10 Historical ‘Facts’ Only A Left-Winger Would Believe

historical facts only liberals believe

Liberals are masters of using rhetoric to make their worldview sound like reality, but history tells a very different tale. Here are 10 historical “facts” only a left-winger would believe.

1. Columbus was an imperial conqueror who committed genocide

As with many other problematic historical figures, liberals are intent on erasing Christopher Columbus from history. “Progressive” cities across the country have replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day, under the belief that Columbus was a greedy, conquering savage who murdered mass numbers of Native Americans in cold blood.

But the truth is much more nuanced than that.

First, as many Americans forget, in 1492 Columbus did not sail the ocean blue with the intent of discovering and conquering a new continent; his goal was to help finance the liberation of Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire. Second, while Columbus did indeed treat the natives of the New World poorly, the vast majority of natives who died after his arrival succumbed to diseases. Columbus did not purposefully kill them, and he certainly did not commit genocide.

But liberals don’t care about historical nuance or fact. Columbus was a white man who mistreated people of color, and for that, he is an incarnation of evil who must be struck from history. (RELATED: Christopher Columbus Continues To Be Under Assault From PC Liberals).

 2. The Puritans stole Native American lands

Continuing with the theme of white men disenfranchising people of color, liberals will tell you that the Puritans stole land from the Pequot people to establish the first settlements. However, that just isn’t true.

As Thomas Woods writes in “The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History”:

[…] while the king had issued colonial land grants, the Puritan consensus, evident in their words and their actions, was that the king’s charter conferred political and not property rights to the land, which Puritan settlers sought by means of voluntary cession from the Indians.

In fact, Woods continues, “The colonial governments actually punished individuals who made unauthorized acquisitions of Indian lands.” Roger Williams obtained title from the natives before settling Providence, and even though Plymouth obtained title after settlement, natives gave immediate consent.

3. The Union is blameless in the Civil War

Liberals believe the Civil War was an ultimate battle of good versus evil, with the Confederacy being the decidedly evil party. However, while the South is to blame for the start of the war, it was the North who acted truly despicable during its course.

While the Confederate army largely left the civilian population alone, the same cannot be said for Lincoln’s forces. After establishing himself as military commander of New Orleans on May 1, 1862, General Benjamin Butler issued Order No. 28, which essentially gave occupying Union soldiers the “right to rape.” When news of the order reached Europe, the British prime minister was so disgusted that he condemned Butler of being “guilty in cold blood.”

General William Sherman also infamously employed a “scorched earth” policy in his march across the South, robbing and destroying homes and firebombing entire crops. The destruction was so bad in Mississippi “that the residents had to resort to living in caves and eating rats, dogs, and mules.” Indeed, in the case of Meridien, Mississippi, where no Confederate force existed at the time of his attack, Sherman bragged that he had wiped it off the map.

Gives a whole new meaning to the term “War of Northern Aggression.”

4. The revisionist history of the Ku Klux Klan

Today, the Ku Klux Klan is exclusively associated with right-wing extremism. However, the first incarnation of the KKK was actually formed in an effort to further the interests of the Democratic Party.

The original KKK flourished in the late 1860s and sought to overthrow Republican state governments in the South during Reconstruction. Specifically, Klan members targeted Republican politicians and voters, both black and white, and intimidated and threatened them into silence. As Eric Foner, a Columbia University history professor, said, “In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy.”

However, Foner then attempted to qualify the Klan’s actions: “Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society.”

Another scholar, James Marten, chairman of the history department at Marquette University, dismissed the founding generation of the Klan because it “really only lasted into the 1870s before it was driven underground, and it was not an overtly political organization.”

5. Republicans enforced Jim Crow laws and opposed the Civil Rights Act

Democrats claim that Republicans are responsible for embedding systemic racism in America, but history tells us the exact opposite is true.

Jim Crow laws were enacted and enforced by Democratic politicians (who were elected to office with a forceful helping hand from the KKK) in the former Confederate states beginning in the late 19th century. Nearly 100 years later, when Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower introduced the 1957 Civil Rights Act, it was Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson – a Democrat – who gutted the bill. Strom Thurmond, a Democrat senator from South Carolina and staunch segregationist, sustained the longest one-person filibuster in history in an effort to keep the bill from becoming law. John F. Kennedy, the greatest icon of the Democratic Party, voted against the bill. When the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act came to a vote, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for it than Democrats. Furthermore, Johnson, who was then president, switched sides and renewed the push for civil rights only because he believed doing so would secure the black vote for Democrats.

