Juanita Broaddrick Slams Hillary For Saying Women Groped by Biden Need to ‘Get Over It’

We asked Juanita Broaddrick what she thought about Hillary Clinton’s recent comments suggesting women upset with being groped by Joe Biden need to “get over it,” and she had the perfect response.

In an interview with People Magazine, Clinton, who recently boasted that her ‘gutsiest’ life move was to stick it out with her womanizing husband, brushed off concerns that Biden is unable to contain his creepy behavior.

This past year, several women accused Biden, one of the frontrunners for the Democrat nomination, of inappropriately touching them and making them feel uncomfortable.

The torrent of accusers began with former Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores who alleged Biden inappropriately kissed her and smelled her hair.

Some of the uncomfortable interactions involving the former Vice President, captured in images over the last several years, have involved young people.

RELATED: 10 Times Joe Biden Has Touched People Against Their Will


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In the interview, Hillary said the allegations of groping are minor compared to the need to take out Donald Trump.

“This man must be defeated,” she said. “People who are putting themselves forward, which believe me, is a really difficult process to undergo, should be judged on the totality of their lives and their service.”

And so what if a few women and girls are groped against their will in the process?

“We can pick apart anybody. I mean, that’s a great spectator sport. But this man who’s there in the Oval Office right now poses a clear and present danger to the future of the United States,” the contemptuous woman said. “So get over it.”

RELATED: WATCH: Even Joe Biden’s Wife Wants Him to Keep His Hands to Himself

Broaddrick, a former nursing home employee who accused Bill Clinton of raping her decades earlier when he was a gubernatorial candidate in Arkansas, hammered Hillary for being dismissive of these women.

“She probably thinks that is so minor compared to what she did to all of her husband’s victims, now survivors,” Broaddrick told The Political Insider.

“She essentially told us to get over it … and f*** off.”

Ken Starr, the famed special prosecutor behind investigations into the Clintons’ Whitewater and Lewinsky affairs, has analyzed Hillary’s role in attacking the women who accused her husband of sexual misconduct and crimes.

In his book, “Contempt, A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation,” Starr referred to Hillary as a “systematic enabler” who was “viciously attacking the various women who came forward to say they were Bill’s paramours.”

“The verbal assaults on women by the Clinton’s and their surrogates, who hurled demeaning epithets such as ‘trailer park trash,’ would become unthinkable in 2017 and 2018,” he wrote.

In other words, seduced into an affair with Bill? Get over it.

Sexually assaulted? Get over it.

Raped? Get over it.

And now she’s demeaning all those who have been the victims of uncomfortable touching at the hands of Joe Biden – including his wife – simply because of her hatred for President Trump.

Is there a colder, more politically calculating woman on the planet than Hillary Clinton?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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