REPORT: Hillary’s Top Aide Left BUSTED For Mishandling Classified Info!

Huma Abedin

Bombshell e-mails released on Monday have revealed that Hillary Clinton’s top aide at the State Department, Huma Abedin, carelessly left sensitive materials in the front seat of her car.

Abedin e-mailed a personal assistant asking for a “favor” involving “a bunch of burn stuff in the pocket of my front seat.”

She asked the assistant to move the material to her vehicle’s trunk, presumably realizing that the “burn stuff” is highly sensitive material that needs to be destroyed by the State Department.

Via the Daily Caller:

Emails released on Monday show that Hillary Clinton’s top State Department aide, Huma Abedin, left classified government information that needed to be burned in the front seat of her vehicle.

“Favor” is the subject of Abedin’s July 20, 2009 email to Lauren Jiloty, Clinton’s personal assistant. Judicial Watch obtained the records and hundreds more pages of Abedin emails as part of its ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department.

“I’m going to have ambassador ride on next drive,” wrote Abedin. “There’s a bunch of burn stuff in the pocket of my front seat.”

And seemingly realizing the significance of her error, Abedin asked Jiloty to move the documents to a more secure location.

“Can u put in trunk?” she asked.


Jiloty told Abedin she would.

Further analysis of the email chains at that time seem to indicate Abedin and her boss were in India at the time – in a foreign country with sensitive material in the front seat of a car. Brilliant!

During a deposition in July, Abedin admitted that her boss destroyed her schedules as Secretary of State by using burn bags.

In response to the revelation, a lawyer asked “were you aware of your obligation not to delete federal records or destroy federal records?”

A former State Department official told the New York Post it was unprecedented for a diplomat to destroy a schedule using burn bags.

Richard Grenell, former diplomat and US spokesman at the United Nations, said “I’ve never seen anyone put their schedule in the burn bag — because every one of them had a email address and therefore their daily schedules became public records, as required by law.”

We’re guessing that leaving the “burn stuff” in the front seat of your car is also unprecedented.

Comment: Is this yet another example of Clinton being unable to keep classified information secure within her staff? Are you outraged at this news? Tell us what you think below.

62 thoughts on “REPORT: Hillary’s Top Aide Left BUSTED For Mishandling Classified Info!”

  1. The schedules were deemed “highly sensitive” by the White House and State Dept. officials were instructed to burn their copies.

    So, they were handling them properly- they were treating them as if they were classified, bu destroying them.

    The actual schedules can’t be destroyed totally- they remain on the State Dept.’s computers.

    Abedin had sensitive material in her official car. She had her aide lock them in the trunk. Sounds like prudent handling to me.

  2. We all know that Abedin is guilty of this and far more and so is her boss, Clinton. However, if this will put her away it is one step closer to proving that Clinton is complicit for this and much, much more as well.

    The press finally cannot turn a blind eye to her corruption; this information along with new insights as to the deplorable state of her health, the corruption that was being hatched in Benghazi and
    new findings relating to the Clinton Foundation maybe justice will be served after all.

    We can only hope.

  3. With all of this garbage going on, you know for sure that she will be helped up the white house stairs, aided by her aides, AND then wheeled out to her new ‘permanent’ residence, Mt Holly.

  4. JUDGEMENT . . . Getting “Closer” !, but with her HEALTH ISSUES, I don’t think shes got 4 wks left, before she CAN’T go on. I AM SURE, shes “Not” going to make it to the end . . . Its one of the reasons, that this election is going t be LAUGHABLE !.

  5. Let me see if I understand the world today; Our multi-Gold medal swim champion tells a lie, because of inebriation, he lost some money gambling, or spent too many dollars out with his team mates. Embellished his night on the town with some friends.

    The Clintons…Benghazi “Killery,”has been lieing since she was fired during the Watergate crap…
    25-30 years or so…Clinton associates seem to die suspiciously…

    Our Gold medal Champion lied ONCE, loses millions in endorsements…companies don’t want
    to be associated with a LIAR !
    Frickin Killery CONTINUES with her evil, and is now worth a billion or so.
    Our FBI,CIA,Justice Department, and Congress is just going to sweep this BI*#%’s lies under
    the carpet. I’d bet if the Clintons had surgery, and had an abdominal incision, BLACK,SLIMY
    WORMS,SNAKES, ROACHES, and RATS would be trying to escape their bodies.


    Please pass on the question as to why our Gold medal winner(s) lose out on the endorsements,
    when SERIAL LYING pays WELL for the Clintons?