Just over 10 years later in 1977, Democrats elected former KKK officer Robert Byrd as their Senate Majority Leader. (RELATED: The Truth About Slavery and Civil Rights that Democrats Want to Hide).

6. Labor unions gave us the weekend

In an effort to undermine capitalism and free markets, unionism has long held that the trade union movement created the weekend. But that claim is, in a word, absurd.

The average U.S. workweek was 61 hours in 1870, compared to 34 in 2004. That’s a near doubling of leisure time – and Americans can thank capitalism, not unionism:

The shorter work week is entirely a capitalist invention. As capital investment caused the marginal productivity of labor to increase over time, less labor was required to produce the same levels of output. As competition became more intense, many employers competed for the best employees by offering both better pay and shorter hours. Those who did not offer shorter work weeks were compelled by the forces of competition to offer higher compensating wages or become uncompetitive in the labor market.

The forces of competitive capitalism also effectively eliminated the need for child labor and helped to establish workplace safety standards – both things that unionism claims to have done. In reality, the lobbying efforts of unions to further regulate and tax business has hampered the market economy, thus making everyone worse off economically.

7. Minimum wage laws help minorities and low-skilled workers

Once again, the exact opposite is true. Increased minimum wage disproportionately affects minority and low-skilled workers, who are most likely to be cut loose. This negatively impacts them in the long run, as they need these jobs to learn “grit, self-regulation, motivation, and the ability to work constructively with others” in order to “climb the economic ladder.”

However, it’s not just happenstance that minimum wage laws hurt minorities – they were literally designed to. Famed economist Thomas Sowell gave an uncomfortable historical primer on the racist intent behind minimum wage laws:

In South Africa during the era of apartheid, white labor unions urged that a minimum-wage law be applied to all races, to keep black workers from taking jobs away from white unionized workers by working for less than the union pay scale.

Some supporters of the first federal minimum-wage law in the United States — the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 — used exactly the same rationale, citing the fact that Southern construction companies, using non-union black workers, were able to come north and underbid construction companies using unionized white labor.

Like many liberal policies, minimum wage sounds good, but it just doesn’t work in practice – and it harms the very people it’s supposed to help. (RELATED: $15 Minimum Wage to Cost California 400,000 Jobs).

8. Franklin Roosevelt fixed the Great Depression

Democrats love Big Government, so naturally, they love the massive expansion of federal power that was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Indeed, Democrats and anti-free market Republicans credit the New Deal – and by extension FDR – with ending the Great Depression.

However, the truth is that FDR actually made the depression worse. In summary:

In their understanding of the Depression, Roosevelt and his economic advisers had cause and effect reversed. They did not recognize that prices had fallen because of the Depression. They believed that the Depression prevailed because prices had fallen. The obvious remedy, then, was to raise prices, which they decided to do by creating artificial shortages. Hence arose a collection of crackpot policies designed to cure the Depression by cutting back on production. The scheme was so patently self-defeating that it’s hard to believe anyone seriously believed it would work.

Roosevelt and his allies believed that American business needed Big Government regulation in order to flourish, but in reality, the exact opposite is true (are you noticing a theme?). Unfortunately, Democrats today still adhere to this nonsensical belief, to the detriment of business owners everywhere.

9. The War on Poverty worked

Only a liberal would believe that more government welfare would lead to less dependency on government. Enter John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on poverty.

When Kennedy first proposed a war on poverty, he said, “We must find ways of returning far more of our dependent people to independence.” Johnson later echoed this sentiment, proclaiming that the purpose of the legislation was to make “taxpayers out of taxeaters.”

That didn’t happen. Instead, the war on poverty created a welfare state. Thomas Sowell writes:

Ironically, dependency on government to raise people above the poverty line had been going down for years before the war on poverty began. The hard facts showed that the number of people who lived below the official poverty line had been declining since 1960, and was only half of what it had been in 1950.

On the more fundamental question of dependency, the facts were even clearer. The proportion of people whose earnings put them below the poverty level — without counting government benefits — declined by about one-third from 1950 to 1965.

All this was happening before the war on poverty went into effect — and all these trends reversed after it went into effect.

Handouts don’t breed self-sufficiency. Period.

10. Communism is a worthy cause

This is arguably the biggest and worst of all liberal “truths”: true Communism and/or socialism is a worthy goal.

Communism is the absolute antithesis to the sovereign, self-sufficient individual, so of course, liberals love it. In 2017, The New York Times published an entire series eulogizing Communism and singing its praises. Have they forgotten that Communism killed 94 million people in the 20th century?

