John McCain’s Widow Claims He Would Be ‘Very Disappointed’ In GOP’s ‘Lack Of Courage’ – ‘We Have Lost Our Way’

While appearing on “The Late Show” on Monday night, the widow of the late Republican senator John McCain claimed to host Stephen Colbert that her husband would be disappointed and ashamed of where the GOP is today.

‘John Would Be Very Disappointed’

“I feel deep in my heart that John would be very disappointed in what’s going on and the lack of courage on the part of so many of our senators and congressmen to stand up to what this is,” Cindy McCain lamented.

She went on to praise Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) for her feud with former President Donald Trump, saying that she “handled herself beautifully” while her Republican colleagues stripped her from her leadership position of conference chair last week.

‘We Have Lost Our Way’

“It’s odd, now our party seems to be rewarding bad behavior and then trashing those who tell the truth and are honest about what’s actually going on,” Cindy said. “We have lost our way. Our party is in such disarray right now.”

Related: Cindy McCain Blasts GOP – Says It Was Once About Inclusion But ‘We Have Lost Our Way’

Though she went so far as to complain about the “demise of the party of Abraham Lincoln,” she made sure to say that she still has hope for Republicans.

“I believe we can pull ourselves back, but this is going to be a long road,” Cindy said, adding that the party is “no longer practicing what we used to be.”

Cindy claimed that the Republican Party was once a party of “inclusion” and “decency” but is “in such disarray right now.”

Cindy Is Asked About Possible Ambassadorship

Later in the interview, Cindy was asked about reports that President Joe Biden is eyeing her for a U.N. ambassadorship position, and she played it coy.

“When I agreed to support Joe Biden and to endorse him, I meant that with every fiber of my being in whatever way I can help. And if he should so choose to place me someplace and to give me the opportunity, I would be deeply honored,” Cindy said. “When a president asks you to do something, you can’t really turn him down.”

Full Story: Report: Cindy McCain Set To Score US Ambassadorship Under President Biden

Check out the full interview below, if you dare.

This piece was written by James Samson on May 19, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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