ever passing or being signed into law but it would most certainly bring heightened national awareness to the situation as well as lift and rally the harts of patriots everywhere.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    May God bless and keep you.

  15. arthur facteau

    Well, it's a start, but the FBI can't be trusted for spit either, so if this actually passes, which is not likely, we will have to find a way to do something about them as well.

  16. I wish my congressman had “stones” the size of MTG. Called his office Tuesday afternoon to ask a question and was told the person to ask was away from desk but he would call back. I guess when the phone doesn’t ring I will know who it is.

  17. Why do we need a bureau in charge of Tobacco,or Alcohol? It only controls (artificially) the prices of those commodities. Tobacco will not be controlled, and Prohibition ended in 1933!
    The main job description of ATF ,other than employment of it's agents, and operations like "Fast and Furious", is to end the 2nd Amendment, thus further endangering Americans, who don't rob, rape, and murder for a living.
    It will be interesting to see how well this endeavor goes. Best of luck to MTG,and all of America.

  18. Man I wish I had a job like that! Read things and vote yes or no on them as per my political platform. Sponsor a bill once in a while. Hang out with the beltway crowd. LG.

  19. To late! The Satanic underworld Freemason religious cult now in control of DC. The whole purpose is Biden along with other past Presidents support as members of the NWO to carryout depopulation genocide of the world per UN Agenda 21 under total world dictatorship per UN Agenda 2030 known by most as the Great Reset. The current Pope Francis is forming the UN one world religion with the Muslims and Jews also per UN Agenda 21! Patriot Act I and II both need to-be immediately repealed also not just the ATF!

  20. This Lady is ONE, of the VERY FEW brave, true, Republican politicians, that I would consider a real, MAN, that cares about this country and stands up against these Communist politicians, and I support her. Most so-called Republicans and ALL Democrat Communist's are NOT leaders or real men. They are weak kneed, spineless, vile, evil, Godless Communist, slime balls, that have assisted the downfall of America. I pray daily, GOD would strike them and their supporters, dead on the spot, for what they have done to this country and it's true citizens. May they burn in HELL.

  21. Delete the 'F" Firearms part of ATF and replace it with the "D' for Drugs. We do need control of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs ,"ATD". Often people on Drugs or Alcohol, shoot OR stab..and will get guns and knives anyway. Try taking the guns and knives away from the criminals, 1st. See how that works out…get back to me on that.

  22. Well we’ll Shitman I own a 100 round magazine not because I needed but because I can.And guess what it hasn’t committed any mass murder it only sits there and has no intention to get up and commit mass murder.I surely hope you won’t be nominated to ATF and also love to see Greens bill passes.


    I will agree whole heartedly !!!! And I am glad she is a woman. I wish there were more like her in this world . Defiantly a backbone. She has more back bone than a lot of guys I know . And more than most in this country. Most will sit on their yes and let COMMUNIST take over . And I would rather die fighting for your families kids and neighbors. That is what AMERICANS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO. !!!! IF YOU DO NOTHING COMMUNISM IS OK WITH YOU . DONT WHEN SO MANY GUYS STARTED WEARING frilly lace.


    Wow now I like this woman ??❤ now where were women like that when I was younger??? I would vote this in for president . not only is she smart wow good looking to. Or is that racist now days ??? Any way. The truth is the truth. And we all know those damocraps can't handle the truth . Real idiots don't understand nothing. But the lies they make up. Bad bad case of NFS. I SAY AGAIN A BAD BAD CASE OF NFS !!! MRS. GREEN YOU GO WOMAN .

  25. Read the book by John Ross – "Unintended Consequences" (1995). This book is available online at It explains in great detail the history of the ATF, and the growth of government in general, along with remedies. Very good read.

  26. MTG is one of the great heroes of this century in America. Not because she is female or conservative, but because she is courageous and does not back down against the rabid haters of our country!

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