  6. And just think about how many people still will vote for her they are just as guilty of all the crimes that she has committed including all the people she has had murdered they are one big crime syndicate that appears to be above the law what a terrible shame to the United States if she wins it will no longer be known as the United States it will be called the new land of Allah

  7. I’m puzzled by reported in the story by: Richard Grenell, former diplomat and US spokesman at the United Nations, said “I’ve never seen anyone put their schedule in the burn bag — because every one of them had a email address and therefore their daily schedules became public records, as required by law.”
    … yea, seems to ‘get off’ again!
    Why does not ONE sue Her on a Civil Lawsuit ?

  8. It is like this: Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton and Ellen Degeneres (an admitted lesbian) all went out for a weekend together in the D.C. area. Huma’s husband is former Congressman Weiner who got in trouble for showing pictures of his dong to women on his cell phone. Bill Clinton also wasn’t getting any from Hillary who doesn’t like sex with him. So Hillary and Huma prefer Ellen Degeneres to their husbands. Also there was a lot of hanky panky in the whitehouse with hillary and other women. Weiner and Bill Clinton behaved so badly because their wives preferred women over dirty old men. For one, I prefer regular people more like the rest of us in the White House.

  9. There is no crime for which she would be indicted. We heard the FBI say she was in violation of numerous laws, but she could not be indicted for them. She simply continues to break laws and enforcement continues to ignore it. How did this happen to this country? This is our last chance and I’m afraid it came too late. Remember, Soros makes the machines that count the votes. If she got only 5 votes, she would win.

    1. Voter fraud was widespread in the Democratic primary. Some machines could be flipped if there were more votes for Sanders to give them to Hillary. For people who cheat on the vote, they should go to prison and lose the right to vote forever.

  10. Hillary and her cohorts seem to treat everything carelessly not to mention illegally. She should not be allowed to even run for Prez much less be anywhere near the Presidency.

  11. The FBI “investigation” is a joke. They had enough evidence to put Traitor Liar Hillary in prison. If that was one us “lowly” people we would have been behind bars in the first 5 minutes!!!

  12. Is anyone surprised with the lies and evil rumors that are being spread about conservative candidates by the liberals when their matriarch is an acknowledged liar and the FBI simply nods and says “that’s ok.”

  13. I used to wonder how the Top Secret stuff got out of the Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) and into Hillary’s private (unsecure) server. I think we now know. Likely Huma was removing stuff from the scif, removing the markings and emailing it to her boss who subsequently distributed it as she deemed fit. All TOTALLY ILLEGAL!

  14. The hole just keeps on getting deeper for the Clinton’s the DNC, the FBI, the DOJ and Halfast Bob the “unknown” aka the endorser, WH Fraud…the entire DNCommunist Jackass Party is a detriment to the entire country and they are glued to cronyism and the RINO’s on the right..Sorry to say but We the People need a manor purge to end the kind of inept, collusive and underhanded kind of immoral.unethical lack of integrity and rekindle the patriotism needed to make this country and the Representative Republic survive with purpose into the next century and beyond…….

  15. No more stories please. Obviously this devils daughter can do anything to include murder and nothing happens to her. The only headline that will interest anybody is when someone says she’s invdicted and then convicted otherwise it is redundant.

  16. when i looked at the figure of 14876 dollars .Than I have no other choice but to accept , what i saw .They have been doing this for a year and get rid of their debts.,. Yesterday they purchased new Aston Martin …
    visit This Site……….. W­W­W.C­a­r­e­e­r­P­l­u­s­9­0.C­O­M

  17. Hillary is too well connected to convict. Hillary could stab her mother on national T.V. and then blame it on Bush and the corrupt far left media 92% of media is far left,would also blame Bush. America,Wake up and stop crushing ourselves already. Go Trump. To Prison with hillary.

  18. i can only repeat my previous question. Which is more likely to be the first to have a fatal heart attack, Huma or Hitlary´s VP choice? Being assisted with suicide is not likely. Being murdered in a robbery by a lone, unidentified robber, perhaps.

  19. BY PASS the doj, the meeeee-sigh-ja and get down to the brass tacks. Either jail her (and the other minions in ATTICA) or shut up and get off the pot and accept what you have sowed!

  20. Don’t expect anything to happen when the big boss and the Justice Department are as crooked as she is. All of them should be impeached, jailed, and the key thrown away. They don’t need a burn bag. They need a garbage truck to clean up this administration.

  21. If I had a nickel for every time Political Insider said some new information was going to bring down Mrs. Clinton I’d be a millionaire. Why should I believe you this time when every other time you have been wrong and most of what you post is later proven to be a lie?

