Hollywood Liberals Have Full Meltdown Over Trump Taking Hydroxychloroquine

Hollywood liberals are so consumed by anti-Trump stance that they are all bashing a drug that has the potential to save lives just to make him look bad.

Streisand Midler

The liberal elites of Hollywood have gone into full meltdown mode since President Donald Trump announced on Monday that he has been taking the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against COVID-19.

The mainstream media had a field day after Trump said that he has been taking the drug for a week and feels just fine. Many leftwing outlets pushed the fake news narrative that Trump is only backing hydroxychloroquine because he stands to profit from it financially, claiming that he owns a stake in the pharmaceutical giant Sanofi that makes the drug, according to Breitbart News.

It has previously been found that this narrative is effectively false, as Trump’s financial disclosures show that his financial interest in Sanofi could be as much as $1,485  and as low as $99.10. Even the super-liberal Snopes has debunked claims that Trump is trying to profit financially off the drug, but this did not stop the liberals of Hollywood from trying to spread this narrative, with Barbra Streisand leading the charge:

Actress Mia Farrow also got in on the action by claiming that Trump has nefarious motives when it comes to pushing the drug, with actor Adam Goldberg chiming in to wrongly say that the president is an “investor.”

Bette Midler, who seems to enjoy bashing Trump like it’s her job these days, falsely claimed that hydroxychloroquine has been shown to be “completely ineffective” to fight coronavirus despite the fact that some patients have had fast recoveries after taking the drug.

“Law & Order: SVU” star Christopher Meloni described Trump taking the drug as a “gateway to stupid,” while comedian Chelsea Handler agreed that it was “stupid” for the president to be taking it.

Other stars jumped on the fake news story that Trump had advocated for people to ingest bleach to fight COVID-19, which never actually happened.

Finally, “The West Wing” actor Josh Malina called Trump a “rat” for taking the drug.

Hollywood liberals are so consumed by anti-Trump stance that they are all bashing a drug that has the potential to save lives just to make him look bad.

This piece was written by PopZette Staff on May 19, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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