Disturbingly, Information is Beautiful found that famine killed 101 million people in the 20th century – and the major famines in that century exclusively took place in Communist countries.

Numbers don’t like: Communism kills. Yet there are a disturbing number of liberals out there who view the world through red-colored lenses.

These are just a few historical “facts” that only liberals believe. What are some others you can think of?

48 thoughts on “10 Historical ‘Facts’ Only A Left-Winger Would Believe”

  1. I believe in Capitalism. These democrats need to be put back in the closet to collect more dust. Added to the dust they have coming off them now. We don’t need them pukes in our life. We cannot allow these POS to win over us EVER! I will not stand for it! I will put up one hell of a fight if any of them think they are going to have me living in there world. HELL NO WAY! They will go out trying I’ll tell ya now. Socialism and Communism is NOT what this country is about! Bring in the KKK we may need them boys! YeeeeeHawww get em cowboys!

  2. I believe in Capitalism. These democrats need to be put back in the closet to collect more dust. Added to the dust they have coming off them now. We don’t need them pukes in our life. We cannot allow these POS to win over us EVER! I will not stand for it! I will put up one hell of a fight if any of them think they are going to have me living in there world. HELL NO WAY! They will go out trying I’ll tell ya now. Socialism and Communism is NOT what this country is about! Bring in the KKK we may need them boys! YeeeeeHawww get em cowboys!

  3. Who wrote this and what was the point? Do a little research on the Civil War. The South never occupied the North. All of the South was rebellious – and a collective war organization. Sherman’s scorched earth practices were to take away war-fighting enablers from Lee’s armies – food, materials, transportation, communication, and public support. It was effective. The fact that the South continued the war for two years after the Fall of Vicksburg and the crushing defeat at Gettysburg, when they could have surrendered and sought a path back into the Union, places ALL of the hardships of war that the South suffered directly at the feet of Jefferson Davis and the rebel government. It is not a Left vs. Right debate, it is a Wrong vs. Right debate – and the North won because Lincoln and Grant understood the concept of total war, and practiced it with skill.

  4. …I believe that virtually EVERY evil, every ill, every catastrophe befalling the ENTIRE globe at this point in time can be traced back to communism/socialism/liberalism/LEFTIST FASCISM/democrat (USA)/labor(UK)/…and ALL of the social-engineering/social-upheaval, far from being ‘unintended’ consequences’, were/are ABSOLUTELY deliberate and nothing but schemes/tactics by lazy, untalented, unskilled and unprincipled scum to concoct some way of enriching themselves by not having to get a REAL job!!

  5. The statement about, “Socialism equals no ruling class”, sounds a little like anarchy, and as I told a student in one of my classes who professed to be an ‘anarchist’, “if there is no government (by liberal definition, the ‘ruling class’), the “biggest, baddest guy in the neighborhood will run things, and son, that isn’t you.” How absolutely desirable and….how absolutely naïve! Throughout history, SOMEBODY has always run things, from the neighborhood kids, to tribal societies, to countries and kingdoms, somebody will run things! Our job as citizens is to see that they are accountable to us, not live in a dream world where there is no gov’t/’ruling class’.

  6. The statement about, “Socialism equals no ruling class”, sounds a little like anarchy, and as I told a student in one of my classes who professed to be an ‘anarchist’, “if there is no government (by liberal definition, the ‘ruling class’), the “biggest, baddest guy in the neighborhood will run things, and son, that isn’t you.” How absolutely desirable and….how absolutely naïve! Throughout history, SOMEBODY has always run things, from the neighborhood kids, to tribal societies, to countries and kingdoms, somebody will run things! Our job as citizens is to see that they are accountable to us, not live in a dream world where there is no gov’t/’ruling class’.

  7. The Religious and Liberals are similar in that while most people start out being Religious and Liberals, as the age gaining in both experience and knowledge, many of the Religious become Atheists and many of the Liberals become Conservatives.

    I ask, if being a liberal is the way to go, then why do so very many Liberals, as they age gaining in both experience and knowledge, become Conservatives? And why do about zero Conservatives, who also gain both experience and knowledge as they age, not become Liberals?

    This fact is easily proven by doing a google search for: “Former Famous Liberals” and finding long lists, of them while google searching for: “Former Famous Conservatives” will produce about zero of them?

  8. The Religious and Liberals are similar in that while most people start out being Religious and Liberals, as the age gaining in both experience and knowledge, many of the Religious become Atheists and many of the Liberals become Conservatives.