    1. Bill tried but it brought back such memories of raping all those women and the drugs he used, being married to Hildabeast, and the smell of sour smell of depends thrown in the corner, he couldn’t stop gagging long enough to swallow thousands of sheets of emails.

  22. Killary’s top advisor is Iranian, that alone is questionable. Let’s give her classified emails that mysteriously are left on the front seat of her car, readily available for anybody to grab. Then again, Killary can’t employ honest people, then her inner most corrupt acts could be brought out to the public. She is a habitual liar, devious, heartless woman who only cares for the good of herself and her family. Just look at the suspicious deaths of people around her since her bid for President began alone. This woman should be in a Federal Penitentary for a lot of years and not spreading more lies to Americans

  23. Yeah OK, so another piece of evidence shows her to have been illegally irresponsible with classified material. But of what use is it to keep unearthing this stuff if noone cares, nobody will prosecute her, she keeps lying with impunity, and the energizer bunny of selfish ambition stays teflon and just keeps running ?

  24. The Liberal Democratic party may well be responsible for the ruin of America the Liberals and their Politically correct crap and dishonest politics have become the norm in this country, there is a chance that the United States can survive another four years of the same old corrupt politics we have had for the last eight years!

  25. Hilary and her entourage are the biggest bunch of as clowns this country has ever produced and whats really sad is now that the minority’s and women have enough of a political edge in numbers this sorry excuse for a woman will be voted in as president by popular vote.

      1. Little Tommy Tom Tom……if you kept your mouth shut and your legs crossed you’s be out of business. As a demoncrat I guess you are nother one of the top guy’s c-suckers.

  26. The State Department and the DOD should revoke ANY and ALL High Level Clearance she has. She is part of the Leak that allowed China to have some of the New Technology the US currently has.

  27. Bombshell e-mails released on Monday have revealed that Hillary Clinton’s top aide at the State Department, Huma Abedin, carelessly left sensitive materials in the front seat of her car. and if so what was the results of this ? were 100’s of lives loss did a new war start ?????

      1. hey BOOBBIE maybe you should be a writer for POLITICAL INSIDER im sure with your charming personality (NOT) you could help them keep with their post and stay up there with MAD MAGAZINE

      2. what do you think ?hey BOOBBIE maybe you should be a writer for POLITICAL INSIDER im sure with your charming personality (NOT) you could help them keep with their post and stay up there with MAD MAGAZINE

      3. Robert, pull your head out of Hitlerys arse and smell some fresh air, you brave enough to stand with her in court, and stand and hold her pill bottle when she overdoses, u seem the type that would.

    1. Tommy:
      I know you are being sarcastic. However classified documents are so because in the wrong hands could cause much damage to the USA. also, YES people could be killed and yes it could start a war. Unfortunately Democrats do not recognize the real enemy. They think the Republicans are the enemy. Hillary said as much in one of the debates. Hillary’s schedule would be protected because the wrong people knowing in advance where she will be could set up opportunities to kill her or extract information from her. And I would be reasonable sure it wouldn’t be Republicans.

  28. I am so sick of the entire worthless Clinton group who belong behind bars for so many reasons. Maybe those who have the authority to do their job legally have been told to leave them alone and not get involved in the email situation or any other factor while Hillary was Secretary of State. She is being protected by our president in a deal where when Hillary is elected, she will appoint Obama to the Supreme Court. That’s for sure, it is downhill all the way for America.

  29. I am so disgusted about her NOT being held accountable for her actions. I am FED-UP with all the corruption that leaves a trail of dead bodies in her wake. When, When, is she going to be accountable???????????????????????

  30. “Hillary busted again”? Unless I’ve been in a coma for the past 25 years, since when has Hillary been busted? As long as no one is willing to do anything about her crimes as been the case all a-long, Hillary has nothing to worry about!

    1. No, I’m not outraged at this news. It’s just more of the same from Hilary and her band of crooks. What I’m outraged about is that she is never indicted and given jail time.

    2. Tk if just half the afford time and money was put into things like the DIRTY BUSH’S war started by scaring the people in office to vote for the war with their BIG TIME B/S intelligence of WMD . maybe the answers could have or can come out on the whole B/S story seeing how time money and lives are still being loss till this day and will be in the future prob. to the end of time or at least 100 to 200 years from now . get thing that caused real documented damage to the country world and lives lost

      1. e anti Bush media never reported on the 11 trucks that supposedly carried warfare chemicals to Syria and that is what Syria used on its on Christian people.

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