Larry Elder’s Powerful Valerie Jarrett Tweet Has Roseanne-Haters Freaking Out

Larry Elder Valerie Jarrett

Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder responded to the controversy over famous actress Roseanne Barr tweeting that Obama royalty member Valerie Jarrett was the offspring of the “Muslim Brotherhood and the Planet of the Apes” by comparing the remark to comments made about President Donald Trump. (RELATED: ‘Roseanne’ Canceled on ABC After Crude Tweets).

Elder found a tweet from liberal comedian and TV host Bill Maher, where he claimed Trump was “the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan.” He noted Barr had made the “same joke” — Then, the black political commentator included a photo of Jarrett juxtaposed with a character from the Planet of the Apes film. This instantly caused a liberal meltdown!

Barr has been quick to apologize for the joke. She said it was “in bad taste” and apologized to Jarrett, along with the 100s of people who lost their jobs on the “Roseanne” production team thanks to her one Twitter message. ABC quickly canceled the show despite her apologies.

Elder also noted in his new column at that Disney, which owns ABC, ESPN, and Disney, also employs extreme liberal Keith Olbermann. His long history of extreme comments pale in comparison to Roseanne Barr’s single tweet:

The Rev. Al Sharpton tweeted: “The comparison … of … Valerie Jarrett to an APE is racist and inexcusable. ABC must take action NOW!” The Disney-owned ABC issued the following statement: “Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.” Barr left Disney little choice. Standing by her would have meant advertiser boycotts, forcing any company that advertises on her show to explain their association with a “racist.”

But what are the rules?

Disney also owns ESPN, the sports cable channel that employs Keith Olbermann, whose angry, unhinged tweets about President Donald Trump make Barr’s anti-Jarrett tweet look like a love note. Here’s one Olbermann tweeted at Ivanka Trump, Trump’s daughter: “Then tell your racist, white supremacist, neo-nazi father to get the f— out of our society.” One would think that Disney would find Olbermann’s tweets “abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with (their) values.”

As for MSNBC’s Sharpton, he also said that Barr’s tweet shows that Trump is “normalizing” racism. Remember Sharpton became famous by falsely accusing a white man of raping a black teen. A New York grand jury called the accusation a hoax, and Sharpton was successfully sued for defamation. But to this day, Sharpton refuses to apologize. Sharpton helped fan the flames during the deadly 1991 Crown Heights, New York, riots by leading some 400 protesters through the predominately Jewish section of Brooklyn. Days before the deadly riots, Sharpton said at a rally in Harlem, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.” Sharpton once called David Dinkins, the first and only black New York City mayor, a “n—– whore.” Sharpton described Jews as “diamond merchants” and whites moving into Harlem as “interlopers.” Unwilling to wait for the Ferguson grand jury to finish its investigation of the police shooting death of Michael Brown, Sharpton took to the streets of Ferguson yelling, “No justice, no peace.” The grand jury exonerated the officer. No remorse by Sharpton. No apology. No cancellation of his show.

Conservatives on Twitter immediately responded to Elder’s tweet:

What do you think about Larry Elder’s comments about the double-standard of ABC firing Roseanne but employing Bill Maher, Rev. Al Sharpton, and Keith Olbermann? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us what you think.

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Thomas is a movement conservative and American patriot. He has a vigorous blue-collar, Jacksonian attitude with a skeptical eye ... More about Thomas
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