    I ask, if being a liberal is the way to go, then why do so very many Liberals, as they age gaining in both experience and knowledge, become Conservatives? And why do about zero Conservatives, who also gain both experience and knowledge as they age, not become Liberals?

    This fact is easily proven by doing a google search for: “Former Famous Liberals” and finding long lists, of them while google searching for: “Former Famous Conservatives” will produce about zero of them?

  9. “I am a LIBERAL and from what I have been taught in College by top “CAPITALIST ECONOMIST PROFESSORS”
    …you have been indoctrinated…brainwashed…not taught..
    “Along with being one of those “LIBERALS”, I am also a “CAPITALIST”!”…
    …impossible…if for no other reason than that your fellow fascists will not allow you to be both…
    “From personal experience, I have noticed that when we have a Republican President that the redistribution of wealth takes from me and gives to people who “don’t need it” and won’t miss it ! On the contrary, when we have a Democrat President, my net worth increases!”
    …perhaps you’re a moocher who derives the benefits of the pay-to-play schemes of the fascists, a la ohbummer and his various ‘green’ scams, as opposed to actually working/investing in private industry…otherwise your statement is a total fabrication…

  10. I am a LIBERAL and from what I have been taught in College by top “CAPITALIST ECONOMIST PROFESSORS” is at odds with your manipulated data! Along with being one of those “LIBERALS”, I am also a “CAPITALIST”! From personal experience, I have noticed that when we have a Republican President that the redistribution of wealth takes from me and gives to people who “don’t need it” and won’t miss it ! On the contrary, when we have a Democrat President, my net worth increases!

  11. I am a LIBERAL and from what I have been taught in College by top “CAPITALIST ECONOMIST PROFESSORS” is at odds with your manipulated data! Along with being one of those “LIBERALS”, I am also a “CAPITALIST”! From personal experience, I have noticed that when we have a Republican President that the redistribution of wealth takes from me and gives to people who “don’t need it” and won’t miss it ! On the contrary, when we have a Democrat President, my net worth increases!

  12. Your definition is socialism at its best, but it never works out that way. all nations ends up with an elite class that rules. using socialism as its flattery of the tongue, while they harbor the poison of asps under their lips. and it is all because of Jer 17:9 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? KJV the reason liberals can’t stand conservatives is found in John 3 :19-21, 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. KJV

  13. Your definition is socialism at its best, but it never works out that way. all nations ends up with an elite class that rules. using socialism as its flattery of the tongue, while they harbor the poison of asps under their lips. and it is all because of Jer 17:9 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? KJV the reason liberals can’t stand conservatives is found in John 3 :19-21, 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. KJV

  14. I have some “friends” locally that are decidedly left wing. In any discussion, they without fail will try to bring up something, anything that is wrong about our current POTUS. Facts are a total waste of time, no point mentioning any successes, because several of them will then go into spittle spewing outrage, and a few have then become violent and threatening. Like a guy on my bowling team, when hearing that I thought Trump was doing a good job on taxes? He sought me out, at one point had me pressed back against the lockers in the restroom.
    Needless to say, he is no longer on our bowling team, and should, in time, heal up. I grew up with three older brothers and survived that, you see.
    Liberals really ARE.. INSANE!

