James Comey Comments on Trump’s Hands: ‘I Found His Hands To Be Above Average in Size’

comey trump hands

If James Comey thought his “b**tchy” book tour was going to hurt Donald Trump, he’s sure going about it the wrong way.

Not only did Comey come out not in favor of impeaching President Trump, he’s also been critical of the Obama Administration, including Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

And now, in Comey’s latest interview, he’s sworn off making fun of the President.

Via The Hill:

James Comey says in a new interview that he is not attempting to “make fun” of President Trump with comments about the president in his book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, And Leadership.”

The former FBI chief told NPR that his remarks about the size of Trump’s hands were meant to paint a picture for the reader, not as a slight.

“I’m not making fun of the president. I’m trying to be an author, which I’ve never been before in my life,” Comey says.

But it gets better (or worse, depending on your take)! Comey actually weighed in on the size of Trump’s hands.

Seriously. The former FBI Director was actually asked by an NPR host about the size of a president’s hands. Because NPR is a serious organization, engaged in serious, thoughtful journalism.

More from the report:

“‘Describe the president’s hands?'” NPR Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep responded. “Can you hear the editor saying that?”

“No, but that was on my mind,” Comey says. “And by the way, not that this matters, but I found his hands to be above average in size, and so I’m not making fun of the man, I’m trying to tell the reader what’s in my head.”

This is absurd. Everyone knows the connotations about Trump’s supposedly small hands. They were used to mock his alleged lack of manliness during the Republican primary debates:

It’s kind of ironic that Comey just destroyed a puerile liberal talking point liberals use to mock Trump. Looks like Comey isn’t at all the hero Democrats were hoping for.

If Comey wants to be taken seriously, he should probably not talk about Trump’s hands. Period.

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Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim... More about Jim E

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