After Democrats Smear Jeff Sessions About Russia, The Truth is Revealed!

Today, left-wing Democrats are trying to smear and destroy President Donald J. Trump’s new Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.

Here is a summary of the shameful attack:

The media have gotten their marching orders. Today’s news shall be 24/7 wall-to-wall coverage of SessionsGate! What’s that? You see, former senator and current Attorney General Jeff Sessions was asked in his confirmation hearing if he met with the Russians as part of his role as a Trump campaign surrogate. He said no. Now it has come to light that Sessions spoke with the Russian ambassador twice during 2016. Both times were in his capacity as a senator, not as a Trump campaign actor or representative.

But guess what- Sessions never did meet with Russian leaders as part of the Trump campaign. Meetings happened during his official capacity as a U.S. Senator, which is entirely reasonable and quite ordinary.

As you can see from the transcript, Sessions was clear that he never spoke to Russian officials about the election:

Franken: If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign what will you do?

Sessions: Senator Franken i’m not aware of … uh … any of those activities. Ii have been called a surrogate a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communication with the Russians and I’m unable to comment.

This is a fake scandal, and a shameful smear. Democrats are not happy with how impressive Trump’s speech was on Tuesday night in front of Congress so they are ending the week by making up more lies. Sessions is a principled conservative and an honorable man- It’s essential to defend him while the mainstream media pushes this shamefully “fake news.”

Meanwhile a top Senator Democrat was caught in a massive lie, thanks to her Twitter archive:

What do you think about this horrible smear of AG Jeff Sessions? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.

8 thoughts on “After Democrats Smear Jeff Sessions About Russia, The Truth is Revealed!”

  1. Unfortunately, Al is every bit as funny in a congressional hearing as he was as a comedian. Now that I think about it, I guess politics IS the logical next stop for failing comedians.

  2. What part of “I did not have communication with the Russians” do you not understand. He didn’t say, “I met with the Russians in my Senatorial capacity”. The first is a lie, the second may be true.

    If he met with the Russians in his official Senatorial capacity, there would be records of the meetings and conversations, because that is what makes it “official”. Why has he not produced the recordings?

    1. Sessions was answering another part of comedian Franken’s question as the question was a convoluted one and Franken DIDN’T ask for a clarification as he was just out to GET Sessions!!
      Sessions DIDN’T meet in secret with the Russian Amb.–he only had 2 casual connections with him with witnesses!!
      These lies are just that LIES as the libtards are SOOOOO afraid of what some proper investigations into libtard activities will bear–and it won’t be good for the libtards—what a fun time we have coming seeing how much stuttering the libtards will be doing when their sh!t his the fan!!! STARTING NOW!!!

  3. Fake NEWS, nothing else to say about it. Demon-rats attempt to roadblock any and all of Trump’s agenda.
    Here’s some news, HRC LOST, Sit Down, and STFU!!!
    President Trump MAGA!!!

  4. He admits the story from CNN might not be true but he expects Sen. Sessions to comment on it.
    I think Sen. Franken is a comedy and should go back writing for Saturday night live. How do these comics get elected to such high positions?
    Franken is a joke how can you even dignify anything you read from the Communist News Network unless you are a Communist piece of crap.

    1. But it was true. Sen. Franken was just being polite. And Sen. Sessions lied about meeting with the Russians. And the funny part … he didn’t need to lie. It was just habit.

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