  15. Facts that conservatives they would like to deny.
    First, Columbus was one of many Europeans who would come to the new world as they did in the rest of the world to colonize and exploit, subdue and destroy native lands, languages and culture. This nonsense ended after the Second World War when colonization was no long accepted as the norm.
    Second, the Puritans were not very nice people. They were persecuted in England because during the English Civil war an English king was assassinated by someone who happened to be a Puritan. First they Puritans went to Holland, a liberal country that too liberal for the Puritans. They then set sail for America where they landed in Plymouth Rock after being diverted by a storm from their original destination of Jamestown. The Puritans were no too tolerant of other people’s views. If you were not a Puritan, you were not welcome in Puritan Massachusetts. Roger Williams found conditions in the colony so bad he formed his own colony of Rhode Island. Eventually the Puritans began to turn against each other, suspecting their own of being witches which led to the Salem Witch Trials, which is where the term “witch hunt” originated.
    The Confederacy was the victim of the Civil war.
    It was the Democratic Party that formed the KKK only because southerners would not join the Republican Party because that was the party of Lincoln. Eventually, southern Democrats, some of whom were infamous segregationists, i.e., Orville Fabus, Storm Thurmond, James O. Eastland, would join the Republican Party in the 1960’s thanks largely to the “southern strategy” used by Barry Goldwater and later Richard Nixon to feed off white resentment in southern states. One more fact about the KKK, it would reach the height of its power in the 1920’s in Indiana, a norther state, where it would control the governorship, the state house and the state legislature, not to mention the mayor ship of Indianapolis all of whom were Republicans, not Democrats.
    Those same Democrats would enforce Jim Crow laws and oppose segregation because they had not left the Democratic Party and didn’t do so until after President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. In doing so, Johnson, who was from Texas, knew he would lose the south, but he did it anyway because it was the right thing.
    It was unions who fought for the forty-hour work week, minimum wage, paid over time, elimination of child labor, etc., not the capitalists who fought tooth and nail against it. Saying otherwise is a lie only Donald Trump would believe.
    Franklin Roosevelt fixed the Great Depression. After the Stock Market Crash of 1929, brought to you by those who think businesses, banks and brokerage houses did not need oversite and/or regulation, unemployment went from near zero to 25% by 1932. Hoover kept thinking the economy would straighten itself if left alone. Roosevelt came in with his New Deal and cut unemployment in half by 1936. Among other things, the New Deal gave FDIC, FSLIC, the Securities & Exchange Commission, Fannie Mae and Freed Mac, TVA, rural electrification, etc. Only with massive subsidies was unemployment going down. History, unfortuantley, repeated itself in 1987 and 2008 when government did not do its job of governing and let financial run amok. Any time that happens, and that only happen when the GOP is in charge, the economy goes to Hell.
    The War on Poverty actually did work because it reduced poverty. In the 1980’s Ronald Reagan waved the white flag of surrender on the war on poverty and poverty in this country had steadily grown since with the middle class shrinking.
    Communism is not a worthy cause, but neither is capitalism because right now the latter isn’t working too well for most people.

  16. Facts that conservatives they would like to deny.
    First, Columbus was one of many Europeans who would come to the new world as they did in the rest of the world to colonize and exploit, subdue and destroy native lands, languages and culture. This nonsense ended after the Second World War when colonization was no long accepted as the norm.
    Second, the Puritans were not very nice people. They were persecuted in England because during the English Civil war an English king was assassinated by someone who happened to be a Puritan. First they Puritans went to Holland, a liberal country that too liberal for the Puritans. They then set sail for America where they landed in Plymouth Rock after being diverted by a storm from their original destination of Jamestown. The Puritans were no too tolerant of other people’s views. If you were not a Puritan, you were not welcome in Puritan Massachusetts. Roger Williams found conditions in the colony so bad he formed his own colony of Rhode Island. Eventually the Puritans began to turn against each other, suspecting their own of being witches which led to the Salem Witch Trials, which is where the term “witch hunt” originated.
    The Confederacy was the victim of the Civil war.
    It was the Democratic Party that formed the KKK only because southerners would not join the Republican Party because that was the party of Lincoln. Eventually, southern Democrats, some of whom were infamous segregationists, i.e., Orville Fabus, Storm Thurmond, James O. Eastland, would join the Republican Party in the 1960’s thanks largely to the “southern strategy” used by Barry Goldwater and later Richard Nixon to feed off white resentment in southern states. One more fact about the KKK, it would reach the height of its power in the 1920’s in Indiana, a norther state, where it would control the governorship, the state house and the state legislature, not to mention the mayor ship of Indianapolis all of whom were Republicans, not Democrats.
    Those same Democrats would enforce Jim Crow laws and oppose segregation because they had not left the Democratic Party and didn’t do so until after President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. In doing so, Johnson, who was from Texas, knew he would lose the south, but he did it anyway because it was the right thing.
    It was unions who fought for the forty-hour work week, minimum wage, paid over time, elimination of child labor, etc., not the capitalists who fought tooth and nail against it. Saying otherwise is a lie only Donald Trump would believe.
    Franklin Roosevelt fixed the Great Depression. After the Stock Market Crash of 1929, brought to you by those who think businesses, banks and brokerage houses did not need oversite and/or regulation, unemployment went from near zero to 25% by 1932. Hoover kept thinking the economy would straighten itself if left alone. Roosevelt came in with his New Deal and cut unemployment in half by 1936. Among other things, the New Deal gave FDIC, FSLIC, the Securities & Exchange Commission, Fannie Mae and Freed Mac, TVA, rural electrification, etc. Only with massive subsidies was unemployment going down. History, unfortuantley, repeated itself in 1987 and 2008 when government did not do its job of governing and let financial run amok. Any time that happens, and that only happen when the GOP is in charge, the economy goes to Hell.
    The War on Poverty actually did work because it reduced poverty. In the 1980’s Ronald Reagan waved the white flag of surrender on the war on poverty and poverty in this country had steadily grown since with the middle class shrinking.
    Communism is not a worthy cause, but neither is capitalism because right now the latter isn’t working too well for most people.

