Former-Vice President Biden to Head D.C. Based Foreign Policy Center

Last week, former-President Barack Obama emerged from his post-inauguration hiding, appearing on vacation in the Caribbean with billionaire Richard Branson. Now that Obama is officially out of the White House, the former president has even more time to play golf, and for someone who played more than 300 rounds of golf during his 8 years in the White House, his game must be pretty good at this point.

And now that we know what Obama is up to these days, former Vice President Joe Biden has announced his plans for the next few years, and it’s not quite as glamorous.

According to The Hill, Biden is teaming up with the University of Pennsylvania to lead a new foreign policy center headquartered in Washington, D.C.

The center will be called the Penn Biden Center on Diplomacy and Global Engagement and will center around “national security and international relations.”

More From The Hill:

“I look forward to building on the work that has been a central pillar of my career in public office: promoting and protecting the [post-World War II] international order that keeps the United States safe and strong,” Biden said in a statement.

In a separate announcement, the University of Delaware said the former vice president will serve as founding chair of the newly created Biden Institute focusing on domestic issues such as the economy, environment, civil rights and criminal justice.  Biden telegraphed both moves before leaving office last month. Like former President Obama, he also said he planned to continue living in Washington, D.C., at least part time.

Can you imagine anything more ridiculous? The Biden-Obama record on foreign policy has been nothing but an absolute disaster. From ISIS to Benghazi, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘Arab Spring’ and the total disaster in Syria, Biden has proved he doesn’t know a single thing about foreign policy.

I feel bad for any donors who waste their money on this ridiculous project!

What are your thoughts on Biden’s new gig? Should he emerge into the public light again or would it be best if he lived a private life in the future? Share your thoughts below!

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