Lindsey Graham Wants to Know Whether DOJ Plotted a ‘Coup’ Against Trump

By Connor D. Wolf | March 15, 2019

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) sent out an open letter on Friday requesting documents related to an alleged discussion between senior officials about removing President Donald Trump.

Trump has often found himself at odds with senior federal officials and he is the subject, of course, of a long-running federal investigation.

Now it appears Department of Justice (DOJ) officials reportedly, at one time, discussed whether they should remove him from office.

The Republican senator from South Carolina and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee wants answers about how that conversation went down.

Former FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe alleged during an interview last month with “60 Minutes,” the CBS news magazine program, that the conversation occurred in May 2017.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein supposedly met with McCabe and other senior Justice Department and FBI officials and discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the president.

Related: Lawsuit Seeks Insight into Rosenstein’s Words During a Critical Period in 2017

“McCabe explained how Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussed with him and others within the Department of Justice (DOJ) the possibility of removing the president of the United States by invoking the 25th Amendment,” Graham said in the letter. “In addition, Mr. McCabe described how the deputy attorney general, in a manner that was ‘absolutely serious,’ offered to wear a wire into the White House to record the president and gather evidence against him.”

Rosenstein and the other officials also allegedly discussed whether to wear wires to record conversations with the president. There are no indications currently that the idea went anywhere beyond discussion — but it has raised concerns, given the other ways senior officials have gone after the president, such as the special counsel investigation.

“The committee is deeply concerned with these discussions and whether they essentially indicate that two of the highest ranking law enforcement officials in the United States were discussing what amounts to a coup against the president,” Graham said.

“Accordingly, the committee plans to conduct oversight into these discussions and related matters.”

Related: House Republicans Call for Perjury Investigation Against Cohen

Judicial Watch, a prominent conservative watchdog, has also been seeking records about the conversation, along with other matters. The group has been seeking records of communications from the deputy attorney general during an important few weeks back in May 2017. The group filed a lawsuit in early March claiming those record requests have been ignored.

Rosenstein appointed the special counsel to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. He also wrote a memo to the president recommending that former FBI Director James Comey be fired that same month.

Trump did just that soon after — but still received backlash from the Left.

Check out this video:

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This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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50 thoughts on “Lindsey Graham Wants to Know Whether DOJ Plotted a ‘Coup’ Against Trump”

  1. Please think before sounding off, corruption was big time under Obama think Bengahazi did you know it is coming out now that he ordered a stand down allowing American personnel to be assassinated. Did you know Obama used the white house for “pizzagate”? Thats why Jeffrey Epstein went to jail and labeled a pedophile and this is besides him giving Iran over $100 billion to a state sponsor of terrorism? And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  2. And you must not mind Communism. Democrats are heading toward Communism….thats what Socialism is. You must hate this country to want that. Stop listening to propaganda. Trumps the only one doing anything.

  3. They’re still in an angry, hate-filled reprobate mind, simply BECAUSE he WON! If they’re going to be insanely mad, incensed, full of hate, try blaming GOD! HE can handle it quite well, having dealt with mercenaries since time began! Without God’s influence, support, and approval? Donald J. Trump would have NEVER been elected! American’s who VOTED for him were merely following God’s inspiring design! SOME, without even sure they were doing the RIGHT thing! Now we KNOW we did! AND; We’ll do the same in twenty twenty! HOPEFULLY, there will be millions on the LEFT (being absorbed by; “Satan-Led and Dragged” factions) will ALSO have 2020 vision and do the RIGHT thing for America ant the future for our grandchildren et al! The extreme Left is not just LEANING farther Left! They’re horizontal! If they remain in that position for a few quiet minutes (not likely), they will hear the hoof beats of the horses from hell coming for them!

  4. What are you? An ostrich with its head in the sand? He has been the only one who has done anything. You are wrong about Obama he hasnt done anything in eight years….tell the truth…nine of the Democrats have. Do some research. You seriously watch way too much propagandaMedia wont tell you because they are bias. Democrats want SOCIALISM WHICH IS COMMUNISM. You must hate this country to vote for socialism. And no…Im not a Republican.