  17. I could (I am 83+ yo) comment on several but will limit to #4 the KKK. The KKK was NOT created “just” to “serve the interests of the Democratic party” or to “overthrow – – – Republican state governments”. Unionists set blacks “free” without any resources to survive. Additionally, “criminal” whites descended on the defeated South. Southern survivors were deprived of home and property to be made “targets” of those freed slave and criminal white thugs. As so often happens with “victors”, women (of all ages) of the defeated were subjected to rape and murder. In order to create some kind of defense mechanism, Southern survivors. joined together to form a kind of private protection force – eventually named the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK operated under cover of sheets to protect identities FROM occupying union forces, who would have arrested and hung any KKK members identified. Over the years, KKK membership and activities grew or declined according to behaviors and activities of anti-white hate groups. Unfortunately, as in MANY organizations, hateful and dangerous fringe members participated in extreme and dreadful activities (can anyone see a similarity here os current BLM, demoncrap extremists, lgbtq, etc,?) that overshadowed the more conservative members and activities.

  18. Bob has nailed it with his remembrance of Norman Thomas. America is now far advanced down what Friedrich Hayek called The Road To Serfdom. Of course liberals will never acknowledge any of these negative truths about their socialist agenda because, for the most part, they don’t really care about that. What they care about is POWER – power to eventually establish control over every aspect of our lives – and the so-called Swamp in Washington (aka the deep state or the administrative state) is the agency with which they hope to achieve that goal. Had Hillary Clinton won the election, they would have come within shouting distance of it, but she lost – shockingly – and now, because of Trump, they’re all in a raging panic that their goal, hovering almost within their grasp, is now crumbling into ruins. This probably explains, as well as anything, the amazing level of frothing hatred he has aroused among the Left.

  19. Bob has nailed it with his remembrance of Norman Thomas. America is now far advanced down what Friedrich Hayek called The Road To Serfdom. Of course liberals will never acknowledge any of these negative truths about their socialist agenda because, for the most part, they don’t really care about that. What they care about is POWER – power to eventually establish control over every aspect of our lives – and the so-called Swamp in Washington (aka the deep state or the administrative state) is the agency with which they hope to achieve that goal. Had Hillary Clinton won the election, they would have come within shouting distance of it, but she lost – shockingly – and now, because of Trump, they’re all in a raging panic that their goal, hovering almost within their grasp, is now crumbling into ruins. This probably explains, as well as anything, the amazing level of frothing hatred he has aroused among the Left.

  20. Socialism/Communism has never worked in any country or society. It has always failed every time it rears its ugly head. All dictatorships who have used causing the people to live without questioning the leader dictator. All people live in poverty while the leader lives off the labors of the working class. (George Orwell 1983). Now the elite ruling class doesn’t particularly care that the ignorant, deplorable, gun-toting and beer drinking ignorant masses. Now we can watch them twist and turn in the wind as President Trump wakes the people to Democrat disaster.

  21. Norman Thomas said this in a 1944 speech: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” He went on to say: “I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”

  22. I believe in Capitalism. These democrats need to be put back in the closet to collect more dust. Added to the dust they have coming off them now. We don’t need them pukes in our life. We cannot allow these POS to win over us EVER! I will not stand for it! I will put up one hell of a fight if any of them think they are going to have me living in there world. HELL NO WAY! They will go out trying I’ll tell ya now. Socialism and Communism is NOT what this country is about! Bring in the KKK we may need them boys! YeeeeeHawww get em cowboys!

  23. Who wrote this and what was the point? Do a little research on the Civil War. The South never occupied the North. All of the South was rebellious – and a collective war organization. Sherman’s scorched earth practices were to take away war-fighting enablers from Lee’s armies – food, materials, transportation, communication, and public support. It was effective. The fact that the South continued the war for two years after the Fall of Vicksburg and the crushing defeat at Gettysburg, when they could have surrendered and sought a path back into the Union, places ALL of the hardships of war that the South suffered directly at the feet of Jefferson Davis and the rebel government. It is not a Left vs. Right debate, it is a Wrong vs. Right debate – and the North won because Lincoln and Grant understood the concept of total war, and practiced it with skill.

