Intern Who Shouted Obscenity at Trump Faces No Real Punishment

Intern heckles Trump
WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 19: President Donald Trump leaves Capitol Hill on June 19, 2018 in Washington, DC. The President addressed the house Republican conference about immigration policy. (Photo by Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images)

Last week a Congressional intern shouted  “Mr. President, f— you!” to President Trump as he entered the U.S. Capitol for a meeting with some House Republicans. The intern was identified as 21-year-old Caitlin Marriott, who interned in the office of Sen. Maggie Hassan, a Democrat representing New Hampshire. (RELATED: Watch: Unhinged Democrats Heckle, Scream Profanities at President Trump).

Fox News was told that Marriott’s comment was “impulsive” and that she and other interns had been egging each other on to shout at Trump.

Somehow, she’s only received a slap on a wrist for the obscenity.

According to Fox News: “Fox News is told she has not been terminated and will continue to work there through August. Congressional authorities were finally able to identify Marriott and speak with her to determine if she posed a threat to the president, sources said. She raced from where she heckled Trump, forcing U.S. Capitol Police to put out a “be on the lookout” over their radios. After deciding Marriott didn’t pose a threat to President Trump, authorities decided there was no other action they could take. However, Fox News was told that Marriott will be confined to her duties in Hassan’s office on the third floor of the Hart Senate office building and earned a week-long suspension.”

Senator Hassan defended her decision not to fire her intern with some classic whataboutism. “This behavior shouldn’t be equated with the president’s destructive and divisive actions … this young woman immediately accepted responsibility for her actions and is facing consequences for them. The president is doing neither.”

Apparently, a week-long vacation is Sen. Hassan’s idea of “consequence.” It’s unquestionable that if anyone remotely connected to the Trump administration had shouted an expletive at Hassan, that she’d be the first to call for their resignation.

It’s amazing that a sitting member of Congress seems unphased by one of her interns verbally harassing the president, essentially giving the ma slap on the wrist. Hassan’s actions signal that she likely endorsed her intern’s ugly rant and thus refused to fire them.

By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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