  5. Gimme a break…..Trump is not the problem…Democrats are. They have turned corrupt. They blame their problems in one man. The same problems they havent fixed in years. Democrats are not for this country. Havent been for years. They want ooen borders, globalization, and worst of all socialism. Anyone with one ounce of brains knows Socialism is Communism no matter how you slice it. Stop listening to propaganda. Anyone who goes along with these radical Democrats are just as bad. No Im not a Republican but I am a Democrat that walked away. Im Independent now and dont like what these Democrats have morphed into. Sickening.

  6. You are entitled to your opinions but not your own set of facts and the ones you just tried to slide into this discussion are ridiculous. You need to lay off the Kool Aid.

  7. Learn the meaning of words before you go throwing them around. Sen. Graham isn’t pushing us toward fascism, but investigating the possible attempted overthrow of a duly elected President of the United States simply because they do not like his policies. That could be easily described as treason and punishable by death. There has been no proof of any wrongdoing by Trump, yet the left keeps spouting off vague comments that have no basis in fact. These individuals were at minimum discussing overthrowing the government. That is conspiracy! But, never let facts get in the way of your feelings.

  8. They found that Hillary Clinton bought and paid for the fake dossier used to trick the FISA court into allowing spying on a candidate for the Presidency. I’d say THAT is SOMETHING! They found that the corrupted Obama FBI lied to protect Hillary Clinton in the email scandal and that “keep me in the loop” (Obama’s words, not mine) Obama expected to be kept in the loop concerning the FISA court and the warrant for the surveillance of a candidate for President. I’d say THAT is SOMETHING! When the indictments start rolling in’ I’d say THAT is JUSTICE! You can continue to pretend all is not happening…but it is! BTW, Trump does not appoint the DOJ…he appointed, with approval by the House. Your ignorance is palpable.

  9. CyanSushi doesn’t believe facts…unless they are facts spoon fed to her by CNN. Liberals have no need for facts…which explains why they don’t know them. :-)

  10. LMAO…he is doing EVERYTHING he promised US he would do….Obama’s legacy of corruption will follow Obama the rest of his miserable life. OUR President has done more for this economy then Obama EVER did…if you are interested in FACTS…you should try to learn some…or, you could just continue your delusion…that’s fine with us as well…we don’t judge. :-)

  11. Black and Hispanic unemployment is the lowest it has EVER been in the history of the country! Don’t know where you’re getting your information–probably from the LYING Leftist propaganda SHILLS at MSNBC and CNN–but you are DEAD WRONG. And yes, facts DO matter. How about citing a few, instead of this FICTION you are spewing?

  12. Sorry, but that “honor” belongs to the OBAMA administration. He was by FAR the WORST President, with the MOST corrupt administration in our history–and his pernicious, corrupt influence is STILL being exerted by all the holdover hirees/appointees of his that are STILL in our government and working behind the scenes to undermine and weaken the US with OBAMA’S toxic agenda! HOW is Pres. Trump “working for his own self interest?” He doesn’t even take the Presidential SALARY to which he is entitled. He DONATES it to charity causes!

  13. It should be clear to everybody by now that the DOJ and FBI–filled with OBAMA holdovers and Hillary loyalists–has been ACTIVELY engaged in sedition and TREASON, with their ongoing attempts to OVERTHROW our duly elected President. Obama always DID think like a banana republic DICTATOR–and that inclination is CLEARLY visible in what the DOJ and FBI have done ever since Pres. Trump was elected!

  14. OMG just the people he picks for positions have shown to be corrupt, I would also advise looking at the trend of the economy & unemployment and you will see the exact same trend continuing so basically he is continuing what obama had done & that is a fact you can look up. Trump tho has had lower jobs added & things like black unemployment went down 9% under Obama & only 1% in 1st 2 years under trump. Please tell me what trump has done that shows you he is working so hard? Facts matter

  15. There is no question that they created a coup, the real question is when will they be prosecuted. Two years of this pathetic, expensive witch hunt….the leftist loonies doing more investigations…ridiculousness

  16. There is NO JUSTICE in this country unless obama, clinton(s) , and traitorous DOJ officials are tried and convicted and do hard time as a result of their election meddling, obfuscation, etc. And the government wonders why the Americanpeople have no trust in their government “injustice” system?

  17. I can’t Post this enough.

    The entire “Russian collusion hoax’ was master-minded and paid for by Hillary with the participation and complicit involvement of the intelligence agencies. “The evidence is clear: Barack H. Obama, John O. Brennan, James R. Clapper, Hillary R. Clinton, John D. Podesta, Michael J. Morrell and other US officials and Democratic Party operatives colluded to prevent a Trump victory and now conspire to commit sedition.”