  24. …I believe that virtually EVERY evil, every ill, every catastrophe befalling the ENTIRE globe at this point in time can be traced back to communism/socialism/liberalism/LEFTIST FASCISM/democrat (USA)/labor(UK)/…and ALL of the social-engineering/social-upheaval, far from being ‘unintended’ consequences’, were/are ABSOLUTELY deliberate and nothing but schemes/tactics by lazy, untalented, unskilled and unprincipled scum to concoct some way of enriching themselves by not having to get a REAL job!!

  25. The statement about, “Socialism equals no ruling class”, sounds a little like anarchy, and as I told a student in one of my classes who professed to be an ‘anarchist’, “if there is no government (by liberal definition, the ‘ruling class’), the “biggest, baddest guy in the neighborhood will run things, and son, that isn’t you.” How absolutely desirable and….how absolutely naïve! Throughout history, SOMEBODY has always run things, from the neighborhood kids, to tribal societies, to countries and kingdoms, somebody will run things! Our job as citizens is to see that they are accountable to us, not live in a dream world where there is no gov’t/’ruling class’.

  26. I am a LIBERAL and from what I have been taught in College by top “CAPITALIST ECONOMIST PROFESSORS” is at odds with your manipulated data! Along with being one of those “LIBERALS”, I am also a “CAPITALIST”! From personal experience, I have noticed that when we have a Republican President that the redistribution of wealth takes from me and gives to people who “don’t need it” and won’t miss it ! On the contrary, when we have a Democrat President, my net worth increases!

    1. “I am a LIBERAL and from what I have been taught in College by top “CAPITALIST ECONOMIST PROFESSORS”
      …you have been indoctrinated…brainwashed…not taught..
      “Along with being one of those “LIBERALS”, I am also a “CAPITALIST”!”…
      …impossible…if for no other reason than that your fellow fascists will not allow you to be both…
      “From personal experience, I have noticed that when we have a Republican President that the redistribution of wealth takes from me and gives to people who “don’t need it” and won’t miss it ! On the contrary, when we have a Democrat President, my net worth increases!”
      …perhaps you’re a moocher who derives the benefits of the pay-to-play schemes of the fascists, a la ohbummer and his various ‘green’ scams, as opposed to actually working/investing in private industry…otherwise your statement is a total fabrication…

    2. The Religious and Liberals are similar in that while most people start out being Religious and Liberals, as the age gaining in both experience and knowledge, many of the Religious become Atheists and many of the Liberals become Conservatives.

      I ask, if being a liberal is the way to go, then why do so very many Liberals, as they age gaining in both experience and knowledge, become Conservatives? And why do about zero Conservatives, who also gain both experience and knowledge as they age, not become Liberals?

      This fact is easily proven by doing a google search for: “Former Famous Liberals” and finding long lists, of them while google searching for: “Former Famous Conservatives” will produce about zero of them?

  27. Your definition is socialism at its best, but it never works out that way. all nations ends up with an elite class that rules. using socialism as its flattery of the tongue, while they harbor the poison of asps under their lips. and it is all because of Jer 17:9 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? KJV the reason liberals can’t stand conservatives is found in John 3 :19-21, 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. KJV

  28. I have some “friends” locally that are decidedly left wing. In any discussion, they without fail will try to bring up something, anything that is wrong about our current POTUS. Facts are a total waste of time, no point mentioning any successes, because several of them will then go into spittle spewing outrage, and a few have then become violent and threatening. Like a guy on my bowling team, when hearing that I thought Trump was doing a good job on taxes? He sought me out, at one point had me pressed back against the lockers in the restroom.
    Needless to say, he is no longer on our bowling team, and should, in time, heal up. I grew up with three older brothers and survived that, you see.
    Liberals really ARE.. INSANE!