    The FBI and DOJ (James Comey, Jim Rybicki, Andrew McCabe, Jim Baker, Michael Kortan, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr etc.) were part of the 2016 Hillary Campaign through a leak strategy that was coordinated with the MSM Media. When Trump won the group ratcheted up their leaking and their Russian propaganda, paid for by Hillary and 0bama, in an attempt to impeach the duly elected Donald Trump.

    Obama tried to do his part. As Charlie Kirk pointed out this weekend: “He picked his successor, weaponized the FBI, DOJ, & IRS against his opponents. Controlled 90% of the media. Had double the ad budget. Colluded with foreign powers against the challenger. Yet they lost to a billionaire they claimed was beneath them.”

  18. I have been advocating that Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Steele, Simpson , both Ohr’s, Lynch, Mueller, along with Barack Hussein Obama be charged with TREASON and charged under the Alien and Sedition Act, but it seems that Sessions was a JOKE and I’m still waiting for the New AG BARR to start putting these ANTI AMERICAN DemocRATS in prison , Oh, I forgot to dd HITLARY CLINTON

  19. I think you must have professional help to make an error that size. If you listen to the #AgendaDriven liars like #LyingCNN and the #LyingMSM, you’ll get that incorrect and nonfactual viewpoint.

    BTW, it was Obama who touted transparency, but blocked FOIA requests. We have a SOLID President who is Making America Great Again #MAGA and removing the tarnish left from the Obama so-called establishment of more folks on food stamps, less income, needless regulations and the most corruption in my 56 years. Read below the accomplishments of this President and you’ll see, he’s the one working for US, not some liberal agenda to destroy America.

  20. Maybe you could be more specific? Like this:

    Who received $35 million from a Russian investment fund started by Vladimir Putin? Not Trump, but Clinton campaign chair John Podesta.
    Who received $500,000 from a company linked to Russian intelligence agencies to give a speech in Moscow? Not Trump, but Bill Clinton.
    Who facilitated the sale of 20 percent of America’s uranium to the Russians? Not Trump, but Hillary Clinton.
    Who received $145 million from a Russian uranium company? Not Trump, but the Clinton Foundation.

    Read more:

  21. The fact that this “discussion” happened behind closed doors at the DOJ and FBI does indeed scream “coup”, the fact that this “discussion” became the platform to spy on a Presidential nominee for President certainly does scream “coup”, the fact that this “discussion” resulted in Americans having to pay for a witch hunt perpetrated by Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Barack Obama, the DNC and Loretta Lynch certainly does scream corruption, treason and sedition. You are entitled to your opinion, but it does not have merit in this instance. As I understand it, a Presidential nominee has the right to run for the Presidency without being sabotaged by our DOJ, FBI and AG PRIOR to being elected, any conversation AFTER the inauguration of President Trump is relevant. Our President has proven his ability to serve…can’t say that about Schumer, Pelosi or Mad Maxine Waters. You are misinformed and to be honest…a sheep. To politicize our alphabet agencies all in order to catapult a corrupt Hillary Clinton into the Presidency is indeed a “coup”. A corrupt and treasonous one to boot.

  22. No independent minded person can possibly think that of a President who has boosted the economy, reduced unemployment across the board, stood up for the country and its people against a self-serving globalist establishment, and doesn’t even take a salary. And if you think that the Trump administration, chaotic though it often is, is more corrupt than the Obama administration you really need to start opening your eyes and thinking for yourself.

  23. As is your right, but if you lift the hood on this administration you’ll find the most corrupt administration in US history. He is working in his own self interest and not for us.

  24. Discussing invoking the 25th Amendment does not constitute a “coup,” it is a Constitutional requirement when there are questions regarding the President’s ability to serve.

  25. I haven’t heard any specifics on just WHY the non stop chatter is ‘Trump must be removed from office, he’s unfit’. No one ever says anything but some vague crap about his ability to serve, and he’s serving all over the place. Every day, it seems he’s signing a new law or agreement with other countries, getting us out of bad trade deals, etc. Working his butt off for us. And yet somehow he’s unfit? I see him as the hardest working president we’ve ever had. And I’m going to vote for him again.

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