  29. Facts that conservatives they would like to deny.
    First, Columbus was one of many Europeans who would come to the new world as they did in the rest of the world to colonize and exploit, subdue and destroy native lands, languages and culture. This nonsense ended after the Second World War when colonization was no long accepted as the norm.
    Second, the Puritans were not very nice people. They were persecuted in England because during the English Civil war an English king was assassinated by someone who happened to be a Puritan. First they Puritans went to Holland, a liberal country that too liberal for the Puritans. They then set sail for America where they landed in Plymouth Rock after being diverted by a storm from their original destination of Jamestown. The Puritans were no too tolerant of other people’s views. If you were not a Puritan, you were not welcome in Puritan Massachusetts. Roger Williams found conditions in the colony so bad he formed his own colony of Rhode Island. Eventually the Puritans began to turn against each other, suspecting their own of being witches which led to the Salem Witch Trials, which is where the term “witch hunt” originated.
    The Confederacy was the victim of the Civil war.
    It was the Democratic Party that formed the KKK only because southerners would not join the Republican Party because that was the party of Lincoln. Eventually, southern Democrats, some of whom were infamous segregationists, i.e., Orville Fabus, Storm Thurmond, James O. Eastland, would join the Republican Party in the 1960’s thanks largely to the “southern strategy” used by Barry Goldwater and later Richard Nixon to feed off white resentment in southern states. One more fact about the KKK, it would reach the height of its power in the 1920’s in Indiana, a norther state, where it would control the governorship, the state house and the state legislature, not to mention the mayor ship of Indianapolis all of whom were Republicans, not Democrats.
    Those same Democrats would enforce Jim Crow laws and oppose segregation because they had not left the Democratic Party and didn’t do so until after President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. In doing so, Johnson, who was from Texas, knew he would lose the south, but he did it anyway because it was the right thing.
    It was unions who fought for the forty-hour work week, minimum wage, paid over time, elimination of child labor, etc., not the capitalists who fought tooth and nail against it. Saying otherwise is a lie only Donald Trump would believe.
    Franklin Roosevelt fixed the Great Depression. After the Stock Market Crash of 1929, brought to you by those who think businesses, banks and brokerage houses did not need oversite and/or regulation, unemployment went from near zero to 25% by 1932. Hoover kept thinking the economy would straighten itself if left alone. Roosevelt came in with his New Deal and cut unemployment in half by 1936. Among other things, the New Deal gave FDIC, FSLIC, the Securities & Exchange Commission, Fannie Mae and Freed Mac, TVA, rural electrification, etc. Only with massive subsidies was unemployment going down. History, unfortuantley, repeated itself in 1987 and 2008 when government did not do its job of governing and let financial run amok. Any time that happens, and that only happen when the GOP is in charge, the economy goes to Hell.
    The War on Poverty actually did work because it reduced poverty. In the 1980’s Ronald Reagan waved the white flag of surrender on the war on poverty and poverty in this country had steadily grown since with the middle class shrinking.
    Communism is not a worthy cause, but neither is capitalism because right now the latter isn’t working too well for most people.

  30. I could (I am 83+ yo) comment on several but will limit to #4 the KKK. The KKK was NOT created “just” to “serve the interests of the Democratic party” or to “overthrow – – – Republican state governments”. Unionists set blacks “free” without any resources to survive. Additionally, “criminal” whites descended on the defeated South. Southern survivors were deprived of home and property to be made “targets” of those freed slave and criminal white thugs. As so often happens with “victors”, women (of all ages) of the defeated were subjected to rape and murder. In order to create some kind of defense mechanism, Southern survivors. joined together to form a kind of private protection force – eventually named the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK operated under cover of sheets to protect identities FROM occupying union forces, who would have arrested and hung any KKK members identified. Over the years, KKK membership and activities grew or declined according to behaviors and activities of anti-white hate groups. Unfortunately, as in MANY organizations, hateful and dangerous fringe members participated in extreme and dreadful activities (can anyone see a similarity here os current BLM, demoncrap extremists, lgbtq, etc,?) that overshadowed the more conservative members and activities.

  31. Bob has nailed it with his remembrance of Norman Thomas. America is now far advanced down what Friedrich Hayek called The Road To Serfdom. Of course liberals will never acknowledge any of these negative truths about their socialist agenda because, for the most part, they don’t really care about that. What they care about is POWER – power to eventually establish control over every aspect of our lives – and the so-called Swamp in Washington (aka the deep state or the administrative state) is the agency with which they hope to achieve that goal. Had Hillary Clinton won the election, they would have come within shouting distance of it, but she lost – shockingly – and now, because of Trump, they’re all in a raging panic that their goal, hovering almost within their grasp, is now crumbling into ruins. This probably explains, as well as anything, the amazing level of frothing hatred he has aroused among the Left.

  32. Socialism/Communism has never worked in any country or society. It has always failed every time it rears its ugly head. All dictatorships who have used causing the people to live without questioning the leader dictator. All people live in poverty while the leader lives off the labors of the working class. (George Orwell 1983). Now the elite ruling class doesn’t particularly care that the ignorant, deplorable, gun-toting and beer drinking ignorant masses. Now we can watch them twist and turn in the wind as President Trump wakes the people to Democrat disaster.

  33. Norman Thomas said this in a 1944 speech: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” He went on to say: “I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”

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